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Throughout my life, I've had to slowly learn that Perfection doesn't exist... Speaking of another that doesn't exist, I hear some people saying that God is Perfect and Makes No Mistakes... I disagree knowing that we can point out Some Mistakes made. What y'all got?

Bigtank9401 5 Oct 14

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Perfection is not a destination, it is a road to be traveled.

Master Po
Kung Fu 1972


My late, Africa born, mother was expelled from a catholic convent when aged 11.
The convent was in Belgium, which had a very lax attitude to washing, but because my mother was of "English culture", a concession was made whereby she was allowed to bath once a week. However, she was not allowed to remove her chemise when doing so, because "her body was sinful and so she should not gaze upon it,"
She pondered this problem until she was ready to present it. Then one day, in class, with all the other girls listening, she said.
"God made us, didn't he?"
"Yes, my child, God indeed made us."
"God never does anything wrong, does he?"
"That's right, my child, God never does anything wrong."
"So, if God made us, and God never does anything wrong, WHY IS MY BODY SINFUL?"
She had always been critical, and now, with all the others clamouring for an answer, the Convent expelled her. She then went to a secular school near Saddler's Wells, in England.


All knowing, all powerful, yet still surprised that things don't turn out as planned... right.

Yep, but as always the Faithfools lay the blame on Satan and where it truly belongs.
After all, as an old saying goes, "It is a bad workman who always blames his own tools."


It was all going well until Geezzuuuss ate those beans and had to fart.


No argument/disagreement with me on that subject.
Imo, this totally imaginary Abrahamic based God is a 100% fuck-up, Misogynistic, Sadistic, Genocidal, Brutal, Murderous, Demanding Despotic, Ego-centric, Psychopathic, Socio-pathic, Fear and War Mongering, Blood-lusting, Scumbag Arse-hole which, imo, would make even Vlad the Impaler seem like a Choirboy.


"God is Perfect and Makes No Mistakes"?
explain these then, apple pizza & chocolate flavour potato crisps/chips



Words of strive for perfection, is a expect perfection, in yourself, or anyone irrational


I tell uptight perfectionists that
I am perfectly imperfect

That's almost a "tense" comment.


Of course, God can not make mistakes, he doesn't exist. Tinkerbell can't make mistakes either.

Of course not, because Tinkerbell is perfect.


Of course God is perfect! Only something imaginary could be.


All things are relative, including 'perfection'.
To me, a pizza is imperfect if it lacks anchovies. Most other people would strongly disagree!


My daughter has a birth defect, which I'm not going to get into but will say that it is visible, but doesn't stop her from any of the activities of life. Something didn't trigger in her DNA when she was developing in the womb, and that's that.

Anyway, my ex used to tell her, "God doesn't make mistakes," in other words, she was intended to have this imperfection. I know my ex meant this to be comforting, but to me (at the time, I was already agnostic and well on the way to becoming an atheist) it seemed to be an example of cruelty. If "God" was supervising the fetal development of every single child, why not make sure they were all perfect? Why have birth defects at all? Why let children be born deaf, blind, or with some other handicap? Is it supposed to build character?

So, unwittingly, my ex contributed greatly to my journey as an atheist. If I still believed in God, I think I'd have to hate him for inflicting so much suffering on innocent children. My daughter not least.


Letting his best mate Lucifer getting so pissed off that he’s hell bent on changing creation...and giving him the power to do it? (But here’s the game changer; it’s just a story 😉).

I don't believe in any of that stuff either. Just for the fun of the Conversation. That's also 1 of the reasons I brung it up. Lucifer lol


We all learn from mistakes, they are from which we learn to be better.

Most of us yes. But there are always exceptions. We know who those are.


Nature doesn't make mistakes, it just does what it does. You might not like some outcome, but that doesn't mean it's a mistake.


Yes, god is perfect and we still have birth defects. How did that happen? Oh, yes. Sin in somebodies life. Now I got it.

What a brain hack!! Lol


Knees....incredibly poor design in both humans& dogs, you don't even have to look as far as your feet.

@DangerDave haven't been able to kneel since my first replacement failed just 6 weeks after it was done...the do-over, before the original op has healed (because gangrene can set in) leaves Massive scar tissue

@AnneWimsey I know exactly how bloody hard life is when arthritis, etc, rears its ugly head.
But I always say to myself that I'm dead lucky that I'm not a Catholic/Muslim or the like because IF I had to kneel all the time I'd never be able to get up again.
Jeez Louise, the 'athr' in my right leg gets so bad that most times I couldn't manage to run out of sight in a London Fog.

@Triphid I have fallen over in my yard pulling vines, etc, and had to crawl to a big rock & even then it sure wasn't pretty! Stubborn tenacity is Very important to me, lol!

@AnneWimsey Jeez, we'd make a pretty good pair I reckon.
I'm still the sort who lives by the idea of, "well I can't that job as fast as I used to do it, BUT I'm still going to do it anyway."

@Triphid still maintaining the home & yard.....just takes freakin' Forever, for sure!

@Triphid wait...."run"???? What is this "run" you mentioned?!

@AnneWimsey Yeah I'm still trying remember what that action is/was myself.
It's kind of like sex, I can recall what it was, vaguely.

Bite yer tongue ! I'm Old, not dead!


If God existed and he was perfect, how did he create such imperfection in human beings? It's a question no one can come up with a valid answer for.


Perfection DOES exist! I give you Salma Hayek!

'Nuff said!


Perfection means nothing can be done to make it better. The item is finished in being made and nothing more is left to do, nor can be done.

What is imperfect? Everything. Everything is imperfect. Name one thing that IS perfect? Even the proton decays, so that's not perfect. Light shifts in its wavelength over time. The Universe is a disaster.

The one thing one can say about God which is perfect is that no one can say anything about God with authority or proof. The one thing to be said about God which is perfect is that nothing can be said by anyone anywhere of any Truth. Nothing can be added to make this more complete.

Anything that anyone says about to God is a perfect lie.


Funny how no theist has been able to give me objective evidence any god exist. I don't think that god is real.

Me too. But I hate how they try and say that he's Perfect and Makes No Mistakes. Which is how the OP came to be

I like to remind them if their evidence for their god is so convincing, other religions shouldn't exist. So they should be able to unite all the other religions into one .... after that, they can get back to me. ..... my appointment calendar for that topic is rather sparse.


Of course he never makes mistakes, like forgetting to create a female in the beginning or letting the world be full of hunger, injustice and despair, among other whopper of mistakes, he is perfection personified. If you believe that I have a bridge in Brooklyn I'm selling very cheap.


If god was perfect then that is if he does exist why is he so mean?


Was any god ever in advance of the people who worshiped him? Perhaps the best evidence for there being no god is that the 'knowledge' of the god reflected the ignorance of his people, not to mention the glacial pace of progress and the relatively limited growth of enlightened behavior in the community of believers. External forces such as found in philosophy, science and ethics, not divine command, have resulted in people of faith being forced to ignore more and more of the questionable passages their gods supposedly inspired self-proclaimed prophets to write.


The Testaments....He couldn't get it right the first time ???

twill Level 7 Oct 14, 2020
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