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So, I've been gone awhile tending to my professional life while my personal life continues to deteriorate, so I remember coming here to vent and how much it helped in the past.
Venting is my "cup of tea" but for many people that's not true, if you're one of them save yourself and move on to the next post.
So one of the engineers I work with and one of our companies primary technical resources and I were having a conversation and I said "The oddest thing to me is that many of the anti-vaxers are claiming that vaccine mandates violate their body autonomy yet the majority of them are also anti abortion and therefore deny the body autonomy of women, which is hypocritical and they can't have it both ways." and he blew the fuck up. I hadn't realized he is full blown born again Christian nationalist convinced the election was stolen and actively refuses to have himself or his family vaccinated.
He's also stressed that he'll have to leave the company and is looking for work elsewhere at a smaller company probably for a lot less pay. He literally screamed, "Abortion will stop even if it requires killing people" which triggered me. I was screaming at him about the time I took a family friend to an abortion clinic because her baby had attached to her fallopian tube and bringing the baby to term would kill both of them. There was an abortion protest at the clinic and we were called murderers, she was already sick with grief because her and her husband were actively trying to start a family, the baby was wanted, loved even, and now medical necessity forced her to make a hard choice, but the only choice. Abortion is a medical necessity. The fool said that medical expediency was less than 3% of the cause of abortions demonstrating that in an argument 90% of the time someone will pull a random number clearly biased toward their opinion out of their ass. However when I was at the clinic the nurse informed me that at their clinic 85% of their procedures were to address medical issues, I honestly don't know state or national averages, but the protesters picked that clinic despite the self reported 85% medical necessity.
This drama queen is bringing all the negativity on himself intentionally even if he isn't honest with himself about it. Vaccinations are the hill they have decided to die on, the upside is they get to be Christian Martyrs by enduring self inflicted "persecution" which proves their great faith, even if it kills them.
I want to complain to HR, but our company is currently being divested from our parent corporation as soon as they can find a buyer, so no corporate resources are being reinvested back into our part of the company. Losing this loser would put us under, like me he has an essential technical skill that can't be readily replaced.
What kills me is he's a nice humorous seemingly kind hearted and insightful engineer who's great to work with in a team environment.
I'm trying to make peace and hope it goes away, but honestly I resent him and I'll allow myself a pressure relief valve on this board where I'll from here on refer to him as "Captain Covid" as it turns out he and his family recovered from Covid and still will not get vaccinated, they had to take their kids out of a Christian Charter school because the school required vaccinations.
The more he suffers the more it proves him right in his brainwashed mind.

Willow_Wisp 8 Oct 23

Enjoy being online again!

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Venting is healthy.
Assholes are everywhere.
Sometimes, we have to work with them.
Avoid him, if you can.
Tolerate him, if you must.
Be aware of opportunities when you have them.
Take care of you.

Welcome back.


During my masters program in psych, I had a really wonderful professor who really TAUGHT the skills that a person actually needs to have in this field. One thing he said that I'll never forget is, "Don't try to argue with a person suffering from mental illness, because, well you know, they're crazy."

Now, it's verboten to call people crazy when you're a mental health professional. But in certain cases (just among us professionals) it helps to be honest when you're dealing with somebody who is actually fucking crazy.


Vent away. That's why we're here. I know exactly how you feel. Best friend and her husband refuse to get vaccinated. I've told her I don't feel comfortable seeing them because I don't want to bring it to them. Working at a school, I'm being exposed all the time and at every grade level. I'd never forgive myself. Some of the nicest people i know but her husband is on Facebook constantly and gets his info from there. Not too much we can do. Does he know you're trans? Sort of surprised he even acknowledged you or didn't try to "fix" you.


So very sorry that you have to put up with that environment. These people are hopeless. I don’t even try to talk to them anymore. And they can all die for their cars for all I care.


It's always a little shocking when it's the ones who seem nice and kind and intelligent, isn't it? What a dismal pall he's put over your work environment. I can't imagine how frustrating it must be to endure him without being able to respond in kind, so feel free to vent away and let us know if there's anything we can do to help.

Perhaps the sale of the company will go through soon, and something can be done then. Until then, I hope you can avoid the little variant-breeding misogynist as much as possible. {{{ hugs }}}

Lauren Level 8 Oct 23, 2021

Yup, they'll die on that hill, it's what cultists do, they'll die screaming laaawdy take me home..
On the bright side, welcome home beauty..


Geez: I’m sorry you were on the receiving end of his diatribe. I try not to be over cautious in my speech but, as you experienced, one point of disagreement can trigger an avalanche of anger and resentment over an entire constellation of other issues people see as related. My diplomatic skills often get a good workout in these times, but without compromising my opinions.

BTW: My community lost a much-used and needed family planning clinic after a determined campaign of “prayer vigil” intimidation orchestrated by area churches. Sometimes, when passing by on a morning walk, I’d push through the praying throng and go inside to express my support, and delivered a few boxes of donuts, too. It struck me as odd that, as I passed through the vigilantes, they refused to engage in conversation or even make eye contact, as if they were somehow uncomfortable with what they were doing. Weird.

Hope your situation works out well!


It's nice to see you back, for whatever reason 🙂


Brainwashed mind and indoctrination sums it up.


Rick Ross has a lot of deprogramming information. []

It’s a lot to take on for one person, though. The Brainwashing of My Dad was a great documentary, very low budget but explained all the ways in which a person can be brainwashed, especially riding in isolation on a long commute to and from work.

