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Does it matter how a gift is wrapped or is it only the gift that matters?

Aralt 7 Apr 10

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The gift, definitely. Wrapping is an esoteric skill akin to folding a fitted sheet.

I get really excited when something I wrap looks nice, but mostly because with my hands it's a rarity


Does it even matter that it is wrapped?


I thought it was the thought that mattered


Sometimes it matters...


As a woman I love the idea that a man took the time to wrap a gift for me. It tells me alot about how he perceives me.


I am one that rarely receives gifts so the thought of giving a gift should be really matters. You cared enough to think of me. The gift is just icing on the cake.


Depends on the person receiving I'd say. A great gift can be given in the store bag and still appreciated though.


A simple bow is fine, just makes things a bit more special


Does it matter how you say something, or only the words that matter?

MsAl Level 8 Apr 11, 2018

I find that presentation helps show meaning.
A gumball machine jewelry wrapped beautifully with a meaningful note could be much more meaningful than just handing over a diamond necklace and expecting praise.

I've never been one to wrap things beautifully or say things right way though


It is the thought that counts. I couldn't care less how or if a gift is wrapped.


The extra thought is nice. I know my husband always had extra helpings of me. He made sure to consider the beautiful wrapping. It's all about presentation also.


I so rarely wrap anymore. I buy cheap gift bags, a bit of tissue paper, and let it go. The gift bags are reuseable too.


Doesn't matter to me and I don't give gifts, I give cash.


It's the gift that counts.


Depend on what the gift is of is it the gift itself or the wrapping
99% the wrapping is torn off and chucked away

Rosh Level 7 Apr 11, 2018

My family has a habit of giving gifts in bags, as we're all terrible at wrapping.


The gift matters.


Being transmale, I see gift wrapping a big waste of time and money, but women seem to expect it, even if they simply toss the wrappings immediately.

Also gift giving for birthdays and Christmas is annoyingly silly. I agree with Sheldon of the Big Bang Theory that if you buy someone a gift, that person then feels obligated to give you a gift of the same monetary value, and the gifts are likely to be nothing either of you really wants.

My solution? Before a birthday, I ask that person directly which item (s) on Amazon they'd most prefer, then I have it gift wrapped and sent to their home with a card (all provided on Amazon).

They, in turn, know to just get me an Amazon gift card so I can keep happily buying Kindle books.
But, Sheldon is still right..our gifts just cancel each other out.

Big Bang Theory Gift Giving


Heck give them a towel with the gift and wrap it in that! (And a bit of ribbon).

I have two sisters who are so particular about wrapping. This year they finally realized my method of stuffing in a gift bag was So.Much.Easier! Also I feel gift bags are reusable and have no problem getting one I gave back.

I also spent one pre-Christmas wrapping gifts for people at a store. "The messier the better!" many told me - "They'll think I wrapped it!".

Only exception might be a ring - and the store will wrap that for you!


The gift to me. Some people seem to care about wrapping. I definitely don't.


If you are optimistic enough even a gift wrapped chunk of manure can be used as fertilizer.


I would be happy to get one in a paper bag - some people are all fingers and thumbs at wrapping stuff especially awkward shapes it is an art to be learnt - so it sthe though always that counts.


It isn't the gift as such.. to me, anyway. It's the feeling behind it. 😉


Only the gift matters

ebdb Level 7 Apr 11, 2018

Doesn't everyone just throw them in a pretty bag nowdays?

@Aralt l bet they liked the gift anyway. 🙂

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