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For atheists - what makes you believe no deity exists?

I became an agnostic because, from my perspective, there isn't enough evidence to prove whether there is a God or Higher Powers or not. I think atheism is based more on belief rather then empirical evidence and science, though much evidence would concur that there isn't a God.

Alright, shoot. 🙂

RYSR10 6 Sep 23

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354 comments (151 - 175)

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To be really honest here, I can't believe that any god of any kind or any spirit of any kind of higher or lower power could be so damn dumb, blind, sadistic, rotten, weak , ineffective that it would allow child rape and murders, mass extermination of humans, of all life, including their pets, gassed and burnt to ashes, would allow the intolerable pain of torture during the wars of the prisoners, unspeakable acts of nightmare terror. Any god if it did exist is not one I'd surely worship that's a for sure. If there is something running the show here on Earth, it is one sick s o b , twisted and insane. I can't believe that anything so evil exists except in the minds of men. Evil and good exist only in the minds of mankind.

    Same here. You're not going to get proof either way, because no one really knows. On the other hand; can a supercomputer with AI ever become aware of itself and who it depends on for its existence? Can a two dimensional object ever observe a three dimensional object? Can a three dim object observe a four?  Thus I'm agnostic; I don't know, don't pretend to know, and not even sure I want to know.  if there is a maker that I'm unaware of or a dimension that I cannot see and there is no obvious micromanagement then I say......What difference, at this point, does  it  make ?

If you cannot measure it, it does not exist. You would be right to think that is a little simplistic, because obviously there are things that exist that are measurable and we just do not know how to measure them yet. There are also things that we can measure now that we did not know how to measure 100 years ago. However, the phrase is still a solid rule of thumb when trying to determine the difference between reality, perception, and belief. The key point is that simply believing in something does not make it real. Nor does the majority of people agreeing that something is true make it so. For a thing to be true and / or real there must be observable, repeatable, and measurable data. Without that... it is just an idea you had.


Wrong terminology. Belief is accepting on faith something that cannot be proven. Since no one has been able to prove that a god exists atheist do not believe in god. It is not a matter of believing no god exists but simply saying "show me the proof".


Born into a household that was atheist, so I didn't have to lose religion like many. Religion and faith just never stuck either.

dokala Level 7 July 20, 2018

The onus of proof lies with the person who is making moronic assertions. Why should it be up to science to prove the non existence of a God, which by definition can not be proven to exist or not?
Does science have any need to prove that Venus is NOT being orbited by an enormous teapot? If we did, then the idiots would simply redefine the concept of a teapot in order to back up their stupidly.
Even the question of whether there is a god, assumes that people are stupid. That is, after all, the reason that god was invented.


Atheism is not based on belief, but a lack of belief. There is no evidence to conclude that there are such things as deities, angels, demons, or spirits. The onus is on the believer to prove their deities exist. Atheism is not a belief system. If you believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster that is fine, but unless you can prove it exists, it is just an amusing idea.


Why should I even give the claim that there is a deity any credence? There is zero physical evidence of any of them being real, yet they all have "eyewitness" accounts to vouch for them - despite pretty much all of them being mutually exclusive.

The fact that priests are child molesters at at least the same rate (or more) as the general population seems to point to the complete lack of those deities ability to do anything in the physical world. The rate that people seem to commit atrocities in the name of their god without being struck by lightning bolts suggests that either said deities are ok with that kind of behavior, or that they don't exist enough to be offended by it.


Everything does, particularly common sense!


I only understand the word god as a metaphore or philosophicle construct. I worship life since we are life and life is resilient beautiful and indeed a force to be recond with so if that makes me a pagan or polythiest so be it..i have examined many creation myths of the world and these myths are simply stories but in them exist the same desire that exists in the sciences our basic need as intelligent creatures to understand what is going on around us. When socrates posited that it is simply the clouds that cause rain rather than a pantheon of gods and godessed, this was a cognitive leap of intellect . This is what inspired our inate coriousity as human beings nature or existence is its own excuse for being and we are lucky enough to understand and explore it...

Zeta Level 3 June 20, 2018

Because nothing attributed to a god can not be attributed to chance, circumstance, or reason. So called miracles are not duplicatable, which would not be the case were there a puppet master who supposedly was creating them. I tell people who get in my face, flip a coin or pray, the result will be just as dependable. ?


