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This will piss you off. ”The family of a Polish woman who died on Tuesday after doctors refused to perform an abortion when the foetus’s heart stopped beating have accused the government of having “blood on their hands”.” Welcome to the world of Christian extremism. []

JackPedigo 9 Jan 28

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Maybe according to one of these laws, if this woman deeply believed in some sort of god, this merciful god guy would have spared her life ???

twill Level 7 Feb 6, 2022

Thank you men. We need more men to show up in defense of body autonomy. "Women's" issues are often dismissed by the patriarchal culture. To have men standing up & by our sides is essential in protecting what is a matter of government imposing restrictions on all of our bodies. Women's issues are men's issues in the long run. Some insist that a soul resides at the moment of conception. That is a religious concept & must not be forced upon the rest of us. This is a man's fight as well.


Same story here in the U.S. Martha Mendoza was 19 weeks pregnant and looking forward to having her fourth child. Then she found out the fetus was dead.

On November 6, 2003, President Bush signed what he called a "partial birth abortion ban," … One of the unintended consequences of this new law is that it put people in my position, with a fetus that is already dead, in a technical limbo.

Legally, a doctor can still surgically take a dead body out of a pregnant woman. But in reality, the years of angry debate that led to the law's passage, restrictive state laws and the violence targeting physicians have reduced the number of hospitals and doctors willing to do dilations and evacuations (D&Es) and dilations and extractions (intact D&Es), …

We told our doctor we had chosen a dilation and evacuation.

"I can't do these myself," said my doctor. "I trained at a Catholic hospital." …

And within a day, I started to bleed. My body, with or without a doctor's help, was starting to expel the fetus. Technically, I was threatening a spontaneous abortion, the least safe of the available options. …

On my fourth morning, with the bleeding and cramping increasing, I couldn't wait any more. I called my doctor and was told that since I wasn't hemorrhaging, I should not come in. …

I began calling labor and delivery units at the top five medical centers in my area. I told them I had been 19 weeks along. The baby is dead. I'm bleeding, I said. …

Don't come in, they told me again and again. …

More than 66,000 women each year in the U.S. undergo an abortion at some point between 13 and 20 weeks, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Again, religious bigotry raises it's ugly head. Obviously some doctors think their religion is above other people's lives. There really should be a rule that forbids doctors from entering fields that may 'conflict' with their religious fantasies.

@JackPedigo I strongly agree. Their hypocratic oath to save a patient's life should be first!


The Polish doctors have been suspended and could face prosecution.


Thank you for the link. Too often laws are simply wrong and it takes something shocking like this for people to wake the hell up.


Stop this madness now.



bobwjr Level 10 Jan 28, 2022

If it was late term and they were trying to get the other baby ready to be delivered ie get the lungs up and running I could understand but 1st trimester sorry the second twin had no chance and so they have murdered her for some stupid law that would not have stopped them as her health was at risk.

God's Will.

Shit like this happens when myth strangles sanity and science.


These Obstructionist republican fascists and their maga Evangelistic’s death cult followers use women as second class slaves at best!!!

In their demented delusional reality women are only good for birthing children, raising their children, male pleasure, and domestic servitude to males!!!

Women are always expendable, to be used up then discarded!!!

This is the insanity of these fascist politicians and their maga evangelical death cult followers!!!

Well obviously birth rates are stagnating here and increasing throughout the world, looks like the women aren’t doing such a good job having children!! Not to mention all those leaving religion altogether.


Pretty sure women in the US have to wait to deliver dead babies too.
Used to be, before religion freaks took over, if a baby died late in the pregnancy the woman had the CHOICE to go under general anesthesia and it is brutal and hard to think about but the fetus is cut apart and extracted.
Remember it is dead.
Many women still chose to go through the labor process because of that process of a child they had felt moving and probably already named. Maybe even had a crib and painted the room.