Her dad’s radio broke so they didn’t replace it and her mom went in and deleted all his inflammatory spam email he got from conservative sites.

I saw that film


If I were in your shoes, and I have been, I would just try to ignore him until he gets himself fired. I do not trust HR departments ONE TINY BIT. They do not want to help you, they only care about the company and its liability, and will sacrifice you at the drop of a hat if they think it will help them in any way. Save yourself the headache; he's already drowning, don't let him pull you under, too.


I believe most of us here agree with you, and are happy to support your rant. Personally, I would just steer clear of the man, as much as is possible. You already know you have lost respect for him, and you are not likely to be able to regain the relationship you once had. Always look forward, and keep a smile on your face (and your opinions in your pocket) at the office.


At least you won't have to deal with this guy very soon. Lets see how much more he's willing to pay for his 'freedom.' Lets see how right he is when he's dead. I think,even if there were an afterlife (there isn't), he would still be complaining about 'those' people on Earth. Which is why there is no heaven, just levels of (earthly) hell.


It's unfortunate that supposedly rational people are mental midgets

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 23, 2021

Vent away sweetie he was a deluded moron, all religion and no brains or compassion and deserves whatever happens

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 23, 2021

Why would percentages matter to someone who is arguing about absolutes anyway ? Though I would not point that out to him, logic is usually met with aggression.

Yeah, I never argue percents on topics like that because they are completely irrelevant. If you're the 1% that gets their autonomy taken away when you need it, I'm sure it feels like it's 100%. Also, it's not any kind of comfort that most of the other women that had their rights taken away didn't need the abortion like you did.


Oh geez. It used to be, not so long ago, that it was pretty easy to put up with buffoonish assholes because they weren't so empowered to be openly aggressive, like they are now. They were always there, mind you, but they had some sense of shame that held them back from blowing their chunks in my direction. Those days are long gone, and it seems sort of quaint to remember them fondly. You've always struck me as someone who knows what she is about and can do what's needed regardless of the headwinds, and I bet you get through this unpleasantness without any damage. Not so much for the individual you are describing here. A guy like that is never happy as long as someone else is doing something he disapproves of - which there will always be people he will despise. What a way to go through life, am I right? Professionally miserable. All my best wishes, I've been in uncomfortable working relationships before, it is very stressful and will eventually wear you down. Feel free to vent here if it helps. I really hope harmony finds you. Hang in there, hon.


Vent away, it’s healthy for you. Unfortunately there is no shortage of messed up people these days. Be well, stay safe


Whoever said, "Life is easy." So sorry you have to go through this. But truth is on your side. Eckhart Tolle, in his book, "A New Earth," says that the human race is crazy. I like to call these people "devil worshipers," (to sock it to them in their own vernacular), because they do the devil's work being led and manipulated by the devils in power who want to fill their greed.

So happy for you that you are so accomplished. Nobody can take that away from you.

I have a student like your colleague and I stress over to continue to enable her to achieve success where she could have a powerful voice. She's a very talented singing artist so she has a shot at it. I even have been giving her a big break in my fee and lots of time and guidance. I could use some input about this.

We worry so much about them and they're convinced we're out to harm them.
It really is crazy.

Devils Worshipers? I like that.

I have played around with this scenario in my head before, and I'd like to ask one:
How do you know that the voice from heaven that you hear in head is the voice of "god"? perhaps it is Lucifer ....How do you know it isn't Lucifer playing a trick? How do you know that Lucifer is not the one in power in "heaven"? Maybe "god" sits in a dungeon in hell and Lucifer rules...he just plays like he is "god" so you will listen to him?

I mean you haven't seen these 2 side by side, or heard their voices side by side to know which is which....

@Willow_Wisp It's really scary. I have an RN friend that is a member of a nurse facebook page. Some hospitals are getting bomb threats or death threats to the nurses because the antiviaxers think the hospitals are deliberately spreading covid to kill them. Maddening. The only tragic but brighter outcome is Republicans are currently dying via covid at a rate roughly three time greater then Democrats so a few of those voices of irrational anti-vax garbage are becoming silent.

@twill It is so interesting that when they define the "Devil," deception is at the top of the list.

@think-beyond Right ! Another good point, TY


Just keep away from him and only talk to him when you have to. No amount of screaming will help. Yo will be the one who will be upset. People like him are brainwashed. Just imagine what kind of person would put their family in jeopardy.


I feel for your sitiutation at work. Not all christians are that delusional about Covid. To my knowledge my christian parents and other family are all got there shots. Of course I wouldn't be surprised if there a couple hold outs. Hang in there.


Well, you know now. At least he has kept his religion to himself, until now. That is something in his favour.
The adage that you should never discuss politics, or religion, at workis very germane.


These people ignore facts; their beliefs trump (pun intended) facts. They even ignore the parts of their own religion that do not conform to their politicized fantasy land.


Sadly...... You cant reason with a turnip


Suffering proves him right because he was taught he would suffer as a Christian. It's pure bullshit. In the argument that you presented here he seems to be trying to give you his "facts" without hearing any facts of the woman's situation. His mind is all set and abortion is murder. They will stop abortion even if they have to kill people. Not logical at all. They do this crap and their Jesus did not deal with the situation in the bible. I'm sure that many people who had no food at the time were doing anything they could to not have more children. I stay as far away as possible from people like him. They are crazy.

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