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LINK ‘Straight Pride’ organisers revealed to have links to far-right and white nationalist groups

Hardly a big surprise... I sort of suspected this all along.

snytiger6 9 June 10

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Don't believe this shit. The left-polers label anyone they don't like as "far-right."

JacarC Level 8 June 10, 2019

Bye Felicia!

Totally. They call anyone wearing Swastikas and throwing Nazi salutes and promoting genocide like they are “extremists,” when those people really want to be treated like they are moderates.

@A2Jennifer I'm generally not a fan of snark, as I prefer sarcasm instead. More old school and direct, but you nailed it here Jennifer! I'm sure their problem is only that they weren't hugged enough as kids.....NOT.

@A2Jennifer, @RavenCT That's the second time I've seen you refer to Felicia, so who is she?

Not that you will believe Newsweek or any other non-far right media source ...

@altschmerz Thanks for the explanation, now I get the Felicia thing and how RavenCT is using it. I guess I'm old fashioned and stick with FU and the horse you rode in on", but then I don't like to change anything that fits and still works.....

Oh, Jacar, we are all aware of where your sympathies lie...try not to be so obvious about it, sweetie

@motrubl4u the most anti human are the left-polers clearly demonstrated by the behaviors of "antifa." Terrorists/ Anti-constitutional mob.

@motrubl4u Many of the photos are from the Obama "camps."


No way!!! I'm shocked. Shocked, I tell you!!!

Can we lynch them?
You know, just for fun.


Imagine if durring the Civil Rights demonstrations, you had a bunch of white people protesting their right to "free speech and free assembly" and protested for White Pride.

Imagine of Women's Sufferage convinced men to take to the streets and protest that they're losing their jobs with a Male Pride parade.

Imagine of we Atheists took to the streets on Easter and started a "We don't believe your bullsh!t" parade.

This isn't a celebration of love, a protest of injustice, or standing up to hate. This is a peacock's strut to show superiority and garner attention, all while mocking the homosexual members of society.

Remember, straight people can and do participate in the gay pride parades to enjoy the company of and show support for the gay community. If the community wasn't oppressed, there wouldn't be a parade to support the them, because there wouldn't be a need for one.

Keita Level 5 June 11, 2019

Profoundly accurate statement! These white supremacist idiots are so insecure in their masculinty, they feel the need to do this? Absolutely fucking ridiculous! And 10% of them probably have on a rainbow tshirt underneath their white robes! They are a part of the group that votes for trump, also a homophobe! Disgraceful!


Never would have guessed, their subtly game is so on point...


I don't want to play the victim. But they should go through all the shit I have gone through for my feelings and then maybe they will be allowed to have pride events. They'll have had shit for any other reason, but not for their orientation.

@altschmerz exactly! I don't say anything else, because I'm shocked. I lost the words.

@altschmerz That All Lives Matter shit is just a sick, cruel joke on the part of racists and lovers of authority and the police who see colored people as of less value than animals.

@altschmerz I agree that it's as much a movement of the clueless as it is haters.


For anybody surprised by this I have a bridge to sell, cheap!

BillF Level 7 June 11, 2019

What a shameless bunch of arrogant, insensitive assholes. It's like having a white pride rally. One reason I have no interest in NASCAR, probably the whitest sport left in America. I really dislike rednecks and their culture, hence my loathing of NASCAR.

I don't know might be funny to see them race clockwise making all right turns 🤣

@oldFloyd That's true, right turns would be more fitting for their politics.

@TomMcGiverin you know I honestly didn't think of it that way thanks for the update 😁


Fair question... Why is it ok for one side of the aisle to have a pride badge but not ok for the other side? (Note I haven't even said which side is which... No need for that, it should be the same both ways)

Because one side hasn’t been systematically ostracized for being who they are. Gay pride is about their right to exist without persecution. Instead of wondering why there isn’t a straight pride movement, we should be greatful we don’t need one.

Because one side actually has to actively fight daily for their Constitutionally guaranteed right to not be discriminated against because of their sexual orientation... while the other side of the aisle doesn't even have to consider such things at all and has never had to experience any such thing... I'll let you figure out which side is which.

@Kafirah Regardless, both sides have the same right to express their pride any way they see fit.... And I still haven't made any distinction between them, as it should be.

