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Hi all. Newbie here, first post. What is your greatest fear?
Mine is there will be a catch to this year

puff 8 Jan 3

Enjoy being online again!

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The Idiot And Malevolent Brigade winning control of even more legislatures around the world. Mayhem, shootings, rapes and murder will be de rigeur as part of that process.

That's my biggest fear too, and all-out civil war in the US.

@linxminx I had not realised that things had reached such a frightening level in the USA. Thoughts come to mind of Sudan, Yemen and Libya.

@Organist1 Civil War seems like it would be geographically difficult. Not to mention the police force and military would seem to have to take a side.
They couldn't let people run around killing their political opponents.
We live amongst one another now, not like the North and South in the first civil war. It seems much more likely to me that the one of the next two times Republicans gain power, our failing democracy finishes its decent into authoritarian rule, and no one in the world inside or outside the US will be able to stop it. Actually, I can't think of anything other than that happening. Hopefully I'll be gone by that time, but I doubt it.

@JeffMurray It is true there are no borders this time, but there are people on both sides talking about secession, and who would take what with them. It's perfectly plausible in my opinion, that if the republicans take over in the next few years, they will attempt to commit violent acts on liberals. 1/6/21 was only the neginning. We'll see what happens.

@Organist1 Secession seems most unrealistic to me as well. Not only does it seem that secession is not a possible legal remedy, but also that a state can't even bring suit where that could be the outcome. Look at the nightmare that is Brexit and tell me even if it was legally possible how it could be actually realized within a country. It's fun to theorize not being part of the same country as Texas, but it's just not possible.

@JeffMurray @linxminx @Organist1 there is a pretty good podcast out there called It Could Happen Here about what a 2nd Civil War might look like. Interesting stuff

@JeffMurray Many people don't think it could happen is exactly why it is being allowed to happen.

@Shaggy2018 Oh, I believe a lot of terrible things can and will happen here. I personally do not classify USA as a democracy. I think we very well could be under authoritarian rule in the next 5 election cycles. I just don't see those two particular things as really feasible.


My greatest fear is that the U.S. will soon no longer have a democracy, because the republicans will whine whenever they lose that "the election was rigged", and even though they have no evidence people will believe then and work to undermine democracy.

I fear that us almost inevitable at this point.

The Center for Systemic Peace has already downgraded the United States and no longer classifies it as a democracy as of 11 months ago...
Don't know how much stock you put in them, but we definitely don't have completely fair elections. Every Republican state has been purging voters and enacting voting restrictions not to mention gerrymandering the fuck out of the states for decades.



Hi Puff and welcome:

It would seem that most years have a "catch" but such is life. Best thing is always to realize that and then, if possible, surround yourself with good friends and family and good information. Trying to help others by being a good and empathetic person can also be very beneficial.

@Beachslim7 some are luckier than others in that department but regardless everyone has to work at it



Welcome to our little Asylum, try not to worry over the things you cannot prevent from occurring just work on doing what ever you can to make the year better for yourself and the others around you.



Welcome!!! My biggest fear? Probably people themselves. You never know what to expect from them... lol!!!

True dat


Welcome, I can see you attracted some great conversation with your provocative question. I am sure you will fit right in here.



What did one flat earther say to the other flat earther!!?!
ā€œWe having nothing to fear, but sphere itself.......ā€šŸ˜

that's a roundabout way of saying it.


Ain't there Always a catch, or a snag or some ass fucking thing up?


Greatest fear - ex-wife.

catch and release


My greatest fear is that m country will be a dictatorship within a few more years and people like us will be hunted down and imprisoned or shot in the streets. The later is more likely as it has been approved via Kyle.

I think we are more likely to see a civil war before we get to a dictatorship.


Welcome to the asylum.
Enjoy your stay.

In my experience, there has been a catch to every year I've been on this rock.
I don't expect any different from this one.



My greatest fear happens always: newbies asking inane questions.

Fuck you, Mofo9.1. Throw a banana at your stateā€™s effing governor for me.

Happy to realise that fear for you šŸ˜€

@yvilletom fuck you asswipe, take the banana out of your ass and do it yourself, you coward piece of shit.

@yvilletom, @puff as I said, it always happens.

You da nub


GoT fans..... šŸ˜¬ yikies!!!

Good one!


Thereā€™s always a catch; the only difference is how big will the catch be?


Hello and welcome.



Apart from dying in some other way, that my arthritis spreads to my other joints and I become disabled.


My greatest fear is that I am really a lizard person.

Well you better keep away from The Church of Scientology or they may convince you that it is so.

It is bad enough being a guinea pig, huh?


There will be. Aliens will round us up.

Aliens will build an impenetrable wall around earth.


I fear that my dick will fall off in my sleep!!!šŸ„ŗ

That's why I hold mine. šŸ™‚

@DenoPenno I just use mine to pee out of and I could still pee if I had no dick.


Describe what you caught.

The meaning of life minus twenty


That I will not have enough of money to pay my bills, which is completely irrational.

I have that fear, but it my case it is rational. šŸ˜Ÿ

@MyTVC15 Sorry to hear that. You take care.

Can I get a loan?...

@racocn8 I don't think you can afford my interest rates.


Just consider it topics to share with the grandkids


Locked in syndrome / paralysis with an inability to Million Dollar Baby myself. That is always my greatest fear. Second greatest fear is that my life will continue to get progressively worse and I still won't ever be able to end it.


Hello and welcome.

CS60 Level 7 Jan 5, 2022

What does that even mean?šŸ¤”

My attempt at humour. What year is it? Catch?

Iā€™m just gonna move on.....carry on......šŸ‘€

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