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Should public nudity be legal?

The AANR (American Association for Nude Recreation) has the view that public nudity should be legal as long as the person is not doing anything with the intent of sexually arousing either themselves or anyone else.

The most stated reason by members is to get over "body shame", because doing so helps boost self esteem and confidence. There have been studies showing that children raised in nudist family have higher self esteem and confidence and are just generally more comfortable with who they are as a person.

On the other side there are those persons who seek out nude beaches and nudist events who have seual agendas. AANR nudist clubs don't tolerate such persons, and forcibly remove them shoudl they show up. I refer to such persons as "swingers" because they seem to fit the swinger lifestyle more than they do the nudist lifestyule

However, as a point of freedom. A freedom of expression, which does tno do harm to anyone, shoudl public nudity be legal? As atheists are nto burdened with religious mores , I was just wondering what the people here think?

I am a natuirst (nudist) and I have ridden the Portland (OR) World Naked Bike Ride, which has over 10,000 participants each year, and I have gone on nude hikes, visited clothing optional beaches

So, what are your thoughts?

snytiger6 9 Oct 18

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308 comments (176 - 200)

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When I was young I thought 'why not'. But in reality I don't want naked people sitting where I sit, or anywhere near me when I eat. It is unsanitary.
If people want to go nude at the beach, on the beach, I would not care. But I do not want to see old people naked, I am 71 yrs old. I am in decent shape, but I don't think anyone would want to see me nude if they could help it.
Young healthy good looking people are not so hard to look at nude. But I don't know anyone my age that I would care to see nude in public. Just seeing someone my age in a bathing suit can be bad enough.
I agree that if womem want to go topless like men that is only right. There is no sanitary issues with that. But bottomless in most circumstances is not good on several levels. On the beach is one thing elsewhere is a totally different issue.

I want to ad that if at sometime everyone accepted nudity, with sanitary precautions in place, then if someone chose clothes in a place with all nudes they would be the ones sneered at.
If all were nude there would be a lot more for others to poke fun at and shame others. Humans will not reach an evolved state, as some here think they have, for many more generations, if ever. Besides, humans like to look their best and dress up sometimes. And only a 1/4 of the population at best will ever look good nude. The rest of us will want some sort of clothing depending on the weather and circumstances. Sports in the nude would be hazardous and unsanitary in many cases. if you like freedom for your genitals just wear a big light weight sack dress or toga. Then there is the problem of skin cancer which affects more people than ever before in history, especially along the West coast.
I like the example some mentioned of areas where you are caught in a crush of people, like subways and concerts, etc. Even with people dressed there have been women raped on crowded subways. Imagine how much easier for such an action if everyone was nude. An erection in public might get you arrested for assault in such a crowed place. And that is something many men can not control.
Many problems with total legalization of nudity. I am for limited legalization for certain areas or venues. But it would have to be looked at by a panel and all aspects reviewed for sanitary, health, and safety problems before permission granted. It is not a simple thing in a modern society, even once the morality issues are put aside.


Google "Cap d'Adge" Is a nudist village. I would love to go.


Nudity is legal in USA since 1932....I mean, nudity in places designated to its practice. Now, public nudity in general needs a highly educated population no tolead to all kinds of problems.


I think it is already here in Oregon. LOL. Don't really care much, most humans look a lot better in clothes!

Bunch of giant naked no hair primates. Gross. hehe

Yeah, in Oregon the state supreme court ruled that nudity is a right under the state constitution's freedom fo expression. However, the language of the ruling was pretty abiguous, so it is only clear that it is legal when you are protesting. The rest of the ruling was kind of vague or gray. So, local ordinances against nudity are still on the books, but so far, everyone who challenged such laws got the cse thrown out based on that court ruling.


Public nudity is already legal. At least I have been to nude beaches...

Ungod Level 6 Feb 25, 2018

No as the majority of people who want to be naked in public should not be !!

Definitions of "beauty" are arbitrary and have varied from one culture to another. It is only recently, with easy world communication that that has been any general agreement. Too bad it currently centers on models with eating disorders and Photoshopped pictures that create a totally unrealistic standard of what beauty is. Nobody can maintain the current standards of beauty forever.

Naturists/Nudists in general are not so judgemental as society in general. No matter wha tyou look like, you are generally accepted. Judgements are reserved for how you act and behave and not in how you look.

@snytiger6 yeah heard that excuse countless times but I still stand by what I said


Me: not going nude. Other people, don't really care one way or the other.

Honestly, I don't even care if people are having sex in public. LOL.

Neither one is going to be me however! Pretty sure that an audience would really kill my mood.


If only we all appeared like a Greek sculpture, what beauty we might behold when nude! But we're not, for the most part, Apollo and Venus, and the thought of all of us naked makes me shudder. And yet, upon further reflection, how many of us are blessed with flawless bodies? Perhaps it would do us some good to humble ourselves in this way? I doubt we will see that day, and yet I have periodically fantasized about being invited to a Betazed wedding!