@IamNobody Pride comes from accomplishment, such as successfully fighting for civil human rights because one was born into a minority and discriminated against for it. Being born with less struggles than others, and being born in the greater majority is not an accomplishment. It's not even bad odds. Maybe they need a participation trophy parade for merely existing in the majority? And let's face it, straight white Christian males, such as those organizing this farce, have very little to be proud of throughout all of history. They don't deserve a fucking parade.

@IamNobody You do realize every other parade held during the course of a year is basically for straight people right? There might be a gay pride contingent in there - but doesn't that say it right there?
There has to be a contingent in a parade for "whatever" to represent a subset.

Straight people are NOT a subset. They really don't need representing. They are the people who run everything.

I say this as a straight person. As a white person.

Straight white males? They have the most privilege of all. It's embarrassing when they do not recognize it,. Everything is geared to them.
Testing. Jobs. EVERYTHING.

Show me a car designed with women in mind? We're 50 percent of the people who drive.

Straight people don't need ANOTHER parade.

There's 4th of July, Veteran's Day and Thanksgiving - they could not be more straight or white.
That is a boatload of entitlement right there and they want more. Gees.

@Kafirah and @RavenCT have already spoken for me. I couldn't say it better than them!


@Kafirah Pride is human nature. It could come from accomplishment but it's not limited to that. The ones that have never accomplish anything have the same right to feel proud about that. As silly as it sounds they do. If they are correct or not then that's a different question. I don't mean to throw more gas to the fire and as I said to begin with, it is a fair question. I have your answers and you have my observation. That's all there is to it. As far as IamConcerned, anybody can have pride about whatever they see fit. Who the hell am I to say who does and who doesn't?

@Kafirah Exactly. Why do whites need another parade to celebrate their racial privilege? We already have plenty of them, including St. Patrick's Day and Columbus Day, Thanksgiving, etc. How many are enough for you?

@TomMcGiverin The real irony is I fucking hate parades. I don't even watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade if I can manage to sleep through it... Fat Tuesday during Mardi Gras? No thanks. Carnival (Brazil)? Pass. Dias de los Muertos? Drop dead. Gay Pride? I'm gonna be fashionably late... lol

@Kafirah Never been a fan of parades either, any kind of parade. Many years ago I marched with my late wife as straight allies in one of the early Gay Pride Parades in my area. Back then the local media barely covered it as they weren't sure it would be worth the flack they would get from their mainstream audience. I see no need to march in it these days, even tho I am just as supportive of LGBHT as back then, because the event is now so accepted and mainstream and Iowa even has gay marriage and gay adoption of kids. So I just don't see it these days as being so important for me to involved in the parade.

@TomMcGiverin That's understandable. I just can't stand all the noise and people... lol

@Kafirah Kind of how I feel, as a socialist, about the ultra-rich. They already have more money than God or than anybody could spend, but they won't be happy until they have it all. As well as total control and power over all the lower classes than their own.

@IamNobody Putting m=names to sides... The gay pride side wants equality for everyone, while the straight pride side wants to maintain the power and privilidge they have had by keeping the LGBTQ persons as not equal.

Gy pride events don't exclude any group as long as they are feared towards equality, inclusion and makign a better society. There are many non-gay organizations and groups who participate. Straights are NOT excluded from gay pride events.

Back in the 1980's they were all called "gay pride events", but today they are typically just refered to as pride events, to be more inclusive.

@michaelinlivonia Yes, I concede that poor whites are not very privileged overall and that they pose a contradiction to the concept of white privilege, but tell me this. Can you honestly say that poor whites are still likely to get followed around a store by the staff simply because they are in there? Or that they are as likely as blacks to get stopped by cops for simply driving normally or being in the wrong neighborhood? Or, if they are young and male, as likely to get shot by cops for no reason when they are stopped by police? Those may not seem like much, but they are privileges based on race, nonetheless......Also, I don't buy your wholesale judgment of poor people, white or otherwise, having and deserving their fate based solely on poor choices and/or some culture of poverty. You are classist beyond belief. As soon as you read and respond to this, I will be blocking you. Hope you never end up poor like the people you despise.


