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Fellow agnostics, how do you feel about believers joining?

This is likely contentious, but it needs to be asked. As this is a site "...promoting universal truths and peaceful life without religion" how do you feel about people of faith joining here?

I'm no shrinking violet and I don't need the sort of safe space that so many people believe they do now, but I also don't want to have to engage with people who have been inculcated into some form of unscientific, simple-minded view of the natural world.

I joined in the belief (cough) that this was an exclusive club where I could escape from these folk - but now I find they are joining - with a view to what, I don't know although my hackles are raised.

Not only is this sort of thing wasteful of resources, but if they are here to try to convert or preach at us, that's likely to result in a dissemination to all-out flame wars in a post or two.

I didn't think this was a site to convert people from one way of thinking to another (that sort of thing is nigh-on impossible by the time we're in our 20s anyway.)

I ask because I'm interested what my fellow angostic/athiests think.

I've noted that "theists" tend to butt in to these conversations with their ignorance and that's what I came here to avoid.

I'm getting too old to argue.

Draco 6 Sep 25

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583 comments (276 - 300)

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I don't don't know if I qualify as a "believer" or not. I'm a free thinker and in conversation I seem to have more in common with agnosics/atheists than I do with your typical "believer".
Frankly, I don't think it's a belief in a God that makes some people intolerable. It's their belief in a religion.

religion IS belief in a superhuman power, so how can it be separated from god (=superhuman power)?

@walklightly i know a lot of people who believe in a "higher power" or "higher authority" or whatever, who can't stand religions. Not everyone thinks "God" is some cloud man in the sky doling out eternal nastiness. I read a series of books some years back, called Conversations With God, it was actually a great read, and not at all representative of the God of religion. And in fact, in those books, "God" referred to religion as an insane set of rules designed to try to make sense of an insane God.
I've actually come to the conclusion that "God" is actually just "energy.

@Taijiguy, is this conversation about energy or about an imaginary friend? because, to be frank with you, i am quite interested in the topic of energy, but utterly flabbergasted, if not to say snickering hysterically, at the idea of non-recognition of the difference between sensation & belief. i do sense energy with my physical body, no doubt about it, & no belief required. in an entity called "god" on the other hand i have to believe, because it does not exist, can not be experienced on any level of my real being. now you ask me to respect a "god" that appears in a book & is actually just energy, telling the reader what an asshole another "god" is. what a pompous jerk! i rest my case.

@walklightly i don't think you read my comment carefully.
First, the comment was focused on the separation of religion from a belief in a "God". I know many people who do in fact believe in a God, (higher power) but have nothing but disdain for religion. There's plenty of them in 12 step groups around the world.
Regarding the books, the God speaking in those books, again, was critical of religion, not of the God the religions represent. (being him/her self) because those religions have distorted "God" into something it isn't.
The energy comment is my interpretation of what is really being referenced with the name "God". If you consider the main components of descriptions of what "God" is, it makes perfect sense. All places at all times, is the creator of everything, etc. I could go even deeper, but it gets a little weird when you throw in nanotechnology and quantum physics.

@Taijiguy, i did read your comment as carefully as only a non-manipulated self-thinking person can. you equate "god" with energy, which makes no sense to me at all. i have a certain power over energy, being a living, breathing being. the idea of "god" is that of a superhuman power, which makes me dependent on its whim. believing in a "god", i have created a religion; that is actually what religion means. separating the idea of "god" from religion is like denying the fact that if i recognize breathing in a being it belongs in the realm of the living. the book you keep referring to seems to be written by a confused (or sadistic) person, & as for your statement about "many people...believe in a god" & the example of the 12-step groups, well, it just shows me once more, how many truly deluded, lost souls this beautiful planet of ours carries. oh, & by all means, let's get weird. i'm all for it.

