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Would you stay with your husband/wife or girlfriend/boyfriend if you found out they couldn’t have children?

EmeraldJewel 7 Jan 19

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Yes, no question.


Stay with him? That's what I'm looking for! I'm one of those you had me at I'm shooting blanks.


I never wanted children. They are expensive, they will wreck your car, and marry someone you probably don't like all that much.


Absolutely. In fact, not being able to have kids would be a fantastic bonus in a partner because I have absolutely no desire to procreate.


That would actually be ideal.


For myself that would not bother me . Cause I've never desired to have kids


This makes the assumption that there is only one way to get children. If having snot monsters in your life is a drop dead deal breaker, there is always adoption or fostering. I would hope your reasons for being with that person are more than just their biological material.

GwenC Level 7 Jan 19, 2019

I did but it also turned out she could 🙂


If I were still within possible childbearing age, I'd prefer it.
Not everyone should, or has to, have chldren.
Most people who do it, shouldn't.


Adoption is a good option. The fact that the person cannot have children should not make you stop loving them.


I would prefer it


Yes, I would. Wasn’t sure I would be able to and tried for seven years, multiple surgeries and tens of thousands of dollars. I’d hate to think my partner would have have left me if it wasn’t successful. There’s many ways to start a family if that’s what you desire.


Without a doubt!


Anyone who didn't ...wasn't in the marriage for the right reasons in the first place. Humans are COMPLETE and WHOLE individuals with fulfilling lives even if they don't fertilize or poop out crotch demons.

It's time to start normalizing being Childfree by Choice and stop looking at it as an anomaly.

The world is over-populated and the Earth is dying. 7.6 BILLION humans exist and that number is growing. It's time we started having realistic discussions about population REDUCTION.

Or we need a damn good plague.

Yay! I scrolled through all the comments on this post just hoping to find your thoughts on this!! ??


Of course. I don’t want children. My SO had a vasectomy before I met him. He already had grown children. Works great for me.


Age might just be a factor in this one. Then again I've seen people older than me who are open to having kids?

Boggles my imagination - but they usually don't plan on being the one having them.

But yes it would not matter at my age. lol Frankly it never would have been a deal-breaker - there are plenty of work arounds these days.


If a couple would enter marriage based on their ability to reproduce, then they have entered the marriage for the wrong reason anyway. Marriage should be between the parties firstly a child brings some validation to the relationship because of the parents rights, but that has its own separate significance.


I married stupidly young at 20, but since I’m 65 now, it wasn’t so odd then. I did want kids when I first married but then realized marriage maybe want such a good idea. I had reproductive issues so we did try for 8 years. Was glad we didn’t after divorcing after 11 years of marriage. He remarried to woman who had 12 yr old son and he had 2 more sons. He was ecstatic. One is gay. His step son has three kids but daughter in law hates my ex’s wife. They haven’t seen them in years. Their other son is so messed up with PTSD they won’t have kids. So my ex thought he got his dream family, but they NEVER see or speak to each other. Me, I never remarried and my two cats love me. Thank you very much.


I’d warned mine I didn’t want children, she kept me anyway..

Varn Level 8 Jan 20, 2019

I'm at the wrong stage of life for that question but, after my daughter was born that was it for me. I would have left any partner that wanted to have kids.


I did for 27 years with my late wife,she got sterilized after her 3rd child,with her 2nd husband,I knew that, and resolved to not let it bother me. She had a child lost to SIDS(Sudden Infant Death Sydrome),one in a care facility (due to Cerebral Palsy)and a 50 years old druggie stepson, I have nothing to do with.


Lol ... why wouldn't I? Actually at this point in life I'd see that as a feature, not a bug, but I never would have regarded that as a deal-breaker. When I was young I was way more interested in friendship and sex than in children, who are, after all, the world's worst buzz-kill.


Of course, since I can't anymore either.

Carin Level 8 Jan 20, 2019

That's my preference. Been there, done that!


I went into my current marriage with the understanding that, while we both wanted them, kids were not going to be an option.

Being poly, my boyfriends also know that kids are not going to be an option.

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