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Great questions for "God".

HippieChick58 9 Feb 9

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Don't you even dare ask for forgiveness, asshole.


Okay, I'll play along.

IF there were an actual deity, which I am 100% certain there is not, and I were confronted with it, I can only think of one initial question.
I probably wouldn't get any other questions in, because I'd be swinging at the motherfucker.

I am pretty much of that same mindset. I'd probably lead with HOW DARE YOU!! and WTF were you thinking?


Given the unlikely situations that there is a god at all, my first question would be
"Are you fucking insane?"
The second would be
"What did you think you were doing?"

Boy! Your asking for an express ticket to hell!
You can't bully a bully.


@Castlepaloma Well hell will certainly have a lot more interesting people if the Xtain gawd's rules apply universally and heaven by comparison, is going to be populated solely by Fred Phelps, Torquemada and bunch of Catholic school Nuns.


Christian behavior is the proof that Christianity is another bullshit religion.
Just as the Bible is also proof.

Christians don't believe because Christianity is factual. They believe because they've been brainwashed. And it shows.

They have plucked out their offending eyes, and pretend their blindness is ennobling. Except it isn't.


I won't be asking God any questions.

  1. I'll be dead
  2. God doesn't exist.

But the tik-toker's questions are excellent! 🙂


Don’t you have anything better to do than monitor the thoughts and actions of 7 billion people that you created on a dot in an infinite universe and then punish them for the bullshit that you permitted because you issued them free will .So why did you give them free will then asshole ,oh yeah I forgot you are a psychopath. But there is no god so never mind.


If you are truly "all mighty" why do you allow those who pray to you to suffer unspeakable horrors at the hand of other humans? I can think of a million examples of what I am talking about but let's start with Auschwitz.


Hey, Asshole!!!! I got Questions!!!!!!!!!

  1. Who, exactly, designed Knees?????
  2. And what about all that Death too soon??????????

why did he put the balls of human men outside the body where they are vulnerable? Other animals are more protected. Yeah, there was no intelligence in our design.


Women needed somewhere to hit, for self defense. God doesn't have balls or he would show up.

@HippieChick58 The explanation I've heard is that an enzyme needed to curl the DNA small enough to fit in the head of a spermatozoa cannot function at the body's internal temperature. The placement derives from a location where the enzyme can function. Only hyenas have solved this problem.


" Hello Zwabldunkfluck. I hope I got your name right ? So it seems Jesus did not exist after all, I always thought so."


I don't plan on speaking with an imaginary sky friend. Especially difficult if I am dead.


Me: Why do you need so much money? Aren't you omnipotent, can't you just conjure up what you need?

God spends all his money on advertising and promotions. All he wants is to be worshipped and your soul..

@Castlepaloma Actually, God has addiction problems and owes Satan money for his gambling debt, drug habit and hooker fetish. Does not the Bible say we are created in his image?


Save Satan , since it's God's favorite adversary.


"I condemn you to suffer for eternity the worst agonies in the Hell that you created!"


I did not trade my integrity for lazy thinking and willful stupidity.

It is highly likely that it will respect that.


My only opinion is that if there really IS a god, then he's a malignant narcissist


What is with the platypus? Was it at the end of the day and you were tired? Was it just leftover parts, or did you have some really good weed? You have to have amazing weed, you're God! I really want know.


I am not interested in having a conversation with a fictional character from a fantasy book.

Betty Level 8 Feb 10, 2023

I agree, but, these would be good questions to ask a believer. I think it would really make them squirm a little. 😉

Said a Fictional Fool.

@GipsyOfNewSpain Am I the fictional fool you are referring to?

@Betty Who knows with that guy? I had him blocked but somehow that went away so I just blocked him again.


Very dumb question posed by believers. My take on it is how long have humans been around? A correct answer of this question will show how long "judgement day" will last. Since everyone will be judged fairly and equally there would be no speeded up judgements or twinkling of an eye type stuff. The people that wrote the book did not think of this. How could they? They were ancient sheep herders.

The sheep herders guild to the Universe, sure lacked the internet.


I think that such a conversation would be like one with the gnomes in a garden, although for obvious reasons they are unresponsive, they do at least have a tangible existence. What to say about imaginary conversations, I’ll leave it to your logic or imagination.


Who created you

A wild guess, stardust

The same thing that "created" the life everywhere on the planet. Primordial soup, and evolution. That's IMO of course.


If that really did happen I’d know I was screwed but I’m not worried about it.


Assuming God exist and it humors him to hear me out and he's everything Christians say he is.
"You have been there every moment, you know my every experience and my every thought and motivation.
Now are you going to make it right or do we have to continue pretending there's a flaw in people?
You know there isn't or you wouldn't love us, and if you love the people with a flaw then you aren't who you say you are because you can't abide anything less then perfection.
Why did you let those vile men spread that sin lie in the first place... that seemed pretty sinful to me."


Nothing since he's imaginary.


This was great! I had to write these down to remember them!!


I am god.

You cruel son of a bitch!

@Flyingsaucesir I have been very cruel to myself but, with meditation, I'm hoping to be kinder at this moment.

@rainmanjr Good luck dog!

@Flyingsaucesir Zen has helped by making me alone and debt free. I have almost zero family, certainly none who are in any way close, and old friends are deserting so detachment is an easier achievement. However, when done in accord with evidence and logic, it is more of simple dispassion than unconcern. Most humans will not get this because they won't even get close to such detachment. Shrug. Maybe I'm nuts but IDC. I am no longer having anxiety over politics or constant sorrows of the world. Literally the world (where something rotten happens a lot every day). I now focus on control of the only thing I might have some control over: Me.

I completely support you in the IDC approach. (I've been known to also use the IDGAFF method). Life is a joke with a dumb punchline. Have fun with it while we have it.

@BOBdammit Every single person dying in the world, today, was going to die at some point. It is arrogant of us to attempt control through "concern" and worry. Tao does not concern itself with life or non-life so neither should we.

Hence, the aforementioned IDGAFF approach. Simply laugh everything off.

@BOBdammit I prefer to say that I accept each event as what must be. There may be a billion possibilities but what happens in each moment is what is and what must be. Altering actions within each moment may alter the suffering every action contains but can not eliminate suffering. To hold the expectation of eliminating suffering is an ego trip (as is any expectation) since we have no such ability.

I would love to continue this discussion in depth without plattitudes.

@BOBdammit IDK what you refer to as a platitude. If asked a question I try to respond. If merely badgered I do not.

No man is an island,
Entire of itself,
Every man is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manor of thy friend's
Or of thine own were:
Any man's death diminishes me,
Because I am involved in mankind,
And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls;
It tolls for thee.

@273kelvin There's no such thing as death as an electron is pure energy (which doesn't die). If all we are is a dreaming electron than each of us (who are a real electron) are an individual entity (like an island). "I am a rock. I am an island."


"Oops, so does this means that Santa Claus is real to?"😄

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