At the expense of looking like I'm raining on the gay parade, which I have absolutely no intention of doing, why not have a heterosexual parade? Life is a celebration. Let's not limit ourselves. Also, obviously some of these organizers (I'm hoping not all) have an agenda and their goal is to piss some people off. Why give them the satisfaction by trying to put a stop to this? We can turn it around by welcoming it. That would probably piss them off.

Those are all the other parades held all year.

But I do agree that ignoring them? That might put an end to it.

Why don’t they have a white history month? (Because every month is white history month) Why do handicapped people get “special” parking spaces that the rest of us don’t?
The Pride movement is not about “celebrating” being gay. It is about raising awareness and acceptance of a persecuted minority so that they don’t have to hide in the shadows and be afraid of being fired or attacked or murdered for who they are.

I've nothing against straight people. But they don't have to fight in order to get their rights. Pride is something you feel when you got something important, when you won an important battle.
Straight white men won other battles a long time ago (and, probably, there were also gay people who fought for the same things), but most of those battles weren't related to their orientation, race or gender.

@A2Jennifer That's exactly what Chris Rock used to say in his comedy routine, damn near every month in the US is White History Month with all these holidays in honor of famous white people. And every damn NASCAR race is a celebration of white ethnic pride. Let's get real about our culture in America.

There are no reasons to not have a heterosexual parade, there are also no good reasons to have one.

You are SO naive! The POINT is to HATE gays, not celebrate straights! Or are you joking?

It's a childish temper-tantrum parade because they're "sad" that no one celebrates being straight. Do we need white history month? How about Billionaire pride day? That is who's pulling the strings. Normal people wouldn't bother with a straight pride parade, but rich and powerful men who want to screw with the little people and create one more division to help further their political and financial goals.
And everyone involved fell for it.

What would really piss them (straight pride people) off wold be if we just ignored it and nbody showed up.

Teh gay pride parades have lots of straight groups who also march and participate. It isnt' liek the gay pride events look to exclude people. It's aobut equality for everyone, not just gay people.

@snytiger6 Yes, that would definitely pop their balloon.

@Storm1752 Unfortunately you are probably correct.


No shit obvious

bobwjr Level 10 June 10, 2019

Already knew this... It was rahher obvious...


In another universe, I might say, "Shocking, I say. Simply shocking." In this universe, not so much.


Color me surprised...

Dietl Level 7 June 10, 2019

I can hardly wait to miss it!


Oooohhh, what a Surprise.......I am shocked, shocked I say?


Those cocksuckers!

Well, maybe a few of them in the literal sense, Sticks, as there always seem to be a few right-wing men that turn out to be closeted gays.

@TomMcGiverin You know it.

@Sticks48 I like your choice of words here Sticks. Personally, I only use the term cocksuckers as an emphatic insult intended towards straight men (not gay men at all) who are so despicable that they will do anything to get their way or screw others over. As in a former work supervisor of me and my work buddy who called Jim a lying cocksucker for how low Jim would stoop to screw over me and my work buddy. No offense to gay men at all, just that Jim was the kind of straight man who would literally suck a man's cock to get what he wanted. Lower than a snake in the grass, with apologies to snakes....

@TomMcGiverin Hey I've sucked a few cocks! It can be fun!


I'm so tired of the haters.

Let people be who they are.

Let the oppressed celebrate their diversity - and don't be assholes about it straight people!
For five minutes try to pretend you weren't born all straight and narrow.
Think about what it would be like to walk in those shoes.


Wow, there's a shock.


Isn't that just Chic Fa La drive thru, No need to get excited about a straight pride event. They have better off in this fucked up world.


The whole point of PRIDE is inclusiveness. And then to EXCLUDE anyone is fascistic.
White people are not the only rascist, phobes.


For me a straight pride rally would be something like a Donald Trump rally with far more people who need reassurance in who they are and are angry about being against something.


I'm from the Bible Belt and I could honestly say most of the Evangelical / Fundamentalists have ties to White supremacists

This is a response that I got from a Southern Man during a debate about abortion. "No , i grew up with the BIBLE , and I just don't like talking to Democrats who want to destroy America by killing our kids to let the ILLEGALS take over"


Ignore them, that is the best way to deal with them.


Isn't a straight pride parade...




As Lily Tomlin used to say, no matter how cynical you get, you still can't keep up......

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