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What is the "incel" movement all about?

This is a serious question, and I'm not looking to start a flame war: what is the "incel" (involuntarily celibate) movement about, and why does it exist?

The first time I heard this term, I thought it was used by others as an insult for men who weren't "man enough" to get sex (sort of how "cuck" has been used in recent years for weakness and acquiescence in the political realm), but then I quickly discovered that it was being used self-referentially. That, however, seems to me to be a very odd position: embracing a victimhood mentality, accepting a label of weakness, assuming insecurity as a form of self-identification. But my impression is that these self-proclaimed incels consider themselves as masculine, tough, and confident men, so what gives?

Do we have any men on this site who consider themselves to be incels? If so, can you please explain why you identify as such — not just that you're not getting laid, but why you embrace that as your identity? And can you explain what the incel movement is trying to achieve? I'm genuinely in the dark on this, and what I've found so far in my reading has been confusing and seemingly muddled or contradictory.

I'm also curious, as there are a lot of men who find love and/or have satisfying sex lives who are at every extreme: extraverts, introverts, very tall, very short, heavy, skinny, rough, effete, hirsute, smooth, erudite, undereducated, conservative, liberal, religious, secular, ambitious, lazy, creative, analytical, etc. It's certainly possible for people from all walks of life to find love and obtain sex, made clear just from observing the world around us, so what's the thinking about why the incels are unsuccessful and upset by their plight? In a world of hookup apps and dating sites and online interest communities and long-distance travel capabilities, there's never been an easier time to find compatibility or at least a fling. So why is this incel movement growing now?

Thanks to anyone who has insight into what's truly driving this movement, what it stands for, the mental state of these men, etc.

resserts 8 May 10

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44 comments (26 - 44)

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Imagine this: You are a pathetic guy with no real money, looks, or noteworthy skills. You graduate high school with mostly B's and C's and go to college for something easy on your parents dime. Once there, you see all your friends and acquaintances pick up girls, go to parties, and in general just seem successful. You try after some amount encouragement from your friends but nothing seems to work. You get turned down time after time, and before long your self esteem hits rock bottom. Up until now, everything in your life was more or less handed to you. Your parents cared for you, you did ok in school, and now you are a young adult who has to fend for himself for the first time, and you reach out to get what you want but you just can't reach. Personal development was never something that you considered.

Your mind and body act to defend themselves from self hatred. Everything has gone smoothly for you up until this point. Resentment starts to set in. Why won't they give you what you want? Why did success stop? What went wrong? Clearly, I deserve this, I need this, I wouldn't have made it this far if not. You think to yourself in an endless loop of resentment of your desires, who's only purpose is to fend off self loathing. Without any habitual way to solve your problems, you never get what you desire. So you seek solace in those like you, who understand your plight. Soon you become part of a growing organization, and embrace that organization as part of your identity.

I have a friend who followed a path similar to the one above, and honestly I think the only thing that separated him and me was that my parents never really helped me succeed, where his parents more or less did everything for him until he got out of the house. They were the "Tough love" type, where he told me that his parents literally did his homework for him more than once. He doesn't identify as an incel as far as I know, but he's the same age as me, straight, and still a virgin so he definitely falls into that category. With the growing support online I wouldn't be surprised if he decided to carry that label.

GregM Level 5 May 10, 2019

Greg nailed it.

I think it’s more basic than personal development not occurring to them. It never occurs that they should offer anything to a partner or potential mate because they don’t see others, especially women, as human beings with their own needs and feelings.
The behavior is consistent with narcissistic personality disorder. An exaggerated sense of importance and achievement, a sense of entitlement, lack of empathy and a tendency to view others only in relation to them self, that is, to see others as existing only to meet the needs of the narcissist/incel.

@A2Jennifer These things go hand in hand, although it they are not mutually exclusive. It is possible for them to be narcissistic and never take time for personal development, or one of these things. An exaggerated sense of self worth seems unlikely, I believe this is just a mask worn to protect themselves from self loathing, it is the symptom not the cause.

@GregM I actually didn’t say exaggerated self-worth, but exaggerated sense of importance and achievement, so believing that their own needs should be important to others (even strangers) or believing that their marginal accomplishments give them the “right” to get what they want from others.
These things, as you pointed out, often compensate for low self-worth


Hope they don’t join forces with the NRA


“Involuntary celibate” - A movement by people that are unable to have sex to somehow force others to have sex with them. Something like that. I don’t know as I’m not an incel. Hopefully an incel can chime with a better definition.


