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Out of the closet after 30

I’m at a crossroads right now. Who is openly atheist? How important was it to come out and what regrets do you have?

AngiePoo 5 June 18

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I'm agnostic. Wherever I am and whoever I'm talking to at the time, I often temporarily adjust my language to "blend in," because I don't take anything that seriously, believe IN nothing, and learn a lot more that way.
So I'll never come out except depending on my company at the time I might intimate I'm agnostic. In those cases they usually are too. Or atheist.


I’m openly atheist. I just go about my business and don’t push it. I’m not out to convert anyone.


I don't care who knows, but I don't push it on people. Mostly it is none of their business. I will bring it up if somebody annoying is acting as though we are both good Christians together.


No regrets. As an atheist from birth, it's the most real and honest thing I've ever accepted and most of my (true) friends accept that about me. It can be hard, living in a theist-dominant region, but there are many more of us out there and many more questioning their "faith"... Spread the good word, that there is no malevolent, judgmental sky wizard! 😉


I am openly atheist. However, many people do not believe me. ???

This happens to me here in North Cackalacky a lot. The question is usually along the lines of "what church are you a member of ", and when I say I've been an atheist for 45 years, I get "yeah, right. But seriously, which church?"


Welcome to the asylum. Enjoy your stay.

I've been open about my atheism my entire adult life.
I don't hide it. I don't apologize for it.
I have NO regrets about being "out".
I don't miss those who I've had to cut out of my life, and I don't miss those who have withdrawn from me.
I'm really okay with being away from "the family". I certainly don't miss attending weddings, baptisms, funerals, and all the other religious rituals.

It is absolutely vital for me to be openly atheist.
I will not back down from believers, no matter who they are. Ever.
Those expecting their beliefs to be respected, while they actively disrespect everyone who isn't them, are hypocrites. I treat them accordingly.

This community is a great source for those returning to logic and reason.


For me, A-theism is the natural state and I have never experienced any regrets.


I have no regrets. I'm being honest with myself. Occasionally, somebody asks me "What church do you go to?" and I unabashedly say "I don't go to church."

Buxx Level 7 June 18, 2019

Only regret is not learning what lead me here sooner.


No regrets, it's just logical. Congrats in getting there

lerlo Level 8 June 18, 2019

@sweetcharlotte thanks, we must be in different parts of this universe. I hope you're doing ok.


The price I paid: alienation from family and friends. The reward: I have my integrity intact, I am free from religious bondage, and I can think for myself.

The reward is well worth the price I paid. 🙂


I was 12 and I have not been shy about it. You need to be careful though as if your employer is religious you might be discriminated against. I can pretend when I need to! LOL


I'm openly atheist to most except for my employers who are believers. Ex-Pentecostal with a few JW's in the family who stopped coming around after my divorce. I have no regrets.


No regrets - but I'm not in the middle of the Bible belt. I don't feel I've lost any friends of worth - or any job opportunities.

I'm much happier Not believing - that's for certain.

Trying to occasionally suspend my disbelief for the sake of others? That sucked. This is just easier.


I am openly antitheist atheist. It is of the utmost importance to me, as it is as large a part of who I am as my gender identity and my sexuality. It defines who I am for both myself and for others. Though our definitions may vary, it allows them to decide whether or not they wish to know me better, based on their own feelings, misunderstandings, prejudices, assumptions, beliefs, etc. And if they choose to still get to know me, then they are likely worth the effort of getting to know them in return. And if they choose not to, they have saved me invaluable amounts of time and effort that would have otherwise been wasted on those who would abandon someone because of their differences in belief (or lack thereof) possibly years into a relationship. And I haven't a single regret concerning the so-called losses that have or may have arisen from my open and honest disbelief in the supernatural and/or fairy tales.


I’ve always been out. My lack of religion has had zero negative effects. No regrets.


I thought all non believers are open, well at least in a free democratic society.

Depends on where you live. There's a price if you're to loud. @GuyKeith posted something about the price yesterday.

@freeofgod I live in Florida, doesn't get any worse in the south, yet I have never had problems.


I've always been open about it.
But in all honesty, with my real friends, it never really comes up.
Some are believers, some are not.
We value each other for the person we are rather than a belief, or political stance.
I'm fairly picky though on whom I will call "Friend".


I became an agnostic when I was 35 and it took me 2 years to remain quiet about it. I then let all others now of it and it has caused some loss of friends but I have no regrets because I got my first degree at a Lutheran college where I took 5 religion classes so I know that I can tell more about that book than the majority of the believers I have associated with.


Proselytizing my belief is not my style. To each his own. I steer clear of conversation on religion and only share my belief (or lack) when asked.

Unity Level 7 June 18, 2019

All the way openly secular since I was 21, never a single regret. Hang in there.

zeuser Level 9 June 18, 2019

I’m openly atheist. It caused some friction with my family but it’s a huge relief to not be worried what anyone thinks or try to keep up appearances. I’m sure it’s cost me relationships, jobs, and friends, but I can look in the mirror and know that I’m not bullshitting anyone and I won’t let them bullshit me.


I'm out to anyone who ask me about it. I don't go around making a big deal about it either. I have paid a small price when it comes to making new female friends. Most think I'm joking, and when they realize that I'm being serious it gets awkward. I think it's best to get it out in the open early on so both parties know where they stand.


No regrets at all

Marz Level 7 June 18, 2019

I am an openly atheist here in plus with some of my friends who do not know where my family lives, and I have kept it completely secret from my family and relatives as it would be life threatening for me, in Afghanistan even if your family find out about your disbelieve in religion they probably will kill you, because they see to atheist and converted family member as a shame, and even according to constitution the converted and atheists will face execution.

NR92 Level 6 June 18, 2019

I have never regretted telling the truth about religious lies since I was 5 years old......after that I was never scared of dying and going to hell...the only true good news gospel = Atheism

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