Not all Greek sculptures we of models of ideal beauty, but those are the only ones we ever see or are (widely) photographed.


I would also worry about planetary nudity exposing one to more chances of major infections.

One shoudl nto doubt take proper precautions for your current environment.


I was just going to say there are many places to go for nudity. Wouldn't be difficult if all in your own house did. There are the Hedonism Clubs are an anything goes. I will uphold my comments of cancer. In the mid eighties, My teen daughter and I were tanned always. Eventually she got a serious dose of sun poisoning. After much worry and some extravagant dermatology bills. She was well and it sacred me enough, no more sun form. People remark on my pale creamy healthy complexion. I was at the store and met a former sun lady we sunned with.She was beautiful back then, but now her face was full of wrinkles and deep cave type lines through her skin. It looked like weathered leather and not skin. I just went through a huge skin cancer in a finger. I went through the removal of 2 spots on my back. I have to go once a year now and get skin checks. So while I think sun tans are attractive, I am happy with my pale creamy with only a few wrinkles. Thanks for telling me all your courses and degrees. You seem very well qualified to make many valid. I am interested in sociology too.I think


I was just going to say there are many places to go for nudity. Wouldn't be difficult if all in your own house did. I will uphold my comments of cancer. In the mid eighties, My teen daughter and I were tanned always. Eventually she got a serious dose of sun poisoning. After much worry and some extravagant dermatology bills. She was well and it sacred me enough, no more sun form. People remark on my pale creamy healthy complexion. I was at the store and met a former sun lady we sunned with.She was beautiful back then, but now her face was full of wrinkles and deep cave type lines through her skin. It looked like weathered leather and not skin. I just went through a huge skin cancer in a finger. I went through the removal of 2 spots on my back. I have to go once a year now and get skin checks. So while I think sun tans are attractive, I am happy with my pale creamy with only a few wrinkles. Thanks for telling me all your courses and degrees. You seem very well qualified to make many valid. I am intested in socialogy too.


They're just meat-suits, y'all. Get over yourselves and the standards you were taught.

It often amazes me how many people who are atheist still hold onto the dogmas and biases they were taught by religion. Feeling fear guilt and shame about personal nudity and the nudity of others being a prime example.

@snytiger6 I agree 100%. I find myself still shaking out of the different "rules" I was taught since infancy each and every day. The bravery of it all, in my opinion, stems from the conscious decision one must make to break past those invisible barriers. The rest follows.

@soundofthereign you bring up a good point that in and of itself would be a good discussion. Those pesky "rules" really stick in a person's brain. Social conditioning....powerful.


And the next guy I see getting a hard on while observing my granddaughter will get sprayed with the bottle of shame! ( my training tool for the chihuahuas.)

In nudist/naturist communities, erections sometimes happen, but generally it is just polite if everyone just ignores it, and nobody draws attention to it especially the person who has it. And, it goes away.

However, I definitely do like yoru idea of spraying or hosing a person down shoudl they try to draw attention to themselves.


Are you a doctor?

No, not a doctor. I just have a BA in sociology. I am pretty well read though. Although I only have a BA, I also completed more than twice the credits i needed to graduate, because i just love to learn about virtually everything.

@snytiger6 Dammit, Jim, I'm a sociologist, not a doctor!

@pnullifidian LMAO...


As long as you give them designated spots. Set up ground rules, you WILL meet here, and here. Not go off and wander down the main street or through a school. Because I know people would think "why not?" - there's always at least one. I fail to see any real problems with it. I don't think we all need to ditch the clothes and go walking around. Just make sure the beaches and buildings are marked, and people are in line and knowing what they're getting into if they walk in. I guess in theory it would be fine.


Your answer was to a lady that as a teen through 20s and most 30s I was ALWAYS tanned. I loved the look. Then a couple things happened. My teen daughter got sun poison. We almost never were without our tans. It took about $1000 from a dermatologist and lots of worry about her condition. It took a while to heal. Recently, I went through 3 operations for skin cancer. One finger had a large squamous cell carcinoma tumor. After that healed they copletely checked my naked body. They found 2 more basil cell carcinoma on my back. They were removed and 6 months cancer free with yearly check ups now.Your idea seems to work for you, but as you can see, my life was and is differerent. I prefer a pale non wrinkled complexion.I get complements on how young I look. The sun does not provide that. I saw a lady who was a sun worshipper. When I met her she was beautiful. Years later we met, her face was like one wrinkly mass of leather. Her looks were gone. I was glad I quit. Life is free. It is what you want to make of it. You want a tan, my blessings and go for it. if you think nudity is fine, by all means, but few people I know would I have any desire to run around naked with and they don't either. But hey, it you like it and want to, I uphold your right to go naked. Some secrets with me are sacred.


I'm a nudist and I'm nude a lot in my house and backyard. My friends and family know to call me before they come over. I think if nudity was legal the whole sexual arousal thing would not be so much of an issue. Nudist look at a nude body as just another state of dress. You wear as little or as much as you feel comfortable with. if people get used to the naked body they no longer get instantly turn on when they see it.

