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Incest: Immoral or Moral?

I was asked this question today by a theist. If there is no God why is safe sex between brother and sister immoral to an atheist? This guy was smart to add safe sex because it closed off my avenue to argue the health issue. So, I was thinking why is it immoral if it is consensual? I understand we find it gross but is that because of Christian influence?

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paul1967 8 Oct 12

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We find it gross because we have evolved that sentiment to prevent chromosome damage. Same reason we feel sick when we smell rotten meat. Our instincts are telling us it's not good for us.

I don't think it's a moral issue and I don't care if cousins or siblings do it as long as they are safe. Same reason I don't care whether people drink or do drugs, unless they are pregnant. What you do with your life is nobody's business but yours; as long as you don't hurt people, kids included.


you forgot "neither". not every action in the world is one or the other, some are not a question of morality.

is it moral or immoral to tie your left shoe first?

I do not view it as an issue of morality. As at least one comment pointed out, it's an evolved trait that makes us feel that way about it. it is not an issue of "morality", it's an issue of internal mechanisms that make us feel squeamish about it. and the reason that evolved should be plain to see in any heavily inbred community.

Well, when I first started school back in 1959 there was still that archaic ' push' ( religion based of course) that left-handed people MUST be FORCED at all costs to become Right-Handed.
I've lost count of the numbers of knuckles that I had from Teachers wielding wooden rulers fitted with thin metal strips in the edges of them that they repeatedly lashed my knuckles because I refused and was unable to learn to write with my right hand.
I still have, somewhere stored away, a letter sent home by one particular Teacher, a True Dragon-Lady in every way, shape and almost form btw, to my Dad stating that " Your child is little more than a terrible, sinful, sinister Imp of the Devil himself because he resists our kindly(????) efforts to help him mend his defective ways."
Later I found that the word ' sinister' was derived from the Latin - sinistera/sinisterii meaning anything LEFT of the normal ( recto - RIGHT, socially acceptable, etc, etc,) and that Catholicism had altered the meanings to imply that ' sinister' should mean ' sinful,' evil,' or ' in league with the forces of Evil.'
Guess what, I'm still left-handed when writing and using various tools, etc.
So, YES, tying your left shoe first was once classed as being an Immoral person and should religion ever get its way as it once had, we may, very sadly, see the old attitudes rear their ugly, disgusting heads once more.

@Triphid I'm left handed too and I was never subjected to that kind of abuse (I went to grade school in the 1970s and 80s). I have never read anything in the Bible condemning left-handed people either.

@DaleHusband_HS But you went to ' Grade School in America I presume whereas I went to Primary School ( Grade School) in Australia in the late 50s and early 70s.
In the ORIGINAL transcription of the Goat-Herders Guide to the Galaxy, aka the bible, you will a passage in Exodus ( Chpt. 2, verse 11 if memory serves me correct) that states, " Thou shalt smite off the hands and heads of those whom with their sinister ( left) hands cannot change to the ways that are those the Lord, thy God and be of the Recto ( right) handed ones."


Medically speaking I first ask; How actually safe is "safe sex" considering that almost EVERY form of contraception is, at the very best, only about 80-90% effective, except, of course, for total abstinence or surgical techniques such as; 1) a irreversible Vasectomy for males and a total hysterectomy for females, or, 2) castration of males.
Genetically speaking, incest is a very hazardous activity in any human relationship between brother and sister, father and daughter, mother and son or first cousin to first cousin with a direct genetic link.
That is why, in the wild , most mammals and many other species will drive out their young once they are old enough to survive on their own to limit the chances of the genetic pool becoming tainted by incestuous in-breeding thus causing deformities ranging from very minor ones right through to the most horrific.
DNA strands, which every living thing are made from, are very delicate and very easily 'damaged' ergo Incest is NOT a religious Morality Issue but an Ethical and Genetic Issue for a living things and, on a personal point of opinion here, I think that with all the advancements in Invitro Fertilisation and random donations of sperm, etc, human kind is slow but inexorably heading down the road to a destination where in-breeding and the genetic disasters will become the norm unfortunately.

Ok, so habitual inbreeding sucks for the species. I'm with you there.

What about selective inbreeding for desired traits? Un-natural selection at it's finest! I'm pretty sure the genetic errors could be identified and sterilized before being introduced to the larger gene pool.

