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What's the best thing about being single?

There are many pros and cons to single vs. married life. So, what is awesome about being single?

silvereyes 8 Mar 2

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No mother-in-law . Don't have to deal with other people's addictions , such as smoking , etc . Am more able to invest in my future .


I do whatever I want whenever I want and don't have to compromise or consider someone else.

great minds think alike


Setting my own timetable, doing and eating what I want, when I want.

I need to add to this comment. I've noticed several people saying they like not having to compromise.

I, specifically, didn't say that in my post because I would LOVE to have someone in my life that I could compromise with. Life isn't always about having your own way, you grow as a person when you can share, and yes, give up/compromise with someone important to you. IMO


Since I'm an introverted person with an extroverted job, being single gives me the time I need to recharge. I don't have to spend energy on another person if I don't want to.

You said it perfectly! Recharge time is VITAL to some of us.


No demands on my time, all the 🍕 is mine, peace and quiet in the house, no in-laws…


I love being the decision maker for everything I do. My house, my life, my tv, my bed. My choice. Though, I do kind of miss having that one person I could usually count on to do things with.


The toilet seat is always down .... LOL .....

SKH78 Level 8 Mar 2, 2018

I wish, and here it is the female guests mostly who leave the lid up. Seriously, WTF?


farting off-key.

I remember being very young and my then boyfriend saying "She doesn't fart. I'm not kidding - she doesn't.". Young love! Ah....

most certainly, @silvereyes 😉

@LovinSpoonful007 Stan Kenton was one step above Lawrence Welk, Count Basie, Dave Bruebeck, the Modern Jazz Quartet, that was modern jazz at the time. We host an open Mic down here on Tuesdays if any of you want to toot a tune.

@MrLizard, would you consider this a desirable attribute in a partner?

@MrLizard It really baffled him? But we know it real! 🙂

@LovinSpoonful007 The Tavern in Woodcreek TX. Deep in the heart as if Texas has one.

@LovinSpoonful007 I grew up in both. Austin has turned into an overgrown mess also.

@MrLizard look, if i'd known that the mention of FART has such an enthusiastic response i would have given it an entire post on its own 😀

waaaaaah! i'm not! @MrLizard

fffffrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt, @MrLizard 😀


Able to make plans on the fly. Don't have to check in with a spouse to see if he needs me for anything. You can live in a moderately cluttered home without someone complaining. You can wake up in wee small hours of moring and put on music.

SKH78 Level 8 Mar 2, 2018

So true! I have packed up and traveled all over this country and visited a few others just because. The only thing I had to worry about was 'Did I leave the oven on?'


Not having to go places or do things that I don't want to..


The fact that nobody will ever find out that I cry myself to sleep

I think you may have just posted your own "spoiler alert". 😟

That's sad. Have an internet hug.
If you were here in the states you could sleep well knowing the government is always watching you. Always. Watching.

That's sad but I do it a lot too.


Not having to compromise.


I can switch sides of the bed or even sleep in the middle if I want.

Duke Level 8 Mar 2, 2018

Pretty sure even married I'd have my own bed lol

Yeah I’m not sure if I’ll ever be able to share a bed again! Lol

@Marcie1974 It doesn't have to be ALL night.

Good point!!! @jlynn37

A guy I sleep with at times tells me I sleep like a star fish....hands behind my neck with elbows sticking out, legs spayed out.....I'm a bit of a bed hog, evidently.

@Marcie1974 YUP! There's sleepy time and there's sexy time and different beds for different reasons. LOL

@silvereyes And I'll bet you would take it.


If I make a mistake or something goes wrong with me, it's much more likely that nobody has to pay the consequences but me; therefore less guilt, and much less potential for guilt.


Having the complete freedom to do as I please, anytime I please, with anyone I please.


I can get lost in what ever creative piece I'm working on with out having to worry about keeping in touch with someone.


There is one less person lying to me.


I can stay out late and not having to check with anyone. Not getting the evil eye for arriving late. I can go to any restaurant and try different food without checking with anyone. I can listen to any radio station that I want and watch any television show that I want. The best one is not being expected to read someone's mind to know what she expect me to do or say or answer. No honey do list. That being said, it is possible that so far I haven't found a woman that I am willing to give up those perks for. All the good ones that I know are already taken and all I have had so far are the bad ones.



I can sleep with the fan on, eat wherever I want, sit anywhere at the movies, get up when I want, go to bed when I want and never have to think about what I say just in case it can be construed in the worse possible context.


Zero accountability to anyone but myself--for the most part. I do have responsibilities, after all.


Interesting question to pose to a bunch of peeps who all, to at least some degree, are trying to NOT be single here. LOL!


The ability to play with different play mates, sometimes at the same time.

Yeah baby!

Same here. It's great.


Living the low hygine life style.


Having the bed to myself. On the flip side it's one of the worst things too.


I can come and go as I choose; do what I want when I want; and I hardly ever argue with myself.

JimG Level 8 Mar 2, 2018

Having never been married, I really have no frame of reference. I will say that for me, my dad lives with me and keeps me in check. once he is gone though, I have no idea what will happen. The biggest con for me would be that I would have no one to keep me in check so to speak. I may be free to do anything, but there are things that I would be free to do, that I might want to do, but I know is a very bad idea.

Not saying of course that being married would change that. But the fear of being alone stems from the fear of my own stupidity. OK, I know that was not the awesomeness of being single. But it is my POV! Which is probably not the story for most who are single.

Most men who choose to be single have varying higher levels of female hormones, since independence is a female trait, so are able to live alone contentedly. This is a problem for high IQ creative type men, who are typically too busy pursuing interests and careers to bother much about procreation, and often have serial relationships.

In Asia, where most people seem androgynous, even men who marry often live with their mothers, often in another village from their wife, and both spouses are likely to have side lovers, of either gender. I often meet single white males in Thailand, but those are usually fussy, neat British or European men, with high levels of female hormones.

Normal cis hetero American men, in contrast, seem almost desperate to have a female lover, even from childhood. In fact, it seems to be their main preoccupation.

I’m not sure whether I should be insulted and/or concerned. @birdingnut

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