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42 comments (26 - 42)

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Makes sense, they do most of the really important shit already.


It doesn't matter to me one bit of which sex is in charge.
What is wrong with the way things are going, (and the list of that is a few miles long), has nothing to do with gender.

The way our government is run is far beyond deplorable.
It goes much farther than who is president atm.
Just my 2 cents.


They could not do worse than too damned many male leaders have. But, women seeking power and leadership posts would do well to heed the criticism of Guenther Grass of German feminist movements in the 1980s: "The problem with them is that they are trying to use power like men. We already have too many stupid men in the world."

YES! Unfortunately women going into politics have had to play by the 'boys club' rules. jesus they have to have balls just to put up with the crap. I don't know a single work place where I haven't worked where the work place hasn't improved by a balance of the sexes. The G7 summit is a big dick contest on the world stage. The whole gov't culture needs to change. We need parliament to be made up of experience people with backgrounds in not just banking but social services, the armed services, health department, science, education, public transport. (perhaps a little less of the actors).


Couldnt be worse


I made a personal commitment years ago that I would stop voting for white males. My first choice is women of any color or nationality, men of any color or nationality, just not while males. (If the choices are there to be made)

@jorj Your opinion is noted as is mine. You do you and I do me.


Lets hope so. Us males havent done a very good job thus far.


Bannon probably fears the #metoo movement for financial as well as political reasons, those pesky lawsuits can cost a fortune. He also needs to check his history better, the bible thumpers will have his head if he admits the earth is more than 6000 years old. lol

So true !


Bring em onSenator’s first!

Varn Level 8 Nov 4, 2018

Let 'em! Men have been f*ckin' it up long enough.


It should be a shared society. That is our only hope.


Well . Trump might be his daddy but not mine . Good to know that he is afraid of vaginas .

He is probably not afraid of vaginas, just who they are attached to.

@Sticks48 and u r right again sir ?


Fine. Let women do this. Without them men would not even shave.

@maturin1919 True, but because of men women shave way too much. 🙂

@maturin1919 We already went through that in the 60's and 70's.

@Sticks48 We did? I must've missed that glut of female leaders. Could you list them pls?

@MsDemeanour I was referring to the not shaving comment. lol


Good! I hope so!




Wouldn't bother me! They couldn't screw it up any worse than we men have! If Hillary had won, the United States would still have the respect of the world! We have an racist misogynistic orange idiot occupying the Oval Office who has turned his back on NATO and befriended thugs like North Korea and Putin! Seriously?


Probably long overdue. Change definitely needed.


That would be a step in the right direction, if you ask me.

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