The thing is there is not a choice anymore, and having a rotting corpse inside your body is very dangerous

Whilst still within the uterus the decay processes of the foetus are slowed down somewhat due to lack of free ranging bacteria, etc, though in many cases of late presentation of a deceased foetus/baby the body of said foetus/baby can of present as being 'mummied.'

@Triphid actually, because the host body has always seen the "baby" as a foreign body, and because the temperature is ideal for bacterial growth, a dead fetus will decompose astonishingly quickly, the mother could bdevelop fatal internal gangrene within 24 hours or less

@AnneWimsey Believe it or not but the fluid, Amniotic Fluid, in fact, that surrounds the developing foetus is surprisingly bacteria-static in nature.
The developing foetus has very little in the way of an immune system whilst in Utero and there cis very little cross-feed of actual blood via the placenta and umbilical cord from mother to foetus, ONLY nutrients and oxygen can cross the placental barrier, oh and unfortunately so can alcohol, drugs, etc, but NOT bacteria and viruses under NORMAL circumstances.
I do NOT know from where you derive your information but I am of the firm opinion that is NOT from any Training vand Experience as a Practising Mid-wife.

@Triphid I've heard about this before. In fact read an article about this, where the foetus became fossilised/mummified.
I searched for the article. Here it is.


Another link where a woman carried a foetus for 6 decades. It basically calcified.


Another I read a woman carried a dead foetus for 40 years.

How could they not have known they were pregnant?!

However it would have been best for the doctors to have removed the dead foetus from Polish mum.
Religion went to far in this instance. What values? None at all! Pure madness!!! Guilty of death imho.

@Triphid all true, However, Google "mecum" which is a fancy word for "baby shit". The fetus' intestinal tract, like all intestinal tracts, is full of discarded cells, which in a 98-degee environment are going to Continue to decompose, rapidly.
The reason you read about these things is because they are Such an anamoly.

@AnneWimsey And the right wing lie that women in the 7th month of pregnancy suddenly decide to have an abortion on a whim.

I heard that for a long time the Catholic Church opposed the use of anaesthetics in childbirth because they believed that women should suffer according to biblical scripture.

@ASTRALMAX Not surprising.
All the women centered religious leaders were called witches and burned alive.

@BufftonBeotch The early alchemists forerunners of today's chemists were branded witches, especially, when they cured some common ailment through the use of plants. Prayers did not work and the alchemists/witches were seen as a threat to the power of the Catholic Church.

@AnneWimsey I do NOT need to READ about such THINGS simply because I was trained in such things, a NECESSITY IF one wishes to become a Qualified and Practising Mid-wife.
And Yes, even when we leave the uterus and begin living as singular organisms approx. 15-18% of EVERY turd we drop from our anus contains dead and discarded cell from the Alimentary Tract which begins at the MOUTH and ends at the Anal Orifice FYI.
Plus humans shed approx. 1 MILLION dead skin skins per day EVERY day of their life as well.

@TimeOutForMe The FACT is that I was supposed to be one of twins but my 'mother' attempted to abort us both, she failed but I survived and when I was born the 'mummified' foetus that should have been my twin brother was delivered with me.
He was measured as being approx. the size of a pack of cigarettes in length, almost fully formed but yet to grow as a baby should in body size and weight.
This information I learned, much to the shock of my 'mother' as a nurse during long tedious Night Duties by READING her Hospital Records.

@Triphid So women should be forced to bear the child of any random rapist?

Spittle flecking in my face from my mother's face hole.
"I wish I had a abortion! You are a worthless use of meat!"

@ASTRALMAX fuck all of them

@Triphid so the mecum in a late-term fetus wouldn't ferment & decay? And kill the mother/host? Doubt it!!!!!

@AnneWimsey We are probably going to see many women die from back alley abortions again as safe ones are made illegal.
Sepsis or bleeding to death was the choice.


@AnneWimsey Please tell that you ARE not a close relative of our Know Everything, Expert on ALL Things neighbour.

@BufftonBeotch Hoy, WHERE EXACTLY did I say such a thing as "women should be forced to bear the child of any random rapist," please copy and paste that comment for ALL to see and read.