@walklightly that idea of "God" that you describe only exists because you've been told that's what he/she/it is. I'll believe you're actually a non-manipulated free thinker as soon as you let go of that concept. My theory of God makes no sense because you adhere to what you've been told God is. I don't. I believe in energy, I believe in the universe, and I believe in all the universe holds for us.
When God of the Bible was asked who he was, do you know what "he" said?
And as for the lost and deluded souls, I know and love many of them. My dad being one, who was an alcoholic for most of his life until he stepped into an aa meeting. His belief in a power greater than himself helped him get sober. You may believe that he's delusional, but those people get help from their delusions.

@Taijiguy I have zero problem with a believer who can admit that their beliefs are just unsubstantiatable personal preferences / experiences and non-binding on anyone but themselves. But in my experience, that has happened on sites open to theists, possibly two or three times in several years of participation. If you are able to agree with the above statement then you're a rarity. My guess though is that you are more like some of the more coherent "roll your own" professedly areligious types the way you say that if we just understood god correctly like you do rather than listen to all the incorrect god-information not sourced from you, that it would start making sense. There's a guy on c-d who is a retired academic with a very detailed manifesto about his very one-off god-beliefs and he'll openly tell you you're just dense if you find his beliefs make no sense. He's as derisive of fundamentalists as any atheist is, yet ... like most believers, he thinks he's found the truth and it's self-evident to anyone with an open mind. Not all liberal / atypical believers have epistemological humility or hold their faith loosely. In fact, very few actually do.

@mordant your guess would be wrong. I don't really concern myself with what others believe. I'll share my ideas, feel free to take it or leave it.: -)


Oh, I have "lived a sheltered life" have I?

yes, @PuppeteerPhil, it is, & i'm actually cringing. this is so untypical of the usually friendly tone on this site 😕

Without going through over 300 comments, I am curious about to which comment are you replying about "lived a sheltered life"?

@LetzGetReal Thanks!! ??


i am all for PEACEFUL LIFE WITHOUT RELIGION. i am interested in raising my mental & spiritual energy in a friendly self-inquiry with fellow freethinkers. i am absolutely opposed to deal with illogical arguments, posed by theists.


I've already encountered one seeking to defend the faith as it were (a generic assertion that god exists, without much in the way of defining the term). I was a little surprised but countered some of the assertions. At some point I might mention it's rather poor form to proselytize in an agnostic forum, but then I used to visit believers' sites and offer (respectfully) my $.02. If it gets to be too annoying, there's always the block feature.


Not a problem, I will either ignore them or ridicule them depending how they come at me like I do on all the other social sites, anymore it is easy to pummel them with quotes from their own holy book.

i feel that ignoring them allows them to settle in comfortably with their vile & stupid drivel, much like a cuckoo with her eggs. so i am left with one option only, & for at least two reasons that just doesn't appeal to me. firstly, because it IS only one option, no choice left, & secondly, i did not come to this site for low-level intelligent discussions about imaginary friends & their manipulative powers. this is refuge to me, refuge from babble bashers.


I personally don't mind as long as they don't try to convert me or talk to me about their faith. I join this site so I could be free to express how I feel without hurting anyone's feelings or arguing with anyone. I am all for live and let live but is nice to have a place where you can meet more people with similar beliefs. I am surrounded with believers in my life elsewhere and enjoy most people in general. If they are here to learn more about us...that we aren't evil or confused/lost then cool beans. I joined some LGBT groups and I am not LGBT. I am simply on I'm there to learn and be more supportive to my son and the LGBT community in general. I learn a lot. I'm respectful and generally quiet on them unless it is to show support.

Good point, this place would have a LOT more "arguing" / heated discussion with theists in the mix, believe me.

I think that's cool Cherish -- that you joined groups to learn and be supportive of your son.


