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What do you think of backward ball caps on older men?

This guy, 62, sent me a lame, canned message on Fitness Singles. With just a high school diploma, he lives in rural, northeast Washington State. A retired mechanic.

I think he looks like a redneck idiot with his ball cap backward. It looks immature.

With a master degree, I want a man with a college degree. Well-educated men are more intelligent and better conversationalists, in my experience.

Intelligence and kindness are important to me in choosing a mate.

Your thoughts?

LiterateHiker 9 Feb 22

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48 comments (26 - 48)

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Perhaps if you are looking for the erudite type you need to be looking at a different forum.

I understand there are dating sites for the more sophisticated individual


I think they should put their glasses on so they don't have to get their face so close to what they are looking at that the bill of the cap gets in the way.


I would not wear a cap that way because I think it would make me look fake. HOWEVER: I have no knowledge of what women like. So, if wearing a cap that way would induce a woman to talk with me, SURE.


Formal education isn't everything I know some people with Masters and PHDs who are to put it bluntly blithering morons.... Look at that stupid jackass Laffer for example and his moronic idea won him a Nobel Prize which makes the people who decided he deserved it even bigger morons that he is....
I wrote a paper that University of Massachusetts is teaching and used nothing from my 90 college units to do it I just used my personal historical knowledge from reading.
Now as for the backwards ball cap I find those are often worn by jackass who want to pretend they are tough guys pretending they are "shooters" AKA snipers. As for that insecure need to draw attention to himself and being from Northeast Washington state I would guess he is a Trumpanzee and that it would be a good idea not to date him. There are a lot of these types in Washington who belong to White supremacist groups and anti-government militias.


Good point. NE Washington is notorious for white supremacist, neo-Nazi, and extreme right-wing hate groups.



You do you, I do me and let's strive to do or cause no harm.


unless you're a catcher on a baseball team, a backwards cap looks ridiculous


I agree with you. For the record here I do not wear hats. Several places I worked at tried to give us hats but I do not like them. A former boss who actually taught me computer in my home told a story once on coming over to teach me and there I was drunk with my hat on backwards. It's not true and I do not wear hats.


There are a lot of men who are in responsible high pressure jobs and some who are not ,but like to release there job stress on the weekends, One that i am most familiar with is the excutive Harley Rider,who dresses in a bad boy image for riding his motorcycle all weekend and then converts back on Monday refreshed


Same as abortions ... if you don't like 'em don't have one. In this case don't date one with a backwards hat.

For me , it would matter more what the substance of his correspondence was, as I suspect he doesn't wear that hat all the time. Bottom line always though, is in the meeting - should you get that far.


Doesn't sound like he's for you 🙂. Keep looking, and good luck.
Attention older bachelors: if you want a date with this hottie, put your hat on bill forward!


Yes and yes.

The hat: Seems like an older guy trying to look younger, rather than looking good at his age. Lame indeed.

On education, double-triple-quadruple yes. And then some. While there are people without advanced formal schooling who are at the intellectual level you require, and from my observation of your posts, need, there aren't many, and level of schooling is an efficient filter. You quickly screened him out anyway with his lame writing. If he was what you seek, he'd have written something stronger and you would have noticed.

Intelligence is the number one, no-compromise attribute I require of someone I am going to consider spending time with. I don't judge someone who is less gifted, but that doesn't mean they are an attractive partner.

Net, good for you. Don't compromise.


Thank you for your wise and kind reply. I appreciate you!

There are some pretty dumb people out there with degrees!

I know that because I have taught them!


Pretty stupid, don't blame you

bobwjr Level 10 Feb 23, 2020

I find it pointless to wear a baseball cap backwards.

Sounds good on the surface and I was about to give a like, but...You can conveniently turn it around if the sun gets in your eyes, it keeps a bald spot from getting burned, and hides a bad hair day/moment.

All good points, @Rossy92, and I agree!

Perhaps it's all the time I've spent around sunny areas, but some people wear the bill backwards to protect the back of their necks from the sun, particularly when out on a boat, or when they'll be looking down a lot, so I don't find it such a big deal.


ball caps are fine if you are covering a bald head.


I don't care for it, whether the man is young or old.


The only time a grown man should wear a ball cap is playing baseball or mowing the lawn. They look like something Dennis the Menace would wear.

MizJ Level 8 Feb 22, 2020

I am surprised the baseball cap has so much meaning to people.

@gigihein it must be a status symbol... low status. I look beyond all that.


I have always thought wearing a base ball cap backwards looked ridiculous especially when the strap shows .I have worn these caps for 50 years and not once wore these caps backwards .The main reason I wear these hats is to keep the sun out of my eyes ,so why the heck wear it backwards


If I’m wearing a baseball cap and about to be in a photo, I’ll reverse it. Else my face will be covered. Just taking it off might expose the top of my head to direct sunlight, which I avoid for health reasons.

The lame canned message is another story 😂


Is the sun in his eyes? lol


I need intelligence as well although I chose otherwise when I was young but have no opinion on the ball cap.

Now, I will likely give it too much thought lol


I think men of any age that wear that baseball cap backwards look ignorant, immature, and insecure. I like to ask them what the last book they read was, most haven't read a book since high school. For me that is a pass.

Judgement based on looks is ignorant. To say that a man hasn't read a book because he wears a baseball cap is a very shallow and judgmental statement.

@Wildflower I didn't say he hadn't read a book. I said it is something I ask, and I ask it of about everyone. I did date a guy that would wear his hat backwards. I did ask him that question and that was his answer, and he thought it was just fine. As I read many books every year we had a huge difference in priorities. I have seen a picture of a male watching a baseball game with his hat backwards, using a hand to shade his eyes so he can see the game. Like the solution is right there! And you can think me shallow and judgmental all you want, and I will still sleep just fine tonight. We all make judgments about people all the time, that kept our ancestors alive.


the backwards cap looked OK on Yogi Berra


On you it looks quite good.

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