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How comfortable are you with the word "Atheist" ?

We don't have a word for non-believers of Santa Claus or non-believers of The Tooth Fairy, yet we live in a world where those who don't believe in God(s) or supernatural religious philosophies are labelled Atheists. I think that the state of non-believing is the normal state of things as it doesn't need to be taught, unlike religions. I am consequently uncomfortable with using the word and I feel that I concede grounds to their insanity when I use it. What are your thoughts?

Chris90045 5 Sep 29

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Not concerned with labels


I have identified publicly as an athiest for years. (I'm 78.) I'd be more embarrassed to say I believe in fairies or imaginary (white) men in robes controlling us! Is a god possible? Perhaps. But every mainstrean religion is based on a pagan religion from centuries ago - long before there was any scientific study. So, not probable.


I have no problem with using athiest. Being an atheist is quite liberating. I'm no longer tied to bs religion views on the world, sexulity,etc.


It's just a label.

marga Level 7 Mar 25, 2018

In a world where people do believe in gods its good for me to have a word than explains myself as not being one of their club- Atheist is a good word for me it explains myself and has the added advantage of scaring people off the subject with me - If it were a natural state for everyone fine! till then I'll use any words that work to get people out of my face with their 'god bless you's'.


A label tells you what to expect, a way of making sure your in the right place. I don’t like that we need a label but since we do I’m glad we have it.


Amazingly comfortable....


Unfortunately, just with the act of communicating we have to have a word or phrase when the majority would otherwise think we're with them. If it comes to the place where we're majority, then they'll start identifying as theist.


Since I live in a pretty Christian area, I'm still not comfortable actually coming out and calling myself an atheist. If religion comes up in conversation, I just say I was raised Catholic, but am now non religious. Though, since I'm on Facebook, and follow and share things from Atheist pages, those close to me have to be aware.


I find the term means, anti-Christian. I am fine with folks believing whatever they want, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus.......whatever. I except the beliefs of others, and would like others to accept my beliefs.


I don't like the idea that it sounds like a Theist, which we are not.


Good point. The word "atheist" is a tribute to the power and influence of the powers that be. I've studied etymology as a hobby since high school. Throughout much of history if you didn't believe the standard orthodoxy you could have been burned at the stake during the Inquisition for being a "heretic." The derivation of the word? Heretic comes from the Latin word for "other." Just not believing in the standard catechism could doom you to a horrible death by torture and fire. What deplorable arrogance!


As far as I am concerned it does the job most people i know know what it means and I am not one for tinkering about with language - as long as I am understood to a certain level -fine! I hate reading posts about hte nitty gritty of a word Atheist is a pretty well known word it works for me. end of.


I like your entire is just that "they"( believers) were here first.


I don't mind people knowing I am a athiest I am proud of the fact I am a athiest free from invisible friends


I've changed my mind since previously commenting.
By definition, atheist merely is someone who lacks a belief in any god or gods.
that's me.
I find labels limiting and give people room to box us into their narrow thinking-
however, there's a greater good reason to affirm myself as atheist...
in this political climate where it's being espoused that not being christian is the root of all our evils, it's vital that those who lack a belief in a god or gods unite and refer to ourselves as atheists.
atheists who are good because we choose to be, not because we have to be...
we do, we don't pray.
and on and on...

I am a through and through non - believer, zero fairy tales or magical thinking here,
a proudly affirm I am also atheist.



Haha, I "came out" about 3 years ago to my family. We were raised strict Catholic. I now have no problem telling anyone how I feel. I am at the age where I am comfortable in my own skin. I don't owe anyone an explanation.


I fond it is teh word that shuts people up who are on my case they back off when I say I am atheist so I use it when I need to - otherwise I am quite happy without a label and knowing that I don't have a god.


I try not limit myself to the binary ....I like to call myself a person with an imagination. My main problem with the religion/theology realm is the following: I just find it all too limiting. When I was younger and had feelings of awe, it was to a tree. (So I could build a whole religion/theology around worshiping a tree.....but then my tree religion would have to ban the bird religion. Getting carried away here).....I will stick with imagination. Especially as we have the Huble telescope sending back images of the multi-universe....mind blowing!!! So what ever is going on just doesn't fit into any religion I know of!


I am fine with it. What I'm not fine is with is when people call it a religion or belief system. I also enjoy explaining to people what it means if they ask, and the occasional look of horror when they realize I'm a godless sodomite.


Words are but words, each of us has a different image of each word in our mind, so who cares what label people wish to play with ?


Proud atheist practicing tolerance and kindness!


I dislike it, because it only indicates what I'm not. It says nothing about what I am. Same applies to agnostic.



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