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I now get opioid addiction.

Last night, around 8:00p I was riding my bike and took a really nasty spill on concrete. Sustained bad abrasions on both elbows and knees, hurt my ribs and hip on the left side along with a gash and a big goose egg on my head. I knew this was all gonna hurt like Hell in a couple of hours and about 3 hours later, the pain hit me and it was agonizing. I dealt with it all night until I went to the clinic this morning where I was given hydrocodone.

The pain was GONE! It was like magic. All that pain gone in a matter of minutes. Nearly instantaneous relief. So I now understand why there's an opioid problem. Those pills make all the bad go away.

I won't be getting hooked myself but just wanted to say I get it.

Sgt_Spanky 8 July 13

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I agree ! I had a tooth pulled years ago - and they gave me a week's worth of hydrocodone, with instructions to take two as needed for pain.
Knowing how I react to drugs, I took ONE THIRD of ONE caplet .

I was spaced out for the next at least 24hrs ! I felt no pain. I felt no anything - just spacey and mostly useless, till it wore off. Didn't take anymore.

But yeah - it was real easy to see how anyone who wishes to vacate reality just needs some of this stuff , and then they may not want return ...

Benadril has that effect on me 😟


I have painful neuropathy and because of all the opioid addiction they will not give me anything for the pain that actually works. Instead they have given me a bunch of designer drugs meant for something else that all have mean side effects. Cymbalta was the worse. Nothing helps of course, so I live with the pain.

Try cannabis edibles.

@kellymkg I second that suggestion.

@kellymkg I actuallly use the topicals. It helps somewhat.

I agree with the comments try cannabis

kratom will be your best friend i bet, although the edibles are prolly a good second choice for lighter days maybe

@MyTVC15 Try Belbuca if you can. []

None of those designer drugs worked for me and many gave me terrible side effects - this one did not and seems to help considerably. I can concentrate again.

I did Medical Marijuana and it did squat for my pain though it does snow you enough that you just don't much care? (If that's actually better than Opioids I'm not entirely sure how). The pain was still there - every single moment. 14 months of that hell.

@RavenCT Well, here is the thing, Belbuca is an opiate. No one is going to prescribe it to me. They would rather I have all the crazy side effects that the designer drugs cause.

@MyTVC15 It is and it isn't. It's a light class of opioid. Not a "real Opioid".

ie It's an opioid in the same way Ultram is one (when it first came on the market? No it wasn't).

Even Gabapentin is reclassified as a controlled substance of some sort now I believe (which is kind of nuts). But there you have it.

There is an all out war on pain patients - basically because one manufacturer went nuts over prescribing their drugs to so many that folks were rapidly addicted for little cause.

Long term chronic pain patients are now suffering an insane backlash. (Sit by me if you ever want to listen to me complain about the topic).
I'm so glad my Cancer occurred before the backlash. I wouldn't have survived that without some amazing pain management.

I know folks think Opioids are mind altering but don't get me started on what some of those "alternative drugs" do to the mind (and body).

@RavenCT I think that our experiences have been similar. The way I see it, if I am going to have this pain the rest of my life, who cares if I am addicted to the thing that gives me relief? I was taking Gabapentan by the fist full before I was switch to a MAJOR drug interaction of nortripiline and Cymbalta, but after I was was taking 3xs the recommended dose of Lyrica. It took all I could give to get the doc to give me a 6 month med canibis card and the closest pain clinic is not close.

@MyTVC15 Yup I went through Lyrica (didn't help) and Amitriptyline (Before I figured out which drug that was and just how bad a reaction I'd had in the past to it).
Gabapentin made me see shadows and I felt so "off"? It was terrible. (And so many people are on that drug. I sure hope it doesn't alter them - the way it did me!
The Injections were hideous.
I'm not saying these don't help some folks? But for me they were a dead end and a terrible time of incredibly raised pain levels and not much else.

I'm glad this drug is working for now.