At which point does this strategy become morally unconscionable? Who ever thought non-reproductive sister-fucking would become the safe argument? 😀

@xylophonix Are you talking about Eugenics by any chance?
Mankind has tried that over 100 years with canines in particular and now the sickening results, sickening when viewed in the various forms of defects, etc, that are common-place in various dog breeds btw,.
It is not religion that first said NO to in-breeding, it was nature itself, religion only, as it has done with everything else, grabbed the idea and ran with it for its own ' benefit.'

@Triphid I was totally talking about Eugenics. Mind you, not advocating it. Well, Devil's Advocating, I suppose.

I would contend that man has been selectively breeding dogs for a lot longer than 100 years. More like 10,000. I've heard it theorized that the first "dogs" were wolves that followed hunter-gatherer humans and lived off their scraps much like urban raccoons. The more docile of these wolves were tolerated by said humans, and they became "successful" in an evolutionary context by ultimately forming a symbiotic relationship (you give them food, they tell you if a threat is near). Over time, these animals would grow more and more docile as all of the aggressive ones would have been killed or driven off, and these non-desireable traits would not become part of the "dog" gene pool. The results are hard to dispute. We've got a whole race of subservient creatures.

Now, targeted inbreeding for physical traits tends to yield undesirable results due to the fact that our genetic markers do not serve a single purpose... they express themselves in various disparate ways. It could be that within a limited gene pool a double-recessive target trait is only expressed when coupled with other non-desireable traits, but when introduced into a larger gene pool, some of these undesirable traits can be bred out while leaving the desirable one.

I feel like I sound like a Nazi. All of this is just trying to justify sister-fucking. FYI- I have no sisters, so I don't really have a dog in this fight. I do have an agressive, non-domesticated wolf in it, though. 😀

@xylophonix Yes, I agree that humans have been selectively breeding dogs, in particular, for over 10,000 years however it has been since the arrival of the Pedigreed " Show" Dogs and breeding of such in the last hundred+ years that the genetic damage has become far more obvious, e.g. the British Bulldog which now has such a shortened nose that it finds it almost impossible to breathe and thus cannot cool its blood and lower its body temperature normally as do other dog breeds, it cannot mate without human intervention now since its hind quarters are far to weakened by specific breeding that the male cannot mount the female and the female cannot support the weight of the male anyway during mating.
That is just 2 example of the damage wrought by humans on the various ' breeds' of dogs, there are innumerable more examples that I could list but I'll leave those examples for others who may be concerned enough to research them for themselves.
If this is what we have done and are still doing to ' man's best friend,' then what are doing to man himself with, for example, the massive upward rise of things such as Invitro -fertilization using virtually anonymous Sperm Donors and laws supposedly protecting their identities from the children they produce?
How, I ask, can for example male child A ( born by such intervention or adoption know that female child A is NOT a blood and genetic close relative when they decide to wed and start a family?
The American idea of ' blood tests' before marriage appears to be a ' good' one BUT that only goes just so far and, in my opinion, smacks a bit of the Eugenics Ideology as well.
Are we not simply 'paving the road' to the eventual 'dumbing down' of our own species by so rapidly embracing things such as Invitro-fertilization without pausing to consider the future outcomes?

The goats I raise were feral for a couple hundred years, so essentially wild animals, until the 1980s & I assure you, they have absolutely NO qualms about incest. The dominant male goat will drive out only his male kids & happily mate with his daughters & the daughters he has by them.

@Carin Yes that does happen in numerous species but eventually the genetic pool becomes so polluted that all kinds of deformities, etc, begin to show up.


Ok, so we're assuming consensual sex, obviously. Between adults. Like, all parties involved are adults, not most of them.

Even if the potential for reproduction is involved, the potential for irreperable damage to the species is negligable, right? With such a diverse gene pool, regardless of how screwed up some subsection of the population gets through inbreeding (see Blue People living in West Virginia mountains...), there is a larger genetic base to mitigate whatever irregularities arise from the inbreeding of various small groups. As long as everybody isn't doing it, right? Although perhaps that's where the whole biblical provision came from in the first place. Too many villages full of people with hip-displasia and the cognitive inability to do much of anything other than fuck their siblings.