@Triphid You did not, exactly. But any sentiment expressing disfavor to abortion is essentially that.
I think our Roe v Wade laws were just fine, but Texas made a blastocyte have more rights than a grown woman.
Funny when Texans also don't care a rip about living, breathing children.
Once they are south of the cervix they are on their own.

@BufftonBeotch I did NOT neither EXACTLY NOR inexactly ergo, imo, YOU owe me an apology.

@BufftonBeotch And FOR YOUR Enlightenment, THIS is and ALWAYS has been my STAND on the Rights of ANY Woman.

@Triphid having had a natural miscarriage, an abortion, a normal childbirth, and been present at my daughter's delivery. I do, like most women, know something about the subject.
Still waiting to hear about the I guess "sterile" mecum not causing rapid decay inside the mother......

@AnneWimsey Well, I may BE a MALE but I am also a Certified and Well Qualified Mid-wife as well with, I may add, 167 Deliveries to my tally, which includes 3 sets of twins btw.
Since, like a ship wreck on the very bottom of the Black Sea where the is little/nor FREE OXYGEN the Amniotic fluid is also BEREFT of FREE oxygen since the ONLY oxygen the GROWING Foetus uses and receives is via the Placenta-Umbilical cord which is REPLENISH from the lungs and circulatory system of the pregnant Mother.
Oh, and PLUS for YOUR ENLIGHTENMENT, once an actual pregnancy begins the female body sets about forming a MUCOUS PLUG in the Cervix to BLOCK the entry of anything entering NORMALLY from the outside just as it does between a woman's Menstrual cycles and that temporary plug ONLY softens and disappears when she in her MOST fertile of stages during each cycle.

@AnneWimsey And, btw, it is MECONIUM not Mecum, and the Amniotic fluid is classed as being relatively STERILE also.


The doctors should be jailed!

Had they done what is obviously needed the abortion nazis would have arrested them

@Redneckliberal Perhaps I am missing something here but check out the following link, the first paragraph of the article is relevant. []

Excerpt from above referenced article: " "On October 22, 2020, the Polish Constitutional Tribunal declared unconstitutional a 1993 law allowing abortion in severe fetal disability cases. Once the ruling comes into effect, it will only permit abortion in cases of rape, incest, and if the mother’s health is at risk — disability will no longer be a valid reason."

@Redneckliberal Well that may be so in Poland BUT legally an Induced Delivery performed in and by a Doctor in a Hospital is NOT an Act of Aborting a Foetus or a baby.
Many a delivery of a baby that takes longer than is thought necessary can be 'sped' up by merely giving the mother-to-be a hormone based drug that induces the uterine muscles to contract harder and faster.

You need to read this article. In Poland abortion is a crime. Doctors have no choice.

@Jolanta []

@ASTRALMAX There are birth defects so painful that the child is never going to know anything but excruciating pain.

An abortion can be mercy.


Have they NOT heard in an Induced labour Delivery for a foetus that is NO longer viable?
An Induce Delivery is NOT, by any means, an Abortion or Abortive Process, it is merely where a specific drug is given to INDUCE the muscles of the Uterus to begin Contractions and thus expelled the deceased foetus NATURALLY.

"a rose by any other name is still a rose."

@jlynn37 a quote from Shakespeare, I assume, but what does a rose have to do with the matter in hand?
And, btw, Legally and Medically and INDUCE Delivery of a deceased Foetus or baby is NOT an Abortion IN NORMAL Civilised Countries but as for Texarse, well that imo, Texarse needs a Remedial Brain Transplant for an ACTUAL thinking, Compassionate, Caring Human Being rather than the the Religious Deluded Fools that run the state now.


Hello! If the baby's heart stopped beating the baby is dead. Hello!


That may likely happen here in NH with the new abortion laws we have here.


Stupid fuckers.

"Stupid" is imo, way too mild a term for such people or persons.

Religious crazies of any description are always extremely dangerous people, and it gets even worse when they get into positions of power.

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