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Recycling is the norm in many communities. Each home in my area has a can for recycling. I have decided today that I will no longer use plastic bags at the grocery store. How many of you recycle?

Shelton 8 Apr 12

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I save my cans and give them away to a recycler. Other trash is picked up weekly and I do have a burning barrel even thuogh I'm in city limits. I se plastic bags but burn most of them outside in my barrel.


Recycling is picked up weekly - trash is every second week.

Yup I've been recycling for years.

I still use plastic for groceries because I reuse those for disposing of kitty litter.


I recycle, compost and reuse when possible. Also buy used when possible. I do enjoy my plastic bags though, very convenient...

MsAl Level 8 Apr 12, 2018

I've been using my own shopping bags for at least 5 years. I don't use the plastic bags in the produce department. I either use, no bag or bring recycled netting/bags. When I buy bulk, I bring my own containers. I do not buy or use individual water bottles. I filter tap water and have reusable containers. I have had the same box of baggies for the last 2 years. I store leftovers in reusable containers. I use cloth dish towels to reduce paper towel usage. 1 roll can last me 2-3 months. I avoid 1 use plastics as much as possible. I wash clothes only when I have a full load. I rarely throw any food out. I eat leftovers until they are gone and buy only what I can consume. I make my own household cleaners using distilled white vinegar, water, and a couple drops of dish soap. I use it in the kitchen and bathroom (sometimes add baking soda as an abrasive). Use Vinegar in my laundry in place of bleach and softener. Use the vinegar mix for carpet stains. We don't have recycle pick up here but I usually only have one or two small bags of trash each week. I clean and keep glass jars for storing food and crafts. I use "paperless" for all my bills and statements. I purchase small appliances and clothes from second hand stores when possible. It's not perfect but it's something.

Sure @Shelton!


as much as possible


I've recycled for years and use cloth bags for groceries. I hate wasting anything and truly try to care for our planet. I could do more but resources are limited. I converted my brother and sister in law into recycling. Their house hold of 12 people uses one trash can and 3 large recycle cans each week. That's pretty awesome.


The facts about recycling are distorted they only use a small amount of the recycled material. it still ends up in a landfill. They are just sneakier about how it gets there. The same goes for smart cars those batteries take something like 500 gallons of gasoline to make and one batterie wares out in 7 to 10 years. To make solar panels takes raw materials metal glass plastic all of this uses natural resources to make.


I recycle and use cloth bags for grocery shopping. I opt for paper bags if I forget cloth bags. Those I use to collect paper for recycling.


I use cloth bags when I go shopping and when I have to accept plastic, I use them for my trash and garbage bags.


Our recycling facility won't take glass. I collect used coffee grounds for fertilizer.


I reuse but there are no recyclig options here

@Shelton lol. We have pretty much been in drought here for the past 10 years and they havent even addressed water issues that they could.I am not holding my breath


I do. Our recycling gets sorted at the home , placed in two or mre cans and put out with the garbage. Some weeks, the recyling truck gets there at the same time as the garbage truck. Funny to watch. I also recycle my coffee grounds as a soil conditioner around acid loving plants. And i have not bought new clothes, except underwear in the last ten years.


I carry my own bags to the grocery store. They are easier to carry and hold more than the stupid plastic bags. I also recycle my plastics. In our small town there is no service that collects recycling from homes, so I have to drive it out to a bin a few blocks from where I live. I don't mind doing that.

Deb57 Level 8 Apr 12, 2018

I've been using reusable cloth bags for at lest a 10 years.

@Shelton To be honest, I got the original cloth bags for free, and I am not so sure I'd have switched had that not happened. But I fet really booda bout using them, and so I still use them.

Currently in the Pacific Northwest we have a grocery store called Fred Meyer, which replaces any of their bags (cloth bags bought from them) that have worn out for free.


I have tried to start a recycling program here. Made a proposal to the city council, received no response whatsoever.


We have 3 mins,
one for the plastic wrap and such that cannot be recycled, that is our smallest bin, it goes out every 2 weeks, our is usually about 1/3 lossely full. Another is for paper, cans, bottles taht are fully recucled, also collected every 2 weeks. Ours goes out once a month, about 1/4 full expect for cardboard boxes I bring my shopping home in, so they are already re-used before they get recucled.
The other bin is for organics, food scraps, garden trimmings. We have not put this out in 5 years. It sits in the back yard with the tree branches too big for the mulcher. We dry them and use them for outdoor cooking. We have 3 chooks, a big worm bin and 2 giant compost bins.


I recycle everything...I even put my table scraps under my holly tree! I just use a small shovel and dig a hole and bury them about once a week, (I am one person, though). I also have very large pot with red worms in it, that I feed! All these 'throw away,' containers are disturbing to me!


Our city has a once-a-week recycling service for paper, glass, metal, and plastic bottles.


I save aluminum cans. After a decade of collecting I drove two miles out of my way from work and, after twenty minutes of driving and paper work, actually made eight dollars and saved our environment about 125 kilowatt hours of electrical energy. Also have the recycle bin that I use for other recyclables.


Colorado doesn't do much recycling. Oregon did more. We have to throw our soda cans in the trash. Same for any cans. If there is a recycling area, it's very rare. Some trash cans on the street have a can for recycling. There is only one soda can place you can take your cans in for $. We use plastic bags at the grocery store too. I end up throwing them away, because I used to collect them for a trash liner. At my place now, they give us small trash bags. Cardboard is tossed too. It's sad.


I do, and I’ve converted the whole family to recycle too


We have a total of two wheely bins and three large plastic boxes.

The boxes are for glass, tins and paper/cardboard. The wheely bins are for garden waste and general rubbish (everything that doesn't go in one of the other bins).

Collections alternate between black bins (general rubbish) and recycling bins on alternate weeks.

Living alone I don't need to put the black bin out every time as it is nowhere near full.

The paper/card bin always has to go out as it will be full of junk mail, catalogs, pizza delivery adverts, etc, etc.


My roommate recycles for all of us.


I do. It's not the norm where I'm at. Some people still roll their eyes or make fun of you for doing it. 😟 When I was growing up in MN I remember when recycling was mandated, and everybody got the bins, and you had to separate cardboard, plastic, steel cans, aluminum, etc. I feel like I've taken a huge step backwards in time...


I recycle, but I think it’s more important to reduce waste overall. Not using plastic bags at the grocery is a good move.

Though recycling is good, it still takes a truck to come by and pick it up and it takes power to recycle the material.

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