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Are you patient?

I've been told I'm very patient by most people. Except my husband who often says I'm impatient. This really only applies to one thing that I can think of, though. That is waiting. I don't like it.

I don't like being early for things. (Of course certain things like work requires it, but leisurely things).

For instance, I purposely arrive late to movies, because I don't want to watch 20 minutes of previews. Not super late, but I get there at about the showtime.

silvereyes 8 Mar 29

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I'm patient up to a point, but I think that most people have a reasonable limit. I've gotten to be more 'patient' in my older age as life has beaten me further and further down. People sometimes mistake my being patient with actually not giving a shit anymore....


I suffer from time anixety and have little patients when it comes to appointments...when people show up more that ten minutes late without calling I sometime tell them to leave. I think this is a result of some early childhood trauma.


I'm usually early - in sales you impress the client. Patience? I have it, but sometimes I hate waiting for other people shopping, gambling, drinking when I just want to leave. Sitting in a car waiting for someone my biggest gripe.


I used to not be, but that has changed. Yoga, and just not giving a fuck helped me gain patience


Yes, but I have limits.


I used to be relatively patient. I liked to arrive at least 10-15 minutes early for everything. I would always have a novel with me, and would read it while I waited.

Then I married and had children. It seems that no one else in this house believes in being any earlier than 20 minutes late for anything. I started to get into this habit myself, but I've been working to turn it back around, particularly when it's just me.

miffy Level 5 Mar 29, 2018

I'm pretty patient. Probably more than I should be...


Yes and no. I was programed early as a child to always arrive before everyone else. To always be early. I can wait hours for appointments that I've arrived early for. I also am very impatient with certain kinds of people, though


I'm very patient with some things like my art and completely the opposite if someone says they will be around my house to pick me up at a certain time even before the said time.


I do things on a schedule. Don't make me wait.


I have little patience, like my dad was. On some things I do, like things you HAVE to have patience with. I do not have patience with young people. I work with a lot of younger people who think they know it all. Ain't got time for that.


I have patience in abundance. But ... it is highly selective. I can deal with the presence of stupid for approximately 10 nanoseconds. Willful ignorance (a trait of many of the religious) I can handle for no more than 5 nanoseconds. Children and young adults are cool, as long as they don't display the aforementioned traits.


I'm pretty patient. I've waited about 20 years to get on with my life because of the egoist party... Know what I mean? I like to be patient. It helps. But sometimes I would like to just slap somebody in the face!!!


I am quite patient. I've always had a great deal of patience. In fact, I have more of a propensity to being patient than not. It must be related to my disposition of being patient. You know. I do tend to be early but I don't think that has anything to do with my being patient. It has to to with not wanting to be late. I could go on but I don't want to try your patience 😉

SamL Level 7 Mar 29, 2018

Oh my gosh,Im so impatient. I embarrass myself. I could go stark raving mad in 15 mins.of waiting. I try to stay calm and recognize that Its probably worth the wait.
Sounds like you just dont wanna waste your time, I think thats smart.


As an sculptor, many people tell me, I have the patient, of job.

In reality, I have little patient for things I don't like to do. Building with sand and snow sculptures I love in the moment. Building with wood or harder stone materials requires more patients.


I consider myself very patient but unfortunately, sometimes my patience gets abused and I can feel I am being taken advantage of. When that happens I feel backed into a corner and a need to be assertive. (assertive not agressive).

I am usually early and will bring something to entertain myself. When taking a ferry I am often very early, depending on the ferry and the particular quota (since there are several islands the ferry system can take some getting used to). At those times I will read, take a snooze or go for a hike on special trails located at both terminals. For the ferry it pays to be organized.


I'm very patient, no reason for it I just am.


I've been told I'm too patient


I'm incredibly patient mostly. Sometimes, though not often and when I forget to breathe I am just spaghetti...


Exceedingly. I can't not think, "What if that were me? How would I want others to regard and treat me if the shoe were on the other foot?". It's automatic.

But I'm very regimented about it. Shit on me once, that one's for free; we all make mistakes. Shit on me twice, words will be had: clear, simple, and direct. Shit on me thrice, you're history.


Yes, sometimes too patient with people who turn out to be toxic for me. I'm early for everything, except family functions. I've learned that it is best for me to show up at a family function late and leave early.


I’m patient with everybody except impatient people.

skado Level 9 Mar 29, 2018

I am patient. I am so patient that some even named it "legendary" haha. No matter the situation, it takes a lot for me to get impatient. Like staying on wiat on the phone for 30 minutes waiting for the person to get back to me. Wait 3 days for an answer that I needed last year. But of course, if I am dong something important and that it cannot wait, I will be less incline to let my legendary patience have the best of me.

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