I honestly don't want to make drugs - sell drugs - or put illegal drugs into my body. I just want adequate pain relief so I have some quality of life and also to not be treated like a criminal when I suggest that to a Doctor.

I'm horrified by how people in pain are now treated. I've seen people sent home from surgery without adequate pain measures - "Take Advil!". Sure. I'd like to cut those surgeons open rearrange whatever and send THEM home with Advil. lol
Yes it shouldn't be weeks of endless supplies of drugs for those patients -but there also should be committed care to not punishing patients.

(End of soapbox).

If you ever need to talk - PM me. One of the reasons I speak openly on this topic is folks need support.

Also I belong to a great atheist support group for folks with Chronic Illness on FB - I'll send you the link. It's a relief to not be prayed at. lol


A while back my gf stepdad got skin cancer. Her mom could be quite a scatterbrain and missed his morphine prescription one time. Now I knew he had a bad history with his son when he did heroin in the 70s. The dad was very old school on drugs and disowned his boy for a long while. They never got close again even when his son got clean. My gf and I made the point of telling him that this is what his lad went through all those years ago. The final understanding/forgiveness in his eyes was something I was glad to tell his son about at the funeral.


I know what you mean. Years ago, I was surf fishing and stepped on a catfish someone had thrown away on the beach. The fin went all the way through my shoe and foot and broke off. The trauma and the bacteria, slime from the fish caused a great deal of pain. My buddies took me to the emergency room. There they extracted the fin and gave me a shot of morphine. It didn't really stop the pain, but left me floating a cloud and thinking: "Gee, my foot hurts. Isn't that funny!" The pain simply did not matter.


Fortunately, I have never needed to use opioids and don't care to recreationally. I hurt my leg in 2018 and was given a prescription for 12 of them, but didn't need it so did not even open the container. I returned them to the drop-off box at the hospital.

The closest I ever came to what I guess it is like was when I was 21 or 22 and in the Air Force. I needed my wisdom teeth removed, and they gave me liquid valium. As the dental surgeon depressed the plunger, I could feel the sensation work up my arm. It came to my neck and I could somewhat feel a sensation in my chest, but oh when it hit my head. Oh my. I can remember thinking clearly: THIS is why people use (hard) drugs. This is wonderful.

I can sadly imagine how difficult such a habit is to break, especially for someone from a disadvantaged background, mental health issues, ill-health, or some other co-morbidity.


It is very dangerous to use frequently and a major problem

bobwjr Level 10 July 14, 2020

I always ask for plain Oxycodone. It is kinder to my body. I had my gall bladder removed, and I was given 90, Oxy 5mg!! 1 week later I had 80 tablets left. By then Ibuprofin was working when needed.

The drug czars are clamping down on doctors that do this now.

Teresa. I have been taking 2.5 mg of oxycodone for many years now. The pure stuff does not interfere with the action of my insulin pump. I generally get 2 prescriptions of 30 per year, break the tiny things in half. That tiny dose of morphine lets me stand up in the morning and negotiate the stairs. By the time I am downstairs, I can move enough to start my day. My doctor is fine with the level of my addiction - my problem is keeping my blood sugar at an acceptable level.

@Spinliesel If you are legitimately being prescribed... They call it habituation... Not addiction. It might be a matter of semantics..... But there is a difference!

@RiverRick It is a matter of discipline and paying attention to your body. Just like with other drugs I have to take.


I broke my right leg last year, and there was no pain initially. As I waited in the ED to have my bones "set" they gave me one pill which I now recognize as oxycodone. (It happened during an ice storm so there were victims of traffic accidents ahead of me.) There was no pain while the set my 2 broken bones.

I had a steady supply for weeks, but I stopped taking them after a couple of days because they made it hard for me to get to the bathroom on those crutches. It's good to have some extras for emergencies.


