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How comfortable are you with the word "Atheist" ?

We don't have a word for non-believers of Santa Claus or non-believers of The Tooth Fairy, yet we live in a world where those who don't believe in God(s) or supernatural religious philosophies are labelled Atheists. I think that the state of non-believing is the normal state of things as it doesn't need to be taught, unlike religions. I am consequently uncomfortable with using the word and I feel that I concede grounds to their insanity when I use it. What are your thoughts?

Chris90045 5 Sep 29

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565 comments (551 - 565)

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We do have a word for non-believers in Santa Clause, it’s “adults”. The only reason we need a different word for older non-believers is that some never grow out of the god delusion, even if they stop believing in SC.

Excellent point. The putting away of the God delusion is signatory of intellectual adulthood.


Are you an atheist?


I'm fine with it as a word. Defined in Webster's.
Words cannot hurt you.


I'm comfortable. Just like the word "Christian" or "Buddhist" or "Musliam"


That is an excellent point; certain 2 b totally lost on dupes of the ancient mythology. But. I dunno. The people who imagineered all of the great religions engineered coercive memes like hell and eternal damnation, n2 them. To go against them is blasphemy, an unforgivable sin. They fear you / us. Thinking is verboten.

And the world goes around and around, and the doomsday clock ticks ever closer 2 midnight.


I’m comfortable with the word “atheist” but in my bible thumping part of the country it often equates to lacking morality or even devil worship. Henceforth the softer form of atheism, agnosticism seems to go over much better. The big drawback here is it keeps the religious thinking there is hope for you yet! Choose your path wisely padawan.


Instead of just using the word you can use the definition.


Not happy with the term atheist as it is too reactive, hard and dogmatic. I think God is at the root of everyone and is the principle of their purpose and true fulfilment. But i don't pretend to know God as some exhaustive all encompassing formula. God is the great Mystery and so the term agnostic--i don't know--fits with my sense of God's presence.


I also don't like the word atheist.
I prefer non-believer or unbeliever.


I don't consider myself an atheist because I don't know. If anything I consider myself an agnostic diest.


i too dislike the word. It implies that being a theist is the norm. Certainly in the UK non believers are in the majority so the word should not be used.




Might as well ask me 'What are your thoughts on cabbage?' I don't think about it. In the end, I am a me.




I don't believe in the existence of any gods why does that need a name. It's there a special name for someone that doesn't play soccer ? Or for someone that doesn't like to watch sports on tv ? No there isn't why do I need an assigned title for not believing in some invisible man in the clouds ?


Quite comfortable.

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