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What is the worst place someone could ask you on a date?

What are some of the worst places you can imagine being asked on a date...? Bonus: if the person was really attractive, would you still go? lol.

silvereyes 8 Feb 22

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A Justin 'F***ing' Beiber concert


To attend church or a republican meeting. Nope, wouldn’t go. Unless it was a joke and we went to laugh. Then hells ya!

Cakes Level 4 Feb 22, 2018

Hahaha!!! My thoughts exactly.


A White House dinner with Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Stephen Miller, Joel Osteen, and Sarah Huckabee without knives and forks for security reasons.

jeffy Level 7 Feb 22, 2018

Your ex partners place for dinner 😉

Sacha Level 7 Feb 22, 2018

#1 Church #2 His parents house
He would have to be George Clooney, then I'd go. George's parents seem very cool!


The first time I ever went on a date, we went to McDonalds. So romantic!

Jnei Level 8 Feb 22, 2018

@silvereyes in taco bell?

@silvereyes I bet it was. 🙂

@silvereyes So your gentlemen friend thought this through and came prepared with the candles?? Were the lights dimmed for the occasion?

It sounds kind of like my first date... Chicken Mcnuggets by the glow of the dashboard lights....

@silvereyes hahaha-that is awesome!


Church. And definitely not. I was asked by a christian who was amazingly gorgeous. Nevertheless, her piety tipped the scale to the point of my being nowhere near interested.


A Catholic confession booth.

Ohub Level 7 Feb 22, 2018

@Naeem Nah I always had to make stuff up.

In the recent film "The Good Catholic" that happened.


are you talking about the location of the date, or the location of the request?

@silvereyes then my answer would be a funeral...actually it would be a bad place for the request too

@heathen77 would be a hilariously awkward place to ask anyone out on a date.

@heathen77 You do know that a funeral is where some people go to look for their next husband or wife. No joke, someone recently informed me of that little known fact.

@heathen77 I was asked out on a date at a Funeral! (And I went).

We'd all just lost the same friend at age 21 so my mental health might not have been the best?

I should say it was a week later? Not that day!


Fast food is one of the worst, race track would not be ideal. Church or Republican anything would not be good. Football or basketball game, boxing, or tennis would be right down there. And no, if they were Pierce Brosnan or a younger Sean Connery handsome I would not be interested.


Underwater without any gear.

Gohan Level 7 Feb 22, 2018

A Casino.

No - I'd wait for a new option ...


Asking if my mom could also come because she was hot too. Sorry I didn't actually answer the question. The date didn't actually happen because
my date had the hots for my mom. That was strange. He had to go.
He figured that he could date both of us. NOT !!

Hope you and your mom had a good laugh.
That would be the kind of joke that would come up for years after.

@silvereyes "Somethings Gotta Give" Keanu Reeves as well - just saying....

Yes my mom and I laughed about it. At first he thought she was my sister. Still would have been weird.

Ah I remember now, that movie !!


It still boggles my mind of how Catholicism is as large as it is. Much of its teachings ignore or say to take the biblical things "allegorically" so what they are really saying is that what you read in that book means the exact opposite of what it says.


an abattoir?


Standing at the urinal but women don't come in that often.


Anywhere I didn't like, I'd turn him down, or make my own suggestion.

I usually am the one who decides where to go anyway, and they have to ask three days ahead, or I'm sorry, but I already have plans. Doesn't matter to me if I go out with them or not.

Damn, is Friday morning breakfast too late?

@Pastor_Dan LOL! If you were in Songkhla, Thailand, I'd make an exception..and suggest we meet at Samila Beach!


North Dakota!


I had a guy insist on taking me to one of those extreme amusement parks. The kind where the rides shoot you up the air in a ball, etc. I suffer from motion sickness. I can't even ride in a car w/o dramimine. I threw up. It was awful.

The date from hell!


The circus. I would not go no matter how attractive she was.


Their place.
Think about it. What woman is crazy enough to have a man over for a date, alone, at her place, with no prior meeting. -It sets off so many red flags.
It's tempting...but so is keeping my kidneys.


At a funeral... "so, you dating yet?" #toosoon?


Boxing match
MMA match
Mud Wrestling
Dog fight
Cock fight




I was asked out at a funeral once. I kid you not. At. The. Funeral.

That is almost to hilarious!

was it an absurd sense of humor, or just plain gall?

But did you go out with him?


Well, I've picked up a Republican girl from a trailer park to attend a party at her church before, and she wasn't even that attractive. Soooo... I'm going to go with "A cannibal barbecue." And "Maybe; I'm weak like that."

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