@greyeyed123 Oops. Must have been auto correct.


Entitlement. These "men" believe they are owed sex, and when they don't get it, they pout and stamp their feet, they blame women, and sometimes they lash out in violent ways. And since they've been getting attention from the media, they are growing because it's much more convenient to hop on that bandwagon than to make the effort to get to know and seduce an actual woman. Self-reflection is not a skill they have learned, or care to learn. According to them, women are the problem, and if we'd just submit to their wishes, the problem would be solved. Never mind that no woman in her right mind would actually fuck a man who clearly shows zero respect for her, or for any other woman. I find it so sad that In-Cels are incapable of seeing the irony. And I wonder what their mothers must be like.

Many of them are not nice people. From the Wikipedia article about "Incel":

Discussions in incel forums are often characterized by resentment, misanthropy,[1] self-pity,[10] self-loathing,[11] misogyny,[12] racism,[12] a sense of entitlement to sex, and the endorsement of violence against sexually active people.[8][9][13][14][12] The American nonprofit Southern Poverty Law Center described the subculture as "part of the online male supremacist ecosystem" that is included in their list of hate groups.[15][16]


So some guys decide to be celibate for some reason or other. That’s their decision and there’s no need to demonize them. Lots of women make that same decision.

I expect most of ‘em will backslide anyway.

It’s not a decision to be celibate. The “in” in “incel” is “involuntary”.

These are not guys just 'deciding' to be celibate. They are violently blaming women for their lack of sexual exploitations. A BIG difference.


MaKing me nervous, lol


INCEL- A dude who is too ugly and socially awkward to get laid at some form of social gathering and too lazy to go out and get a job to earn money to pay for it.

That used to be the description of nerds. 🙂


Same thing.


Involuntary celibate men do need some help from psychiatrist or a psychologist.


For anyone looking for a fantastic video on incels, look no further:

Dietl Level 7 May 10, 2019

To me it's just men blaming women for not liking them enough to fuck them. So instead of taking a look at themselves and trying to change or even try to be appealing so women will fuck them, they want women to change so they'll fuck them.

It's male privilege is all.

1of5 Level 8 May 10, 2019

It goes well beyond that. Many of them are emotionally or mentally disturbed or damaged. They often gather in online forums and, among other things, talk about hurting or raping women.

@MST3K yup. Male privilege to do what they want to women.

I agree, many of them also want gorgeous females to call their own. They set out to only capture the females of 'high-value'. they're trying to get women that are out of their league, and we all have to deal with that to a certain point. The red pill men no doubt say Donald Trump is their savior. He's a fat ugly Rich dude that was capable of buying an attractive younger wife who he refers to as a fine piece of ass.


Incels are resentful that being a dick and hating women somehow make them undesirable


Wikipedia has a great article on the subject.


Not familiar with "incel".

They’re a fucked up lot


@Green_eyes Interesting. A group of guys that can't get laid. Do they have meetings, rallies, and t-shirts? GEEZ! Thanks.

@MsAl Thanks

@Sticks48 it’s called a trump rally

@MsAl, @Green_eyes I will bet they are a charismatic bunch. They probably have a drawer full of pocket protectors they no longer use, live with their mothers, or both.

@Green_eyes boom!

@Green_eyes ROFLMAO!

@Green_eyes So they meet and have a giant circle jerk.


Miserable people isolate themselves

bobwjr Level 10 May 10, 2019

incels do not remain involuntarily celibate. they rape and do not consider it rape; they consider that they are taking their due, that all women owe all men sex.



Funny you should mention. Yesterday I ran across a long rambling post by an incel blaming feminism for the downfall of western civilization. The man needs therapy.

The facade of strength is to cover up deep insecurities or mommy issues.

I read that article.

@Bigwavedave that guy was an absolute misogynistic troll.

@Green_eyes worried about that one myself.


Sexual frustration and loneliness and hurt feelings mixed with our innate human tendancy to project frustrations away from ourselves and blame others mixed with the internet where anyone can find someone to validate their ideas.

MsAl Level 8 May 10, 2019

From what my 28yr old son has explained to me, many incel is men who believe that women absolutely hate men. In otherwords, if it wasn't for feminist, they would be able to get laid. Because of the "me too" movement, women believe they are better than men, and because of that, men can't be sexist towards them (which the men believe is the normal).

Now, I have no idea if this is correct in all cases, but this is how my son sees the movement.


Yup, it's nothing new, just more men blaming women for their problems.

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