My name is so common that I can’t stand it anymore lol. I’ve considered changing it cause of how annoyingly common it is. I’ve had people get rude with me when I thought they were talking to me and wasn’t specific who they were talking to cause someone else had the same name. Anyone else ever have that problem .
I spent most of my life with the wrong name. Someone misspelled it on the hospital birth cert.
After I applied for a reverse mortgage, they told me I had an issue with the name.
So, I had to go to court to have it changed. I also dropped my middle name. No reason for a middle name.
Without a middle name, how would you know when your mom was mad at you?
@TheoryNumber3 When she was mad, I had to watch the sky. She could throw a high heel like a boomerang. And I never figured out how she made it come back.
@PondartIncbendog my kids say the same thing about shoes lol
I’ve had a few online stalkers over the years. Having a common name kept them in the dark about where I live in a big city. Last thing you want is some cRaZy knocking on your door, trust me
My legal name is "Richard," but I go by "Rick" in everything except legal documents (and even then I sometimes use "Rick" if I think I can get away with it). I don't have strong feelings about "Richard," but it feels somewhat stodgy and excessively formal — and I'm a rather stodgy and formal person already, so I don't need to further compound that impression.
Things will change as you get older. When I was young and someone yelled "Jim" there would be several in the group who turned our heads to see who they were addressing.
I don't have the problem as much anymore. The place I work doesn't have near as many Jims as the do Justins or Codys. Nobody names their kid Jim anymore.
I think I was named after James Cagney or Jimmy Stewart...but yes not as Popular
Pretty sure James was in the top 50 this year
I used to hate that I couldn’t find my name on the names rack in souvenir shops or get it mentioned on children’s shows. Then it started getting popular and I was pissed that all these young chicks had my same name so human nature always finds something to make unhappy.
I am fortunate to have a less common name -- Kyle.
That’s nice...I like it!
@Marionville I think it's a Scottish name. My mom was reading a novel just before I was born, and she liked the name Kyle in the novel. So, she passed the name to me.
@BestWithoutGods Yes...I think it is Scottish.
@Marionville I do have Scottish ancestry, so it fits!
I have an old fashioned name. I get comments like “my grandmother (or aunt) was named Helen” it’s usually someone they know who’s old.
Dont worry, Kylie, Amber and Chantelle will be older aunties names one day!
I’m glad Ivy, Sid and George are coming back into vogue.
@Geoffrey51 I work for a children's hospital in billing, I am seeing names of kids all day. And many times a day I am thinking "what the hell were they thinking?" The French have rules about names, they may be on to something.
@HippieChick58 I can imagine you see some weird and wonderful names. I notice in Australia where the service people have name badges some eccentric spellings of common names such as Jaymee and weirder ones that I can’t think of right now.
@Allamanda uhhhhhh how does that happen!
@Donotbelieve what a very nice thing to say! Thank you!
Jennifer was the most common girls name the year I was born. For most of my life there was always another Jennifer in my class. It kind of sucks.
Yeah the year I was born Michael and Jennifer were the number ones.
my Rachael was gonna be a Jennifer (love story) but my mom was also preggo and that was her name hence I gots a sis Jennifer not a kid with that name and I love it
@Stenz when I was pregnant with my son, my MIL gave us a list of names that she liked. It had Michael on it - twice. Like we never would’ve thought of it
I've had to spell my name and listen to it being mispronounced my whole life. I usually use some easier to spell alias when I order a pizza, reserve a table at a restaurant, and so on. Maybe you can pick a hard to spell, unpronounceable alias when you do those things and see if it will make you feel better.
Well at least you don’t have to go through life spelling it...which some parents never think of when they saddle their offspring with the weird and wonderful ones! No, my only problem with my name is that my parents named me Margaret Anne on my birth certificate and then proceeded to call me Marjorie! I was called Margaret by my teachers and I never used to think it was me they were talking that got me into trouble. I have for many years now shortened Marjorie to Marje which I like, but of course on all official documents and passport, pensions etc...I still have to answer to Margaret. Here on Agnostics, because of my Login name...I’m also now called Marion, which I quite like, its special to this site only!
did your parents legally change your name? In public school the paperwork has the legal name. Therefore, you'd always be called by that name first day. Today, in high school, I ask my students if they have a preferred name. I use that daily, but on legal paperwork I use their given name.
@Pamscwf1 No I’m legally Margaret Anne..just known to everyone as Marjorie..which is actually a derivation of Margaret anyway, both from Greek meaning a pearl. When I was at school a very long time ago, whatever was on the official school roll was what you were called, I don’t think it was an option to be called anything else.
I grew up as a Smith. That got changed at 19 to Wilson, which was changed at 25 to another common name, which is also the name of former presidents. I kept the married name when I divorced because of kids and degree. And it doesn't matter. I am Paula which is uncommon enough. I look at it that the last names belonged to someone else, Paula was chosen for me. And not that I"m fond of it, but I'm kinda used to it. The most important people in my life call me Mom or Grammy, and maybe one day a special person will have another name for me.
Robin is mostly a girl’s name in the US and I disliked having it growing up, but later in life I really like it for it’s uncommonness.
I don't know about your specific laws but you can mostly call yourself anything you want as long as you are not doing it to break the fraud and
true and its way easier for women than men I myself have changed spelling and last names so often my mom couldn't keep up but as long as its not to defraud its legal
Johnny Smith was psychic. I'll never forget Christopher Walken saying, "The gunna break!" ("The Dead Zone" reference if anyone is completely confused.)
me ..... ten kathi's in class and either kathi o or kathi m or 1 , 2, 3 maddening I tried to name my babies names not so common
Funny you should say my choir we now have so many Katherine, Catherine, Kathy, Kat, Kate and Katie’s that it is by far and away the most common name. Last year in combination I counted 10. We are a mixed voice choir of 70 people 50 of whom are women... which means 20% of them are in the Kat.....category!
@Marionville its always been that way for me and jimmy's ran in our family I have a son couple of husbands and a brother my girls though got a small break ronda Rachael and regan ...funny though regan had another regan in her class and that is the one that surprised me most
@Marionville, @Allamanda I also had a thing with david's good gravy there are a plethora of them lol now if I meet a david I tell him that david's are not good for me and he needs to move on
17% of our mechanics are named "Mike". Go figure :/
My last name is Miller. It doesn't bother me.
What drives me nuts is when I introduce myself to someone and say "Hi, my name is Judith". And they reply. "Nice to meet you Judy" . I just said my name is JUDITH.
Yes that can be seriously annoying!!!
I hate my name. Most people get it wrong calling me Nicole or Natasha. It's Natalie! I also remember a gynecologist (while speculum deep) telling me my name is beautiful that it means christmas.
Natalie is a beautiful name! Sometimes French names don't do well in English. In French we say "NAT-A-LEE" with all three syllables given the same weight. In English it sounds like "NADilly" with the T sounded like a D and the emphasis on the first syllable. I like the French version better. Try it! Cheaper than changing your name.
Aww one of my 8th grade best friends was named Natalie.