I've known a few liberal theists that would be a great addition, but most theists aren't interested in learning from others or having an open dialogue, since the majority seem convinced that there is no truth outside their closed circle. I'm conflicted. If only the respectful few who aren't out to convert anyone to their set of beliefs and who know how to engage in a discussion without being overbearing were allowed to join, that would be great. We could all learn something. Openness, free exchange of differing viewpoints and all that. Unfortunately it only takes one bad apple to spoil the whole bunch, and in my experience, the bad apples vastly outnumber the good.

Wel, if anyone goes off, the Admin can just eject him/her, right?

@GoldenMean In theory, yes. In practice, they'd probably have to add more admins, it becomes a lot more work to police it. I suppose very strict rules of engagement could be promulgated and the ban-hammer wielded liberally, but it soon starts to involve things like detecting / swatting sock puppets when they try to come back under another handle, etc. I think it will make moderator's jobs harder, not just make it unpleasant for us.

City-data has very strict moderation, no cussing (oddly, crap is an okay word, but not shit, go figure) and prohibits proselytization in the atheism & agnosticism forum. TheThinkingAtheist is far more hands off, more user-regulated (sometimes not all that well). They have a very different feel.

One way C-D maintains civility and order is they don't tolerate much scientific debate for example on the atheism & agnosticism OR the religion and spirituality forums. So as soon as you get into some substantive debate involving evolution, you inevitably find the thread shut down as off-topic because you end up explaining / discussing the science. Over on the science forum you get shut down for religion talk. It's kind of stilted that way.


I understand why some would want to allow the religious to join, maybe they can be tipped our way and all that. I also know that this is a place of community and refuge away from the "religious majority". They have plenty of places, christian mingle, thousands of churches, tons of air time (television and radio). I say leave us our little slice of "heaven"... : )

It FLOORS me how many religious stations are on DirecTV. I would seriously like to opt out of all of them -- as in not even see them. It's ridiculous.


Like Dillahunty said about their debates. I don't want just you fellow atheists to attend. I want Christians, other religious. The point is to share and bounce ideas, educate. You can't educate if they are not listening.

Problem is, many of them don't come to listen, they come to talk. And talk. And talk.


It would kinda be like if I were to walk into Church on Sunday. Pointless ? Unless they're just truly interested or thinking maybe they're more like us and want to check it out ?

Sometimes methinks they doth protest too much on other unbeliever forums where they're welcome. I think some of them ARE curious. Others want to sharpen their apologetics / debate form, although they are generally awful at it and never seem to improve.

It wouldn't necessarily be pointless to walk into some kinds of Churches, the ones that hold beliefs very loosely or iconoclastically. One can find much common cause with liberal theism, if you can ignore the god talk. My wife volunteers at a food kitchen run by Episcopalians for example. So in a way I could see more open / intellectually honest believers coming by for a chat, but sadly, mostly what you get are the fundamentalist nutjobs and some unaffiliated types who make it up as they go.


There are plenty of other sites for debating theists (I'm active under this handle on two of them, and (the latter has a pretty active atheism & agnosticism form and a generic religion & spirituality forum, although in my view the moderation is a touch heavy-handed and intrusive).

I rather like the lack of theists (especially theist trolls) here, it's not so much a desire for a "safe space" as for exchanging ideas with like minded folks without having to be girded for battle all the time. Sparring is fun, to a point, but just having a discussion is a breath of fresh air.

It's a little like the now-defunct site my current wife and I met on, (stood for "to be determined" ). It limited membership to people over 40 (and it wasn't a dating site, either). Man, did THAT elevate the discourse, just eliminating all the youthful angst. This site feels a little bit like that to me -- it's like unbelievers are way more intellectually honest and mature and centered.

Personally I would not want believers on here, it's one of the distinctives of this site that set it apart. There are relatively few knuckle-draggers among us. I'd like to keep it that way.

Another thing I'm discovering about this site is that I feel somewhat more open about discussing my life and thinking on certain topics when I know it's not going to be seized on and distorted by someone who is looking to have them some confirmation bias about some atheist stereotype. If believers think atheists are depressed, nihilistic and miserable, you don't feel like be honest about your personal pain points. Just a thought.

