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I constantly watch/listen to this at least once a week. The stress of being an atheist can be overwhelming at times.

TRWZ 4 Sep 5

Enjoy being online again!

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Awww this is so sad.


I am sorry that she lives somewhere that she faces this sort of discrimination. As an atheist I actually don't care what cult followers say about me their opinion does not matter. Once you get into that mind set you do not feel worthless just because a cultist says it. You look at them laugh and walk away.

My own nastiness inclines me to return fire: "Either demonstrate the existence of this god of your or shut the f*ck up.".

@anglophone Means you are secure in yourself and your choices, you know who and what you are and so it is hard for them to attack you. Good on you. (mind you I also feel slightly sorry for the cultist that turned up on my doorstep weeks after my mother's sudden death and the stillbirth of a friend's baby. Boy did they cope a lot of my pent up anger and hatred fired in a very narrow band at them.)


Sorry if I sound a bit on the 'cold and uncaring side' here but who the f'ck wrote that script?
Someone nominate her for an Oscar please.
I've been an Atheist since childhood, my fellow siblings all went and became religious, i.e. 1 went Catholic, 1 went Lutheran, 1 went full on J.W. and the other turned into being a Hare Krishna (hairy Crushed-nuts in Aussie parlance LOL), I never went through the things she's describing, I even brought my late daughter up as an Atheist and she never copped any flack as she's describing.
Geez, I've known many a person who has dumped religion and found that life is far far better without it so what the blazes is she on about, Atheism, imo, IS the Good life bar none.


Atheism, depression and family conflicts are three completely separate things. Sometimes, they come up together, sometimes they don't. Don't mix things up.



Why do you find being an atheist stressful?

As an atheist since age 13, I feel happy, strong and confident about being an atheist.


When you have a sibling who has literally lost their mind to religion to the extent that their entire identity is defined by such extremism, the impact it can have can be beyond horrific, especially if you are the only family member who has managed to escape such ideologies. I can empathize with Tally 100%, as I am in the exact same situation.

palex Level 6 Sep 6, 2020

Personally, I find that being an atheist frees me from many, many sources of stress. Much more relaxing independence.


She needs to get rid of all stress and do not be drug into the stress of others. Do this and also get rid of all anger. You cannot be at peace if you are stressed by others or hating others.

I now give an example. Yesterday my step father died in a hospital in Fenton, Mo. His stress is over and he really did not want to be around since my mom died. My stress now is in getting the funeral all worked out for next week. I have no anger.


Depressing and frustrating to watch. I can't fathom how watching that clip repeatedly could help YOU in anyway, ...unless you meant as a motivation to try to help others??
That woman is clearly depressed and needs to learn how to care less about others' opinions. I have to suspect she lacks a decent social support net. I hope the abundance of encouraging comnents her page is receiving helps her find some perspective to do just that. But ugh! Exhausting to listen to that for fifteen minutes.


Damn woman get it together show some self respect.
Key word "self" respect.
Try being a transgender atheist from rural Alabama.
I had to be honest with me, and I had to slam the door on family after they turned their backs on me over and over.
I am alone, but I am not sad, nor do I give in to morbid self reflection.
I have a brother that's alive that I keep blocked, he got a new phone and called me, so I blocked him again.


Sometimes as a child when you have your own mind and views about life and its goings-on, you're not allowed to express it for fear of being afraid of authoratative parents and the community or society around you. ...and unfortunately that fear doesn't give you strength to confront these issues even into adulthood. Now we all know that religion and religious teachings instil a measure of fear in you. when you decide to turn on it for what it really is, you are called out by those around you who have fallen for all its trappings. You are ousted from family and society. Living in the USA is an example of that (including Islamic countries).
Thankfully I saw this make-belief for what it really was as a child, and started asking questions. I think most children just follow-on in life with what was done and worshipped by their parents.
I refused to throw milk and flowers over stone gods and bow down to it. ...when I asked "when are these gods going to move or even open their eyes" , i got murderous looks, a beating by my mother, and was called "a rude child" by family and others. I secretly went to a church to see what's different and was greeted by the same (new) crap. Ffs why do parents instil their belief systems on their children and force them to do and say things they don't agree with? Why should we be born into conformity???? After all we are little people! Yes, I too don't have family and I don't care. I left home when I could, I interacted with other people. I later learnt I was someone others would call an Atheist. Now I had a name for not agreeing with crap. ...well so be it! I raised my kids with no religion or no god following. FuCk that honestly! ...and why are people, well mostly people from the USA, who are from christian families, afraid of speaking up for fear of this and that. It seems like "the so-called free world" is not so free after all. It keeps your views (chained) in prison or else! We are free to say we are Atheists in SA regardless of those who wish to express their christian duty (or other) by condemning us to hell. Religion is kept from our public schools, except those schools who are private and whose foundation are based on religious principles or practices and you choose to go there. ...but also BS really. I am an open Atheist anywhere, everywhere, at work, my life in general. As for the emotional breakdown of the lady in the video, she's surrounded by a christian-branded community (including her family) and she needs to somewhat break FREE (free herself) from this (bullying) in-your-face bible-bashing christian society. Its never easy, especially in the USA, from what I've learnt on this site. Most Americans have to be afraid of voicing their un-christian opinions. Where's the freedom in that?


When other people cause this kind of distress, the best thing to do is excise them from your life, it is simply a matter of survival, perseverance, happiness. When people insist on making you miserable, there is no reason for you to allow it. On top of that, I find that people who devalue the lives of others are just simply not the kind of people I want to hang around, they culpable in many ways, often of injustices against others in many ways. Also, if someone talks bad about another person behind their back, they are not worth hanging out with, because if they talk like that about someone when they are not present, they likely will talk about you behind your back. If a food is poisonous to someone, they avoid it, so to it should be with toxic people.


She needs the sceptic community badly. Its a pity we can't send her a message about sites like this.

Well you could just leave comments on her channel.

@prometheus Thought of that and may do so.

@prometheus Guess what. I went, and all credit to the atheist/agnostic community, she already has over two hundred and eighty comments, nearly all offering good advice and support. Did not really doubt she would. Give ourselves a pat on the back ?


Very, very sorry for her....


Anybody who tells me that I am worthless because "[I am] without God" is flaunting not only their own defects of cognition but also their own defects of personality. I do not allow such cretins to make me feel shamed, for they merely shame themselves: I do not need their valueless approval to justify my own existence.

@TRWZ Thank you.

Exactly my opinion and therefore nothing they say can affect me.

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