23 7

So let me see if I have this straight. This site is for agnostics. What people do here is bitch, moan and complain about religion but actually do nothing else meaningful whatsoever.

You share the "news" of the day with each other giving your unique version of what the media told you to think that particular day. Then you die. Sounds like fun. Enjoy life!

Drank_Spear 7 Dec 28

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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When you bitch, moan and complain about other people bitching, moaning and complaining, that makes you a meta-bitcher, meta-moaner, and meta-complainer. We are all impressed. No seriously. I want to see how you handle the meta-dying part, m'self. LOL

zeuser Level 9 Dec 28, 2023

Well, aren't you just a little spit of they say in Texass bless your heart....LOL


Then peddle your stupidity elsewhere.


And yet here you are posting whiny stuff.....Welcome Fellow Traveler!!!!!


Well, the site is what you make of it. Nobody certainly forces you to be here against your own will. I fail to see any logic to your statement. It is vague, and frankly childish at best. We all come.from various backgrounds and have arrived at a point in our lives to where we are agnostic. We do not have to function like a church as this is definitely not one. It is a social media outlet to come to and vent, share memes, and life experiences for Agnostic and Athiest folk. This is where some actions have been taken. We have folks that send out petitions for political action groups and so on. We do have such mechanism at our disposal and dispense. By joining more groups here that fit your interest the more you will see. None of us, including myself, have any obligation to you nor owe you any debt. Being crass and beligerant will not serve you well here.


And yet ... Here you are 🙂


Your prejudices are solely your problem.


So don't participate.

@4thwiseman Are you in Hamas? Now that is some darkness.

@4thwiseman <- Thus spake the fucktard among us. /@Mooolah


And you've done just that! 🤪

Ryo1 Level 8 Dec 28, 2023

We are commiserating with people all over the planet & we conversate on what we are interested in. It is also an outlet for the frustration we feel concerning topics we care about. It sure beats the other social media sites whereby avoiding the god squads is an impossibility. Plus childish nonsense such as hormone infused mania is muchly non existent here. Yes it is a place to bitch & moan. I am listening.


Obviously you haven't seen the plethora of groups. Lots of music, laughs and educational groups. It's easy to judge without looking into all the aspects of that other.

jackjr Level 7 Dec 28, 2023

If it makes you feel better you can call me Paster Kelvin. I will tell you who you can fuck, when you can fuck them, what you can eat and when you can eat it along with a whole bunch of other crap on how you should behave. Now send me your money to receive my blessing and salvation.

I thought for sure the rest of that was going to be, "you can go fuck yourself, and you can fuck yourself right now."

Under (the)
Consent (of the)


What would you like people to do? And what are you doing yourself?


Your proclamation is self-fulfilling...

I doubt that @4thwiseman has the intellectual capacity to understand that meme.


thanks hun. buh bye now.

Leetx Level 7 Dec 28, 2023

Looks like you'll fit in. And the site isn't 'for agnostics'. It's just called because that's the domain name taken.


That's the way to make friends! Join a group and start insulting everybody.

You are reciting the liturgy of the right wing. Please accept my invitation to go pound sand of your ass.

Looking at @4thwiseman's handle, I see him as being both massively arrogant and a classic example of the Dunning-Kruger effect.


The history of most people is they are born, live their lives, and then they die.


And occasionally we get to tell assholes such as yourself to go fuck yourself!!!
And it makes it all worth it!!!😊


Dear Wiseman, Please, no wisecracks needed, Just shine your light!

mzee Level 7 Dec 28, 2023

Some folks aren’t happy unless they hatin’ others for no reason. This asshole fits in that box….🤠

Assholes like wiseman have no light to shine, true story…..🤷🏻♂️

That would be an inverted p-lamp.

Darkness simply means the absence of light, darkness is not a thing in itself
Being a self professed wise_man I thought you might have known that


When I read stuff like this I look at the posters bio. and as expected there isn't one. May I suggest a bit of light reading for you. "How to win friends and influence people" by Dale Carnegie


Also this is supposed to be a site for agnostics but over the years I have seen that most people here are atheists that criticize agnostics

I just say I'm non-theistic. But over the years I've heard this sort of whining from both atheists and agnostics. Grow up.

Agnostics are just atheists who can’t handle the truth. And the truth is we all walking talking monkeys with ZERO purpose.😉

I can see the cognitively challenged brat that is @4thwiseman picking up his ball and running off the field of play. /@Theresa_N

No it's not a site FOR agnostics. Care to read the site statement. Every time I checked, there were more atheists than agnostics, the latter having no problem criticising atheism.

@David1955 I know it’s just a domain name but people like myself, discovered this site advertised on the Internet, and joined it with this in mind .I don’t care .It got my attention and that was good.


I block ignoramuses!

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