Just take a look at as a guest, look through the threads and you'll see lots of really brainless theists get on there, thinking they have an original argument that is going to slay us, getting shot down in flames and just not quitting. Some of them aren't even coherent, or are outright mentally ill. It's fun, in a shooting-fish-in-a-barrel sort of way, to nuke them, but it quickly wears thin. Life is about way more than anti-theism.

thank you, this is such a perfectly succinct perspective; where do i sign it? i certainly couldn't have said it better; it resonates with me 100%. just for once not having to feel tense & prepared to be chopped down by the cerebrectomised ones... what an enlivening experience!


Sadly, I've run into a few "knuckle daggers" here.


A-Gnostic =Lacking a certain KNOWLEDGE of any God.

A-Theist = Lacking a belief in any Gods

It is possible for a person to be either agnostic Atheist or Theist.

What I would ask of believers who are agnostic is, since you realidly admit you do not have evidence of your God (by being Agnostic, not having direct knwoledge of that God, ie proof), what makes you think your reasons for believing in that God are valid?

By what Method did you determine your beliefs, absent that knowledge, are valid?

i am not a believer, so i can & will not answer your question; just to point out something about belief: if i would want there to be a god, but have no scientific or other evidence of a god existing, then, & only then will i need a belief in such a god. would i have knowledge of a god existing, on the other hand, belief would become superfluous. i understand myself as an agnostic (i have no knowledge of a god existing), as well as an atheist (i do not believe that a god exists).

@walklightly Correct, I do not need to Believe in my Pickup, I know it to be real.

precisely, @Davesnothere 😀


I'm new here, but my first inclination is to encourage productive discourse. That requires respect from either side.

I'm all for everybody joining. I'm not for assholes wasting my time and energy.

& what reason, do you think, a believer would have to join a website called "agnostic"? i don't reckon it's for "productive discourse"; at least that's not my experience.

@walklightly: that's a fair question. i would imagine the same folk, like me, who were once believers and wondered if there's something else.

fair enough, @wolffr13. it's just not my experience on this site. the only believer i did encounter & keep stumbling upon is very much determined to convince everyone who is willing to listen & engage in "discourse" that there is a god blabla. i can argue him down to the nub, until he slithers out of the conversation - just to start off with someone else. for his opportunistic attitude not to follow through to the bitter end of his arguments, i had to place him into the "asshole" category - he grabs topics, turning them into his & taking time, energy & focus from many.


Maybe gluten's for punishment?


If the believer is belittling Atheism, and just being toxic I'm sure the individual would be flagged and maybe admin would step-in. It is pretty easy to ignore posts/comments that do not add value to a discussion, therefore I'm not worried about it becoming a problem.

However if the individual is asking rational questions and wants an atheistic point of view then I'd be more than happy to share my thoughts.

so far i only encountered one condescending believer.

I have run into a couple of theists that are much less then pleasant including a condescending, atheist mocking, science ridiculing level 7 member of this site.


If it becomes to many theists here insisting to share their delusions, we may at some point need a block button. It is not about safe spaces it is about avoiding getting annoyed by the same nonsense many already have to face everywhere else.


No one has any idea why they believe, nor the ability to discern what they believe from reality. Agnostics may believe but have doubt, humanists a general belief in the nature and goodness of man, etc. We all believe in something, so your question is null and deserves no answer. But if you're using the term believer in a highly prejudicial way, I.e. placing all religionists in the same basket(the way most non religionists are called atheist) then my answer is; why not?? Are you afraid that you might hear something useful from a believer, that your assumed ideas at infallible, afraid you might "drink the kool-aid". Pretty closed minded from where I stand

your comment contains at least 7 (seven) assumptions, so it's gonna be a tad difficult to disentangle your "message" from the mess, but i'll try my damnedest.