Exactly. I fnudity were "normal" it would nto be a big deal.


You can be naked if you want, I don't care. I will say this. There are very few of humanity That I have seen in clothes could improve their looks by taking them off. Naked does not improve most of the world's looks.Too much skin exposed to sun=more chance skin cancer.

Skin cancer is primarily the result of persons who go from practically no sun at all, to getting a great deal of sun without beuilding up the boy's natural tolerance for sun exposure. For the most fair skinned persons, they should probably not risk it, if they can't really tan. Otherwise you cna greatly reduce risk by gradually increasing sun exposure, tanning and buildin thing a tolerance to sun exposure.

As for "improving looks", that isnt' the point. However, an all over tan does look much better than tan lines when naked.


For hygiene purposes, like having public benches, a loincloth should be the minimum for public outings. If someone has diarrhea, will you trust them to not leave their gutwrenching germs on the seat you are about to use? Let's keep public health in mind. I personally don't let my cheeks spread anywhere but over a toilet


Well , I believe I am a bonafide nudist. Been a member of a Nudist club for the last 26 years. It's where I do most of my socializing, Dancing, Karaoke, dining, swimming, Hiking, and of course sunbathing. For me it is mostly a weekend thing, although alot of people live there. As much as I love it, I believe it should be secluded to clubs, ( no matter how big ) . The general public does not get it !!! It is NOT a sexual thing. Although like everywhere else you can find whatever you want there, just ask someone. I find Nudists to be much happier people than most and you will find ALL types of people eg. race, body type, age, beliefs, and professions. I consider nudism to be my ' Religion ' ! It's MY freedom, my Peace, my Lifestyle. So there you go ! 😉

That has pretty much been my experience too. Nudists are happier and a lot less judgemental.


How do you tell the difference between those people who are enjoying the nudist environment because they enjoy being nude, and those who enjoy looking at other nude people (or both)? Who "have a sexual agenda" as you put it? Isn't this rather a point of judgement? In the absence of blatant ogling or hitting on someone, what standards do you use?

You don't find it obvious by how someone acts, or behaves, as to what their intentions are?

@snytiger6 I'm just wondering, if two people are laying on a beach, both looking around, how do you tell with what intention each one is looking around? One could be looking around to enjoy the view of the ocean, the other could be enjoying... other sights, if you get my meaning. I'm not a mind reader.

@Paul4747 How does that differ from two people on a beach wearing swimsuits or clothes?

People are animals, and some thought of sex will happen when you look at someone you find attractive. I think, it is more a matter of whether or not you follow it up by annoying the person you are looking at.

I myself can admire another pesons beauty without thinking in sexual terms.

You can't. The rule is you never ACT inappropriately ! Respect is big. Everyone is equal.It's not about looking ( although you will ) it's about the freedom of not wearing clothes.


Hell no. Who wants to see that junk flapping around. Unless you're a gay man of course. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

The point of naturism/nudism isn't to seer other people nude, but rather to experience more freedom and move away from feeling guilt, shame and/or fear concerning onw's own body.

We have been conditioned (taught) to see nudity as a negative, I do not think it is healthy to abhor our natural state. Many,if not most, naive trival cultures saw nudity as natural and normal. This changed aroudn the world due to the spread of Western religious dogmas. In Australia, the Aborigines say the greatest evil (or curse) Europeans brought to them was clothing.

I have been to several nudist clubs, and without clothing to denote status, everyone treats each other a lot more equally


I am ambivalent about this. On the one hand, I think the human body, male and female, is beautiful, and nudity is our natural state. On the other hand, the social/cultural makeup of the US, with its Puritan background, the current environment of sexual predators and abuse, and the pervading (still) idea that men can't help themselves so it's the woman's fault......all of these things lead me to believe it won't happen anytime soon. It's a shame it has to be like this.

marga Level 7 Jan 31, 2018

I often think that a lot of "religious" or "puritanical" viewpoints against nudity is simply because they would lose the excitement of "beign naughty" if nudity were normalized. Which is why so many "religious leaders" get caught doing the very things they preach against. They find emotional satisfaction in their hypocrisy... at least until they get caught.


Public nudity should be legal. However, it would need to be regulated, by aN undress code. Beaches, recreational areas, residential areas, bars,etc. would be permissive areas. Still restricted from most workplace and school settings with the exception gymnasiums and workout rooms. Some places could option in such as an all nude restaurant, shopping mall or dance hall. Driving a car would still require footwear. Hazardous areas such commercial kitchens, auto repair shops and boiler rooms would not allow nudity for safety reasons. In many states nudity is not restricted except for exposure of genital areas. Common sense seems to work well in such states.


I don't care if anyone wants to be nude it shouldn't matter. Unless they are at risk of injury or harm. I wish this was possible but even in places that allow nudity in certain spaces it's not allowed in the general public.

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