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Are you an open or closet agnostic/atheist, and why?

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348 comments (101 - 125)

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I am an open agnostic with family and friends, but closeted at work. I don't feel comfortable discussing religion at work so I just don't say anything.


Open and vocal because stupidity irritates the sh*t out of me!


I'm an open African American atheist which makes it even more difficult.


I'm an anti religions philosopher. I'm very open about it.

If I can help even one person with sharing what I know, this far outweighs anyone not liking me.


Both. Generally, in my town, I am in the closet as this is very right wing here and people will not hire, promote, do business with you etc., if they know. However, I am open with my small humanist meetup.


Depends on whom I am with. I don't intentionally offend anyone, but sometimes it's very hard to keep my mouth shut when the religious babbling starts.

Marty Level 1 Dec 20, 2017

Very open. I totally feel I have an ax to grind over the religion that I’ve been exposed to.


Quite open now. I de-converted eight years ago, and kept quiet so as not to upset my elderly parents. But they are gone now, so I'm wide open about it!


I was an open agnostic and humanist until about the age of 40. I made a mistake in getting dragged into Christianity and then moved to another state where I joined a small church (even worked as the assistant to the pastor!). I've fought hard to 'wake back up' this last year and now have come full circle back to agnosticism. Now though, I'm in the closet to all but my mother (a confirmed atheist) and my kids (who didn't grow up with Christianity and thought I just lost my mind when I became a believer). All of my friends, really everyone I know where I live, is connected with the church and I don't feel comfortable at all in letting them and other believing members of my family know. I'm so relieved to find this site to have others to talk with as I am really isolated.


I'm quite open about being an atheist, why worry not really an issue.


I don't advertise it or try to recruit people to atheism. It is not a movement with rituals and so on. However, if anyone asks I have no problem telling people that I do not believe in fairy tales,


I'm open about it. I don't run around advertising it, usually, lol. But if it helps I will.
When I got out of the cult I was in I needed to connect with others like me but no one was speaking out at that time. I decided, at that point, that I would speak out so I could be there in case others needed me. Ever since then I've been pretty damn open and honest about everything. I don't believe a person can help others if they are "perfect".
Since open and honest and out there is how I chose to live, it's the path I am on and I have no intention of deviating. I understand others do not have the freedom that I have for various reasons so I don't put them down. Some people could lose their jobs and so on.

Lori Level 2 Nov 10, 2017

Depends. If asked I give an honest answer but in some situation I keep it to myself.


Simple, do good things and avoid evil.

I was in the closet from about the age of twelve until one day, while on a job walk with one of my superintendents, a born again at that, I open the door and game out with both barrels blasting. I love being out and free to proud to say I am an atheist.


I'm in a place of questioning and share with close friends about what confuses me about the supposed character of "God" and why the planet is in a state of pollution and corruption.
The jury is still out.

All the best in your quest.


Open, although will not state so unless asked. What usually happens is someone (often a family member) looks to me for agreement that "God is good " or similar and I either don't respond, walk away or say something dismissive. Not intentionally. Just an automatic response. For years I haven't practiced Catholicism and can't remember the last time I said I would pray for or about someone, but none in family noticed until recently.


If someone asks about my religion I will tell them that I don't believe in religions and I'm an atheist, but I don't usually go out screaming in every face I meet that I'm an atheist

Johar Level 3 Oct 20, 2017

I'm an open atheist. I'm not terribly vocal about it, but people that know me will know that trait about me. Most of my friends are not particularly religious so it makes it a lot easier.

none of my friends are religious either. I have a co worker that spends his sundays listening to lies in a baptist church, I don't get it, out of 2 days off a week you waste one of them LOL


As a brown Army veteran, I am less hated for being an atheist than a Muslim. If someone asks my religion I will happily tell them I'm an atheist. In the more common way I get asked, I refuse to deny being Muslim. I ask "does it matter?" and "why?" and wait for serious answers. But generally, I am very open about it.


I came out of the non-believer closet in January. I had to wait for my daughters to leave for college to do so. Boy oh boy did it stir up some noise in my small community in south Arkansas. 99% of people here would say they don't know an atheist/agnostic person. The few, very few that are here must stay in the closet or risk their careers and family.


I've been very open for about 40 years. If I am ask or questioned about my beliefs. I live in the bible belt and my beliefs cause many to question my value. I found very little problems in the educational surroundings I found in my life as a teacher.


I'm 61, way past needing someone else to validate my thoughts. I simply don't care, it doesn't affect my life to admit I'm an atheist.

same here. I don't care what people think, its not my problem.


Open, because I don't give a fuck what people think. I express it even if it's not welcomed.

Nothing wrong with being open. How do you express your openness

By saying "f god", or laughing at something. Basically being rude about it if they try and push their religion on me. Or if religion is brought up in a nice conversation then I simply say "Oh, i'm not religious", etc.


A little bit of both. I'm open with my family and close friends. Most of my old church friends have no idea. If it comes up I'll tell them. Otherwise I don't push the issue. Of course, I was the same when I was religious.

That’s great! Nothing worse than those who impose πŸ™‚


Open but I am not one of those who needs to remind everyone about it. I am willing to respect your beliefs and expect the same in return, if you can't then that's their problem not mine.

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