  1. "no one has any idea why they believe" = false, many believers will tell you that it gives them comfort & a sense of belonging.
  2. "..nor the ability to discern what they believe from reality" = how would YOU know?
  3. "agnostics...have doubt" = false, i have no knowledge AND no doubt.
  4. "humanists a general belief..." = false, humanism is not attached to any "general belief".
  5. "we all believe in something" = absolutely false. i believe in nothing.
  6. "most non-religionists [never heard that term before] are called atheists" = statistics, please.
  7. "afraid that...your assumed ideas..." = how would YOU know?

& there goes your "MESSage".

this website is designed to serve the agnostic community.
if i come across a website that caters to christians (as in: believers in a christian god) i will, as a heathen, be able to muster the selfcontrol & tolerance to steer clear of it.
if, on the other hand, you prefer to engage in lively discussions about the pros & cons of belief or not, i am sure you will find a website on the worldwide web that will accommodate this desire. is NOT it.

@walklightly Thank you for saving me a great deal of time, I felt obligated to point out a similar list. I would have included for your #2 response that many atheists (like myself) use the scientific method (testable repeatable verifiable based on real world facts i.e. reality) and although not infallible, has provided the best methodology . . . "to discern what they believe from reality"


I wouldn't care if they are here, just so long as they don't prosthelytize. I'm not even really enthusiastic about all the atheist rants either, but I guess there has to be a place for that somewhere. I was really hoping for a safe space from being preached at or otherwise having the theistic culture bashed over my head, and there would be a lot of topics that would have nothing to do with religion.


I vote we welcome any and all and not try to be an exclusive club. Consider, that believers that come to this site may be on the fence and need some logical, scientific dialogue instead of the constant preachy bromide that they are stuck with in their lives.

it should be easy to figure out which believer is sitting on the fence; it's what the initial profile questions are for.
the one experience i have with a believer here is rather grating, as the person keeps fading in the background once he runs out of arguments, only to crop up somewhere else & start his condescending dispute for a god again.
apart from all that i can't really be bothered with what believers need, not on this site. i came here to get away from the constant bigotry, not to have this, my refuge, poisoned by it as well.


Flame wars... only if folks can be civil and not preach. I do not see the point. But I am happy to debate their "beliefs" with my facts any day.

can monkeys not chatter?

I share your position. I have, however burned many hours trying to "education" but in reality infuriating theists on this website.


I was happy and excited to find this website. I felt like I was coming home...that I am speaking with friends. There are few individuals in my life with whom I can freely discuss any subject in its entirety. There are entire subject areas that I cannot mention in discussions and social engagements. This is exhausting and frustrating. I would prefer not having people of faith on this site. PS...I really liked the suggestion of 'acknowledging' someone's beliefs as opposed to respecting them.

MarqG Level 5 Feb 23, 2018

If they are here to meet people and understand our though process, no problem.


I joined this group to get away from religious people.

welcome! me too.


A few days ago on this site I ran into a level 7 fellow who has a major problems with "science" and "atheists". I spent a great deal of time demonstrating his objection against atheists and science, if he valued truth, (demonstrable) were inferior to the non-science method (faith (belief without evidence)) based claims . One of his rebuttals (before telling me (more then once) he did not like me and to quit "harassing" him (by pointing out problems in his assertions), he included in context "We" (members of (all agnostics)) agreed with his assertions and (implied) did not include atheists or those that respect science.

As much as I wished agnostics and atheist were the same, there are some that believe in the supernatural and devalue science that consider themselves agnostic.

Do I wish people like him did not exist on this website. Yes.

I have also run into many theists that pose question such as "What happened to you to make you not believe in god?" When I explain their loaded question was dishonest and give examples of why is question is flawed as we have no evidence that a god exists, the what I can only guess was is a theist got really annoyed - - - . Do I wish his type did not exist on this website? yes.

I was also in hopes people that failed to use evidence to support claims or believed in un-testable supernatural events would not be a part of this community. Sadly this is not the case.

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