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Music or no music during sex?

MUGGLEborn 4 Sep 11

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Does the headboard banging against the wall count as 'music'.

Um Yea...Nah!


I prefer no music. I can make my own sounds thank you.

That's my music of choice right there, pet.

@JeremyTaylor And you, Sir, have heard my sound.


Good to know. ?

Your own music! 😛


MUCH more important:

Sex or no sex during music? 😉

Ozman Level 7 Sep 12, 2018

I always say it depends on if the band minds. 😉

The band would only mind if they can't watch!


Only if my partner needs help carrying a beat. ; )


No music. A person should be paying attention to the sounds their partner is making. I love those sounds.


I find it difficult to play my harp during sex and it's hard to sing when I'm out of breath.


Ha, sex???? What's that?


Closer by Nine Inch Nails.


I prefer quiet.

  1. As a musician it can be distracting, as that part of my brain will want to go there instead of where it needs to be.
  2. I was born ambidextrous. I have read ambi people bounce back and forth from the right brain to the left brain all the time, which explains why I struggled to focus in school and concentrate at other times in my life. Combine the two, and you can see where music during sex could be a problem.

I prefer no sound my partner can be the drummer then i will be the singer probably on 69


I definitely prefer music ? I suggest a playlist that you and your partner both enjoy.

We have a good playlist and it enhances the mood.


If the music is good, appropriate for the mood and already on, great. If any of those things is off it's either the most distracting, sad, or cheesy thing ever.


Yes... music during love making is great!


Leonard Cohen's song "I'm Your Man" is the sexist song. I could orgasm just listening to it.


Yes! 1000 times YES! My entire life has been set to a sound track. (;

Certain love-making songs have me classically conditioned to get in the mood...

Zster Level 8 Sep 11, 2018

i really don't care. sometimes quiet music, but i've gotten distracted and fucked through a movie..... car alarms.... traffic.... it's all just something for my moans to compete with


Yesss! Sensual love-making music!

Vonda, I love music. It's gotta be playing in the background. Even if it's barely faint.

Music, wine, incense, candles, lace, edibles... Mmm... mmm..

Garbage - #1 Crush

Yum, I would date you.


“Wait, let me turn on some music first” I’ve never said that


Everything goes better with the right music. I'm not talking about Barry White here, or Bolero--and some whole genres are absolutely wrong. Rap wouldn't work. Polka would be risky.


I agree that music can definitely enhance the mood. However, trying to live up to Ravel's Bolero can be anxiety inducing.


Music, definitely, but it has to be one of the following: bagpipes, theremin, accordion (played by Weird Al, of course), vuvuzela, or grade-school recorder.

You've actually found someone that didn't object to that?

@wick3dwond3rland Well, yeah, but she was deaf…


No music.. I like to hear every breath and sound.


Depends....I don't hear well so if there's going to be dirty talk, then no music or I'll be constantly asking "what?" Sorta kills the mood. Otherwise I'm fine with music.

Wow that created a mental image !! ?


Music distracts from the screams.

@goldenvalleyguy Chainsaw? I've been using a turkey baster. Thanks for the idea!

@goldenvalleyguy, @chucklesIII i always forget how romantic you guys are


Yes, loud and hard. 😀

This works, 👍

I'm seriously kidding, it's about whatever you enjoy. ♥

@CaroleKay Hell, yeah! Haha...

@SleeplessInTexas Yeah I really wasn't kidding. 😀

@CaroleKay That's my girl! ??

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