I mean, they inbred the hell out of dogs. You like your dog, right!? It might be a fantastic idea to selectively inbreed people. Just remove the ones with non-desreable traits from the gene pool. Although I'm pretty sure any sort of selective breed in humans is considered Eugenics, and that's generally frowned upon these days... Nazis fucked it up for everybody.

So, if you remove procreation from the picture completely (as the OP did)... then sure, why not? What about this consideration: what will children who grow up in an environment where Mommy and Daddy are Brother & Sister going to develop as their paradigm for romantic relationships? Since its obviously acceptable to fuck your brother or sister in this environment ("Mom and Dad are such hypocrites! Grandma says they've been hooking up since they were OUR age, but they won't let us do it yet..." ) what's to stop the kids from banging?

Assuming they are of the same age & maturity level, is this any more immoral than the parents banging? They would probably think its normal... enough... Keep in mind that aforementioned kids are probably not genetically related (unless adopted from same parents) as they cannot have come from original Brother & Sister, since we have already ruled out the potential for procreation in this example.

Synopsis: A moral acceptance of incest would lead to incest to become socially acceptable and potentially integrated into mainstream culture... but as long as there is no potential for children to arise from the union, it is no more or less morally acceptable than banging someone who isn't related to you.

In other words, if we ever find out the world is going to end in less time than it takes to gestate full-term, it becomes perfectly acceptable to fuck your sister.

P.S.- I am an only child.


Because as long as it's consensual and safe, no harm is being done.


Sex is never safe, when brounderies are not respected! Hearing stories from my peers as an older does not bode well in old age! It appears to eat away at their mental health!


If you want to lower the bar to just propagation of the species.... Inbreeding is not good for the long-term viability of the species. There are a host of issues that can result.



WTF? What? I don't understand?

@paul1967 I think she is saying she is against it LOL. I would ask her but her profile says if you are not a level four she will block you. WTF? That doesn't sound like anyone I'm interested in communicating with.


Any time close relatives have sex and a pregnancy results, the couple is playing sexual Russian roulette. Recessive genes that can produce disorders exist in almost every person, having accumulated over thousands of years. When close relatives interbreed, the risk of those recessive genes being in both parents and making a disordered child skyrockets. A disordered child is wasted reproductive potential. It is always better for people to find mates outside the family.

"23 and me", and other genetic testing labs, can provide one with information about potential recessive gene issues.

It is funny how technology both creates new ethical issues, yet resolves others.


As long as they're two consenting adults it shouldn't be a problem.

Agree somewhat. Prevent pregnancy, otherwise, best to get DNA scans first.


Morality is societal relative. Morality exists before religion, and religion justifies it. Not the other way around. As the social mores changes as does morality and religious reason behind it.

I agree completely and you explained it so well

Yes, well said.


It's so clear it's wrong, can't think of anything decent about it. We cannot do just anything we want. Sad if anyone thinks it's okay.

Why is it wrong if it's two consenting adults that take responsible measures to not get pregnant?

Are you saying that other cultures which allow it are indecent?


When playing around with sex, one may become pair bonded. As a teenager, I did with my steady girlfriend. She moved far away with her family. It was devastating for us.

Now think about the issues when one sibling pair bonds and the other does not. You are living with the tension of unrequited romantic love, with someone you will have a familial relationship with for life. This kind of mismatch will really test your patience or your relationship. So sex play with sibling without having a solid bond is hazardous, if not immoral.

On the other hand, consider a couple that falls in love and plans to delay pregnancy. Or siblings / cousins that fall in love and will have (frequent) "safe" sex. Of course, a single contraceptive is around 80% effective annually. (Always using two might be 96%. That means your odds of pregnancy are about 50% in nine years.)

If the children have 25% odds of having one (or more) active recessive diseases, the relationship is far less important than the suffering non-health of their progeny. So I conditionally call this reproduction immoral.

You don't want the tragedy of a cemented pair bond with someone who is likely to produce a diseased child.

So my advice to young people is to get your genetic testing as soon as you can afford to. Compare your test results before getting all hot and heavy. This is essential for siblings and cousins.


