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God hates porn?

VictoriaNotes 9 Mar 24

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Porn. It's just a label applied to the viewing of procreation. Wouldn't that be how god views it? It's not porn, it's "picturesque procreation" while he sits there rubbing himself. He keeps repeating, "Be fruitful and multiply" so that there will be a constant supply of it. To say that it only objectifies women is one sided and judgmental because as a man I'd be quite upset every time the director said "cut!" Imagine how hard (pun intended) it must be to keep it hard until he says "action" 😉

Saw an interview with a porn actor who talked about that very thing. He said men were always telling him that THEY could be porn stars and he'd respond with ''Really? OK..right now...get hard and stay hard until I tell you to let it go soft. NOW!"

@LucyLoohoo Hi again. I am still alive; and I like looking at an adult female body. I have not the least intention of being pure---- and hypocritical. The idea of war and all that goes with it is REPUGNANT; it sure as hell is all over TV. But Gaaauuud is going to send one to hell for watching sex. Still say why can't it be interesting? Red card for bad acting! Ya, soft/hard, who cares? Boring!

@Diogenes My opinion's made for men. They like seeing big, hard erections, big breasts on women and acts most women don't fancy. If porn were made for women/BY women, it could be subtle, interesting and even (GASP) have a plot!

@LucyLoohoo Like I have said, "real bad acting". All that gasping and panting- sounds like an advertisement for asthma medication.

@LucyLoohoo It's purposeful. If we wanted a plot then we'd watch the 50 shades series.


Even as a kid I could never fathom how an absolute, infinite, all wise divine deity would care and mind so much about each person's choices... like if they eat meat in eastern, or if you had sex for joy or just to conceive... could never wrap my head around how so many people would think this was appropriate

Because western religions have always tried to restrict sex...too much fun! Should be reserved for makin' dem' baybeees.

You hit the nail on the head- HARD. YES!

GAWD doesn't care! SERIOUS, AUTHORITATIVE RULES (Glendroa climiic are decdicated to stoppin these FOOLS


I have also liked this one:


So why is that every christian calls his name when they come?


Biblically speaking, there's only admonitions against men lying with men. I'm thinking god likes him some girl on girl action. And who could blame him?

So if two or more men have sex together whilst standing or kneeling, that should be ok. A local preacher always uses the King James bible, as Jesus spoke English and thus the words are the literal words of God. Proves God is an Englishman!


I have stopped watching porn- the acting is so bad; all the actors must have breathing problems, the way they overdo the panting.

But I can't figure it out. A program may come on TV and before the program starts there is a DIRE warning, "Sexual content and may offend some viewers." When the news comes on there is no warning, and there are scenes of blood and guts all over the place- little children maimed.

Gaud-dude, the dude that fornicated with the so-called Virgin Mary, can send me to his theme park, Hell, for having sex, watching sex--- but he won't get me for 'enjoying murder and the creation of misery'. That would be rather sickening.

A friend grew up in the late 60's in Sweden as his father was an embassy worker. Sweden was and still is very progressive. At that time films like Sleeping Beauty were R rated for violence and spanking was totally outlawed throughout the country, not just public places and schools, but also in people's homes.

@VictoriaNotes Ya, don't know the exact start of gaud inventions, maybe it goes back four thousand years. Sure as hell some weird rules!

@VictoriaNotes The 'invisible one' was a great invention by the godsters. How can a thinking person dismantle something they can't even see? The other gods, made of stones, wood, whatever, can be junked and thrown in the trash.

@VictoriaNotes I had that feeling once with a sigmoidoscopy... never again.

@Paul4747 Well now that I am 110 years old, I have suffered all the indignities, including that one- but I had to look your word up. It's a choice, that, or colon cancer.

@Diogenes Let me rephrase. Never again, while conscious. Full colonoscopy and knocked out is the way to go,

“Viewer advisory warning”...


How can that which doesn't exist hate anything. Insane concept.

It's humor. Chill out.


The Bible does forbid men w/men, but not women w/women; curious how God has the exact same policy as Vivid Video.
~ John Fugelsang


Tell god to go do something important like giving trump a fucken STROKE!

How would you be able to tell? His speech would become coherent?


So god would be a Voyeur? lol


Well, by definition, The Almighty controls everything. Including internet porn. So, you know, I think The Big Guy has seen it all before.


Not every god Apply
Don't Forget That Islam God is a sex addict god
who sent a pervert as a prophet and gives the men who will follow the right to have 4 womens
So what do think ?

Miloo Level 6 Apr 1, 2018

@VictoriaNotes I Think that the Islam God is the Co-Founder of Brazzers 😀


Come on folks, we invented what we call god. We have been inventing it since our brains realized that we are mortals. Until around 2000 years ago we had a stew pot full of gods, one for every purpose. people were having a hard time even remembering their names Then came a guy and decided to put them all into one basket. That made things much easier for everyone. Hey, they would have to remember only one name. Of course we also invented the porn too because it wasn't quite enough doing the sex act, we wanted to watch it being performed by others too as a specialized entertainment. So, since we consider ourselves a spitting image of god, I am positive god loves porn just as much as he/she loves violence, injustice, famine, destruction and whole bunch ot other stuff.


Like the Christians say ... he knows and see everything ....past, present, and future!
Then that makes God a Peeping Tom!

Could be why the Roman Catholic church employs so many perverts.


According to their book, god invented porn when he invented desire and the sexual act necessary for reproduction. Why not just do the deed by a handshake?

Remember futurerama? The one character got pregnant that way.


If god had a penis he'd love it.

OF COURSE he has a penis...he made Adam in his image, right?


And god hates figs too.


In the words of Chris Griffin (Family Guy):

"God's watching me do #2? Oh, man, I'm a sinner and God is a pervert."

Ya, "No 'ucking- it's sinful!"


God only watches the priests that mollest little boys. Did I go too far?

Not far enough. Seems preachers, youth directors, etc. all like that action.


That's a good one! but I thought that Jesus preached against hate, anyway? lol


“God” if one exists. Doesn’t hate, doesn’t love, doesn’t grow old. It simply exists.

I do not think we can really make any presumptions about god. We can choose to believe or not to believe in a god, but we cannot know anything for certain about god. If god, or gods exists, then there is an unlimited amount of possibilities of what characteristics could belong to that deity or those deities. Any number of religions could be right or wrong. There are certain beliefs that seem more plausible than others when considering the laws of the world, but the laws of the world cannot exactly be proven either unless we assume that the physical world is real.


God: What cha doin to that chicken Adam
Adam: Wha..had ..happen was....I felt like chokin it
God: Hhhhmmmm???
Adam: The more I choke it the bigger it gets
God: Well...I got this here doll you might be interested in
Adam: But what about my chicken?
God; The doll with help ya with that..I'll SEE to it


He akso has his own porn site, " "

I read that..



 Go for the hand and pro, create!

... Just what I first saw. Duh

No problem, was only said jokingly ? Lol

Yeah, I got that Val. I just was amazed I read it so wrong. And the wrong version sounded sorta perverted, silly me.

We all make mistakes my sweetie ! Lol


It seems creepy to think some divine entity is watching me screw.


He hides the truth of his porn addiction along with his gambling addiction.

Book of Job right, lol

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