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Well this should be interesting. What is bothering you today? What's on your mind and won't seem to go away?

Being unable to tell what is in my future is bugging me today. The uncertainty and the possibility of so many different outcomes.

AustinSkepticus 7 Apr 17

Enjoy being online again!

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Kidney stones.

I’ve had maybe 10 of those in my life varying from a mild discomfort to ‘please give me morphine’. Hope it passes soon.

@indirect76 Thanks. They're still in production.

My best...i've never had them and never knew anyone who thought they were 'a piece of cake, either!

@Freedompath Thank you. I get them periodically. Definitely not any fun at all.
I hope you never fine out what they're like.


Trump's presidency and presence on the Amreicna scene and will bother me until both go away.


My son is always on my mind, but I also am having extreme financial difficulties while living in one of the fastest growing counties in the country. I know I’m not alone in my financial problems, but there is a lot of money in my area. It is stressful and angering.


Am I going to get the job I interviewed for last week?
Should I resist the urge to seek out a lover for now?
Why is it so hard to find a good dating match? ?

@MrLizard nope. Just questions roaming the space between my ears right now.


Is this license to whine? Count me in! I'm having one of those days when the fallout from getting lots of migraines is affecting the quality of my marriage. And feeling justified in my anger and hurt that I was having some check-out couch time and my husband pointed out there were dishes in the sink. They were my dishes, it was my mess, but seriously? I think what bugs me is I don't want to ever be that couple. The one where the man feels like he can lord it over the woman based on how much housework is or isn't done at any given time. The sink was full, but I didn't think there should be an issue. Of course I wasn't planning on leaving the dishes soaking forever. I had been balancing being sick with being productive all day. I had cooked, therefore there were dishes. I had also completed a big step building a brick and rock pathway outdoors, for which I had expected pleasure and praise, but he didn't even notice that on his way in. Didn't see all I had done, just latched onto the dishes in the sink. Condescend to request that before I rest, I should do dishes. It makes me sad. I hope someone understands why this is a big deal to me.

I do...and at least you appreciate and will enjoy your handiwork!

@SassyLady I know what you mean, and even if I made a mountain out of a molehill in this one case, it's because I am so conscious of how that mountain looks when it's the real thing. Thankfully, my husband responded to our little blow up by volunteering to do a whole list of chores that were a priority for me. He certainly does do alot around the place and isn't one of those who is allergic to household chores. It's not really about who does what or how high or low the standards are. It's totally about being comfortable in my own home when things are undone and imperfect. Maybe I have some sympathy for neatniks who live with slobs. But I get my back up when my own situation is characterized that way. I like things tidy too, and would keep them that way without being made to. Any indication that someone thinks that I need to be made to clean just pushes my buttons.


I have ongoing issues with my health. Some days are better than others, but it's alwyas challenging. I'm always thinking I'm not doing enough, when the fact is I've done so much and I don't give myself enough credit for that. But it does mean having to accept a "new normal." I'm also in a new relationship when I haven't been in one in a very long time; neither of us knows where it's going and I'm not used to this - in a way this is good, because it's forcing me not to read into things so much and just enjoy where it is right now, which is also something new for me. So basically I'm just getting my mind around a lot of changes and dealing with some serious growing pains as a result.


I stopped to get gas at a fairly busy Cumberland Farms. When I was done refueling, I began to pull out and noticed that there was someone in a parking space across from me getting ready to back out. I chose to be polite and wait to pull out. This person was clearly afraid of her vehicle (my hair went gray in the time she took to back out). While this was happening, some numb-nuts that had been waiting for the space seemed to just realize I was there and pulled directly in front of me to block me from going anywhere. He looked at me with a satisfied grin. Made eye contact. He also scared the woman backing out further and my hair went white. What, exactly, was the point of sir Douche of Nozzle blocking me. I wasn’t trying to take his spot and he prolonged the wait time. le sigh

I think I know the Cumberland farms you speak of. It's a free for all


Trying to find an apartment so my kids and I can move out of my ex's house into our own place. I have a tiny tiny income, but because there are 3 of us, plus a cat, I can't rent a one bedroom. So I'm trying to find a place that I can afford, but that's not a slum. of luck...

@AmiSue that's not a bad idea. I've seen rooms for rent, just nothing yet that would work for us. I'm considering all the options.


Climate change and political corruption.


When its warm enough to fibreglass the new filters to my fishtank.


A tooth with a hole in!

Haha thanks @pthomas59 I do have some !! and whiskey.. Clove oil is best for sure !! 🙂

@pthomas59 Yes very much so !! Me too and I agree. For lots of things natural is best!! Thanks .. Clove oil numbs everything ! Dentist is needed lol !!


The x still thinking she can take her emotions out on me despite being part for over 8 months

@pthomas59 she moved one in a month after we split , but my son didn't like him so he had to move out (my son is 3}

@pthomas59 every weekend so far .....yeah and that's just the tip of the iceberg lol


Willy Wonka fired his entire workforce and replaced them with undocumented immigrants.

And that was before the child endangerment.

Not only that his health and safety was very questionable and he near put children to death !

@Nickbeee Some of them deserved it.

@KKGator Well children are incredibly stupid and burn well.


The flocking or crowding to a specific idea if people could just go single file to an idea would be much harder to trick them into believing the idea.


I worry what the future holds.


My hernia is bothering me today, and l can't get it off of my mind.


If you focus on the present you won't worry about the future. One day at a time.


my sister stole all of my tampons and i am broke...not as bad as it could be, but its what is bothering me today.

Byrd Level 7 Apr 17, 2018

Here I am moving, and don't need the tampons that I discarded. Lol

@Freedompath lmao isnt that just how it always seems to work out?


I'm drowning in paper. My filling (or lack of it) always looms over me. I take care of most of my business without any trouble. Organizing the steady stream of incoming is always an issue.

I need to try something. I'll look into it. Thanks.


One colleague treating another like his PA.


Don't oirry, everything will turn out OK.. just hang in there.


I’m actually fairly content today, however my 17 year old daughter has been stressing me out for a good 6 weeks.


That I am so busy and tired. My dog has been restless for the past week and wants to go outside numerous times every night. I am working very long days to get a pet project up and running at work, I don't get paid for it, but it is important to me. And I have had car issues to deal with taking a day and week and lots of money. So that means I have to look around to see if I have any. Just need a week or two to catch up on my chores, and have some time in the water.


I thought agnostics, etc, were healthier mentally and more rational in general than believers. After a few weeks on this site I am surprised by some women, who seem to be contrary to other women's opinions merely to differentiate themselves from other women and show they are "one of the boys."

That behavior doesn't hold a candle, however, to the number of men who show a mental age of under twelve in their grammar, name calling, and intense misogyny. It is as if 2/3 of male members are here to advertise their hatred of women, among other things they can't understand. They aren't here for community or dating, but merely to vent their bruised egos towards the nearest female. I don't pretend to understand why they aren't held back in rank or banned from the site. They ruin it for everyone else. There are some very sick men on here. It is seriously disturbing, and I have worked in actual high security mental facilities. Is there no provision here for incendiary hate speech? Or even those who use this site for purposes other than community or dating? The hate is so strong here!


Some guy said anxiety doesn't come from not knowing the future, rather from not being able to control it.
Let it happen.


That happens a lot, especially before you just give up trying to figure out all your steps before you make them...and just accept the moment that you are in and let that be enough! Plans can still be made...but living in the moment satisfies, over a long range. We want be a failure if we are not striving all the time! I am concerned that I will not be moved out of this place by the end of this month! I work to keep my word, but I may have to get an extention!

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