Incestuous relationships are more.common in certain areas of the world. We can't simply say "ew gross" because of our adversion to it. Genetically speaking everyone has offered why it's not a good idea as recrssive genes. However socially speakjbg there is no good reason why it is Immoral


It is immoral because it will lead to children with genetic deformitys

Well the hypothetical says that they are practicing safe sex and I suspect that even if pregnancy was impossible you might still find it immoral. The question is to figure out why it's immoral. Is it cultural bias or is it truly immoral. I don't see it as a moral question I think it's just wise not to for emotional reasons

@paul1967 I know I would find it too uncomfortable myself but I suppose I could not say it was immoral as that would be placing restrictions on others. I am pretty much of the viewpoint that any consensual acts between two adults is okay.

@mooredolezal Agreed, I'm 100% behind your statement.

Rarely if any : CF is autosomal dominatant , that a problem

@paul1967 no in that case I would not.

@paul1967, @Millerski25 I've heard both sides and I am of the opinion that if there is an unreasonable risk of deformity then no, otherwise yes. Safe sex would negate this issue. However, I would never deny people the right to make their own decisions as long as they were consenting adults. To me it is a health issue, not one of morality.

@paul1967 good logic and debate... return to the question at hand... nicely done. Red herring syndrome

@Millerski25 thanks


Ruins the sister-brother relationship, one that is based on traditional values excluding religious beliefs.

How so?


I don't think there is anything unethical about it as long precautions not to have children are done. I think to have children with a relative is extremely selfish and unethical due to the high genetic problems risks. I really think that anyone who is in a incestual relationship should commit to being willing to have an abortion if that situation arises. Of course there are other measures to prevent childbirth , but if they don't work an abortion should be had.


There's no morality about it. Its just fucked up. It has so many genetic and medical downsides that I would never condone it. But i think 2 consenting adults should be able to do what ever they want as long as it doesnt harm others


There's no morality about it. Its just fucked up. It has so many genetic and medical downsides that I would never condone it. But i think 2 consenting adults should be able to do what ever they want as long as it doesnt harm others


I know in many old cultures it was actually quite common, but due to the health issues it usually lead to collapsing dynasties.

Don’t worry about health, although DNA can be an issue . It never applied to me with my neuclear family no thoughts ever but I had a cousin ... wow. Go luck sorting this out


It may be that we have several questions that apply and are being confused.

  1. Is it a good idea for the individuals?, for example, when (if?) they move on to new partners they “divorce” . Will they have problems adjusting? They will have little if the support available to married couples.
  2. Is it legal? Cultures wind up on many sides of this one.
  3. Is it a good idea for society? Will it lead to clans, as happened in rural WV for instance?
  4. Is it a good thing for the family? I would put in the slippery slope (gateway to father-daughter sex) in this item.
  5. If they do have children who continue the “tradition” genetic defects will pop up.

Which of these apply to a definition of “moral”? And there may be many others.


There is a cultural taboo against incest not a religious taboo although in the bible belt of the USA marriage between first cousins seems to be common. The set up of most social animals makes incest uncommon. eg male hyenas will move to another group to mate. Some bird species eg swans mate for life so incest is unlikely.


Morality is a subjective term dependent upon the predominate views of the society or group within which the action is being judged. In my group of one, it is moral. If my group were larger I might have to change my answer, but I would have to know the disposition of the group. I might add that it would need to be a unanimous answer amongst the group.


Does it cause suffering? If it does not then its moral. Might be hard to explain to the neighbors but if its consensual sex between adults and there won't be any dodgy offspring then why not?

Mare Level 4 Jan 18, 2019

That’s an if, then structure. No suffering=morality. I need to ponder that. You added consensual which may dot the eye. I was sexually attracted to my beautiful cousin for years but never gave sleeping with her any real thought. I have a male friend who has gone, in recent years , to bed with her( cuz) asked me later on what I thought of this. “You’re my dear friend and I accept that which you are” He’s response” boy I needed that and I needed to tell you”


I was a psychiatric RN for over 30 years and abuse of women and children was my main area of expertise but I have to recuse myself in part. If not sn act of aggression, and consensual that can be different although I might have difficulty endorsing it. I would have gone to bed with my cousin in a minute although we haven’t been in touch. Never my sibs and by the way I’m not a Christian... however I might hop on to bed with you as you are very attractive and sexy

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