An old book, « Le testament du curé Jean Meslier » should be read by all persons who are looking for reasons not to believe in God. This book is a powerful explanation of the reasons why nobody should believe in God or in any religion based on the belief in a god. Do a Google search and you will find where it can be downloaded. Also, Candide, by Voltaire is a novel that is worth reading if you are sceptical about religions and beliefs. You won'gt regret reading it!


I, and most atheists I know, don't say there absolutely is no god, just that there's no evidence for one and until the necessary evidence is provided there's no more reason to behave as tho there might be a god than to behave as if there might be any other supernatural thing. Which makes me an agnostic atheist but still very much an atheist.

It's pointless to talk about there being no evidence against a god existing since of course there isn't, it's only possible to provide evidence for positive claims, not negative ones. Just change "god" to "unicorn" to see how that works.

What I think would create a semantically situation is if we did get compelling evidence for the existence of a god so there could be no question of not believing, only the question of whether or not to worship. Would non-worshipers still be atheists, since we'd be without god for all practical purposes, even tho we accepted ones existence? And if not, what word would indication acceptance without worship?


You either have faith or you don't


Human history. No god claim or revelation has appeared to multiple cultures. They all conform to the ideals and fancies of their origins. Religions funny enough evolve with the fortunes of their tribes. Fiery hell came after the Jews were conquered and was not wildly adopted. Rome adds new ideas and a new religion emerges as they realize the promises of their ascendancy are pretty impossible. Because people can be convinced to believe bad ideas and those echoing the ideas don’t have to be complicit in a lie to spread it. Because no objective way is attempted to show true from false claims. People are free to assert goddid anything from winning the ball game, finding your keys or punishing sinners with hurricanes. The emotional appeals and insistence that Undemonstrated ideas must’ve true is just a push to feel they are right.


Not certain I agree with you on this topic. I am atheist due to my knowledge of science and math. It is undeniable that the universe is greater than the earth god.

EMC2 Level 8 May 15, 2018

There is no god I believe in, so I am an a-theist


That is the key- empirical evidence- when it comes to this 'god.' Empirical evidence we do have indicate yes we are here, floating on a cosmic speck of dust through vast apparently infinite space. Our place in the cosmos scientifically proven- no 'belief' involved save maybe those flat earthers'. Could some of our knowledge change through further inquisition/ testing- YES! That's the beauty of it. Let's also look at the empirical evidence for god or higher power- none! Now start putting very human traits to this man created entity and there is even more doubt on it's existence- 'loving, omnipotent, perfect etc., etc. One only has to look around for this love- disease, poverty, intolerance. In fact if we were 'chosen' why is the vast majority of the earth uninhabitable to man? What would spark the search/ worship of such a being unless fear of the unknown and feeling that we must be going through this for a reward later! No thanks. I'll go through life treating people as I would wish to be treated, not forcing legislation that an imaginary being would want.


Wrong phrasing of the question as it doesnt make sense!


I more of an "Apatheist" (meaning I don't care to believe in a deity as so far in my life one or more have not made themselves known to me, so screw it!).


Atheism is a loaded word. I prefer atheist to agnostic because it simply means "without god," not, no god could ever exist. I don't care enough to say god is definitively nonexistent because I simply don't know - not 100% at least. I live my life as if there is no god because it seems to give every day more purpose.

elaw Level 4 Apr 25, 2018

I’m going to give you the story I give everyone, you think that God woke up 1 day and was like shit I need something to look at I’ll make the heavens and the earth. Then a few days passes and he is walking around and is like shit I need something to watch and God being as narcissistic as he is makes man in his own image, and says this guy right here is going to make me laugh to years.


We, as atheists, don't need to provide evidence for the non-existence of gods. Those who claim gods exist have to provide the evidence. Some else has said that little green men on Mars have been proven not to exist. This is not true. All that can be said is that there is no evidence that they do exist.


For me, so much depends on the meaning of words. I'm 100% certain there's no Biblical God, but a pantheistic deity is plausible.

All deities to this point have died the test of time. I don't know if there is a higher power that were my agnostism lies. I'm an atheist as far as beings
Shep Level 4 Apr 11, 2018
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