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Question to fellow atheists.When someone says "God bless you' to you what is a good reply?

nowhereman55 7 Sep 23

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I hear "bless you" a lot, but it's been a long time since I've heard "God bless you" from anyone. My mother would say that, but she's been deceased for a couple of decades. It seems largely to be a generational thing, at least in my neck of the woods. Regardless, I just say "thanks" or "excuse me." My sneeze doesn't need to be the catalyst for a theological debate. Those who know me well enough are already aware of my world view, and if they say "bless you," it's just because it's a verbal tick. They mean to be kind, and I have no reason to turn that around and be inflammatory. When someone else sneezes, I generally ignore it, or if it's especially loud/forceful, I might say "gesundheit."


Why not realize they mean it kindly and say "thanks"?


Thank you. I'm not trying to convert anyone I don't know.


I say gawd bless you when anyone, even me, sneezes, burps, farts, etc. It is what I do for my own amusement. I don't get annoyed when someone says it to me. Life is too short.


No reply is required, but a very bland "Thanks" works. If you feel they are oppressing you, you could say, "Dog bless you too." 😂


I don't respond. It's a sneeze, which has nothing to do with anyone.


If they are being nice, then. "Thank you." Always meet like with like.

If they are being snarky, then. " May the magic mushroom of the ten million divine summers bless you."

Yeah, never confuse "god bless you" with "bless their/your heart", which often has a snarky intent.


"Knee Jerk Reactions" reveal unthinking indoctrinated patterns. Most do not even think about what they are saying. Shouldn't the reply be just as thoughtless?


Cheers, thanks, ta, or the like. I'm chilled. 😉

Ryo1 Level 8 Sep 23, 2023

Also, 'May YOUR God bless you.' But I rarely say that.


I thank them. It's their way to wish you well. Most people in my circle know very well that I don't believe and they respect that. So, why should I make a fuss about it? Let them believe in peace as long as they keep their beliefs to themselves.


"She does"


I say . . .
I prefer to NOT be blessed.
I also say . . .
I prefer the Seinfeld response -- "You are SO Good Looking" 🙂


I either smile or simply say "you too." If they want their god to bless you it is no time to get into negative religious discussion.

I guess, "and also with you" would be funny.


"Thank you?" Was this a trick question?





CMan Level 7 Sep 23, 2023

It does get annoying to hear sometimes, but mostly I just ignore it. Especially total strangers who just have to respond to my allergic reflexes. Sometimes I will say a thank you for their good wishes. Other times, a God bless you is not so much a well wish as it is a way to push their religious faith. In that case I will respond with a clear indication that I reject their BS. I have often wished I had a good atheists response to those God bless yous, but I don't. In my house we never say God bless to a sneeze. We say chickens! Yep, pick any random word. Just as meaningless.

I suppose we could all start saying " Motherfucker", and then claim to have Tourette's...


I don’t respond…..🤷🏻♂️


I just ignore it.


Excuse me or I just ignore them.


Take it as it was given ( kindly no doubt) and simply ignore it.


Thank you but which one?
Thank you. I need as many blessings as I can get.


Usually i say with a smile "Hail Satan" and throw up the hand-horns
I get a weird look.
And never get blessed again.
Problem solved.

I like it!


Dominus vobiscum.


If I sneeze, and somebody says "bless you" or "gesundheit", I reply with "excuse me".

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