Wear a helmet!! I learned quick when I started riding after a car turned in front of me and I hit it. Thank goodness I did, because I had another accident later where I skidded head first into a parked car. My brains would have been MUSH!


they honestly don't really effect me. I never take opioid for that reason. Theyre like a placebo to me. But I also have an amazingly high pain threshold

redhog Level 7 July 13, 2020

Wear a helmet!! I learned quick when I started riding after a car turned in front of me and I hit it. Thank goodness I did, because I had another accident later where I skidded head first into a parked car. My brains would have been MUSH!

I've been scolded about the helmet thing several times since last night.

@Radu Are you talking about a motorbike or a bicycle. ?. I find it amazing that some states in the USA still allow motorbike riding without helmets. It doesn't matter how careful you are. I sold my last motorbike a few years ago as I got fed up with moronic car drivers trying to kill me.
I cycle every day, mostly off road and I always wear a helmet. I consider my brain to be important to me.


I am sorry to hear about your accident, and I am delighted to hear of your recovery.

I have a great fear of all such addictions. Curiously enough, I am allergic to one opioid (tapentadol) and it does nothing by way of pain relief for me - I find ibuprofen to be far more effective.

I don't have an addictive personality so I've never become addicted to anything. I've been drinking and smoking weed for many years, usually for a week or so then I'll go months at a time doing neither. I'm allergic to Ibuprofen and can't take it. Thanks for the well wishes.


You are right. You should be extremely careful about taking such drugs. It is very easy to become addicted. Some people don't even realize the shortcut from dabbling to addiction. You probably know that seriously ill people take certain drugs to relieve unbearable pain. In turn, addicts relieve mental pain by ruining their physical health. As a teenager, I got involved with a bad group of guys who abused drugs. Thank God, I realized in time that I was in the wrong place. As far as I know, many of them went through drug rehab in California and quit drugs. I wish everyone never tried drugs and lived a healthy life.


I think the most difficult is to realize that drugs heal the physical pain, not the psychical one. You won't get addicted because they will give you the right dose, just enough to cope with the pain. However, many patients get that addictions and deny it for years. When I have worked at, I have seen so many patients after car crushes who continue to take the pills, who lye about some non existing pains just to get those pills. Strange yeah? Like those pills would treat your soul. You get poisoned but your problems are still there. They are not gone. You just create yourself even more troubles.


Yeah bra, don't get hooked. And I wish you a speedy recovery!


Thankfully I'm allergic to all of it. 🙂


I was on opioids longer than 2 years. morphine, oxycodone, hydrocodone and fentanyl. the VA took a year weaning me off. i have no addiction, nor am i running the streets for more and i didn't turn to herion either.


good stuff...


Yup it's good for when you truly need it.

I have chronic pain. I have taken opioids and non-opioids to control my condition for decades and fortunately never been addicted. (Though if you've been on something for years they now INSIST on tapering you).

I now take a non-opioid that does wonders without making me out of it. (Yay!).

Opioids are fantastic when you've really hurt yourself or had surgery - but long term? They suck. Dry mouth etc etc.... itchy skin - for some constipation. You just don't want to go there.

Hope you feel better soon!


I get it. In the early '70s I had an ounce of opiated hash, a couple of friends and I smoked it over a week. I now have a clear aversion to opium because I know I find it addicting. Haven't felt anything like it since even from common opioid pain killers. Of course I was always in extreme pain when I took them so that could have modulated the response.


Just a one time dose of hydrocodone?

No, a one time prescription of 12 pills and no refills.


I get t, but pain pills of any kind have never worked for me.

There are certain people who have a genetic variation that it's hard to find a painkiller for. They often have to "keep trying".

My sister and my niece have this issue and they require Fentanyl post surgery. Don't know if they ever tried that for you.

I imagine they could do a nerve block for you if needed too.


All they do is knock me out and I don't ever feel the pain like that anyway. 😟 Glad it helped you.

They make me drowsy too.


May your recovery be quick and painless. 🙂

It'd be great if my death went that way too. Here's hopin' 👍

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