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LINK Arizona lawmaker Rick Gray: Atheism caused the shooting in Uvalde

Of all the explanations for why the shooter in Uvalde, Texas took the lives of more than 20 students and teachers, one of the laziest is also one of the most popular. Conservatives love to blame tragedies like this on godlessness. If only God were allowed in schools, nothing bad would ever happen.

It such a ludicrous thing to say that you might not believe anyone would still be that ignorant. But you haven’t met Arizona State Sen. Rick Gray, who blamed atheism for the shooting during a floor speech on Wednesday:

snytiger6 9 May 27

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You bring up some very good points in your post. I think religion has do more with it than a lack of believing in bs.


Only one other Nation has as much of a gun problem as the US, Brazil; which is more religious than the US. Seven of the next 8 are also more religious than the US (Brazil, Venezuela, Honduras, Panama, Mexico, India, Columbia, Philippines, Guatamala), the one exception is Somalia. The least religious Nations (Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Netherlands, Estonia, Finland) all have very much lower rates of gun violence and deaths.

Religion is based in fear and insecurity as a way to keep members interested. People who are afraid and insecure think guns will make them safe. More guns just means more deaths.


Another BANNER WEEK for children here in America

twill Level 7 May 27, 2022

But look at what the NRA and all the ammosexuals are achieving: they are helping to reduce the rape of the planet caused by the ever-increasing number of people. 😟

Guns are the leading cause of the deaths of children in the U.S.



There have been more deaths in the name of religion than any other source that I know of. Instead of finding solutions to the problems this excuse of a human being would rather play the blame game knowing full well what the consequences will be. Any and all violence resulting from his claim will be on his hands and those who support him.

Betty Level 8 May 27, 2022

And every depraved cretin, of which he is one, will deny all responsibility.

@anglophone That's why I'm sure he doesn't believe the nonsense he spews. In my opinion they are all Atheists in disguise and use god to gain support from the ignorant and control the narrative. If they truly believed in a god they would be more fearful of the consequences.

The origin of this type of thinking is well described and documented in a book called “The Myth of Persecution” by Candida Moss. The final chapter, which I just started, says it all: “The Dangerous Legacy of a Martyrdom Complex”. Blame Eusebius.

@NostraDumbass We are living in an era with such easy access to information yet ignorance is still rampant.


And so it begins to gain momentum, first the entirely false and totally misplaced blame game where the true cause, etc, is concealed under a web of lies and propaganda as in Nazi Germany from post WWI until the end of WWII, only this time it will NOT be the cry of " The Jews are the cause" but "It was the Atheist, it was the Atheist, kill the Atheist" that will ring out loud and clear across the United States of Absurdity.
Oh well some of you may find my words a source for humour, BUT, think back to the early years of the Reign of the Nazi Party in Germany.
After all, it ONLY takes 1 sheep to start a full on stampede.

I am appalled at the people that voted that dimwit into power.

@anglophone Sadly we have no real room to talk imo, look how many Aussies voted the likes of ScumMo, Abbott the Rabbit, Johnny "Cane-toad" Howard, etc, etc in to government here.

@Triphid At least the Land of the Convict (as opposed to the Land of the Free) seems to have come to some small degree to its senses, though how long it will last for is beyond me.

@Triphid “Cane Toad”? Is that really his nickname or did you just make it up?

@NostraDumbass A cane toad is a voracious and highly venemous species of toad that is currently sweeping across Australia.

@anglophone Licking cane toads used to be a “thing”. Apparently their toxic secretions are also hallucinogenic. Maybe Triphid can confirm this?

@NostraDumbass It's true and an extremely dangerous habit.

@Triphid Austalia really needs to not emmulate the US. We are enough of a problem on our own.

@NostraDumbass See if you can compare a photo of a cane toad and one of John Howard, then get back to me please.

@Reignmond Well at least Australia took the great leap forward and introduced Gun Laws where the United States of Absurdity is loathe to do for fear of upsetting the "tennie weenie penies" (the men whose balls failed to drop and their penises failed to grow btw) of the N.R.A.

@NostraDumbass Try ACTUALLY reading BOOKS regarding them, you never know, reading books may become enjoyable and enlightening as well.


So, Sen. Gray personally knew the perpetrator? How else does he know the religious beliefs of the perp? It does not matter what that kid's beliefs were, he had no business having access to an assault rifle. Why does anyone need an assault rifle? They have one purpose and one purpose only - to kill another person. The Second Amendment gives Americans the right to keep and bear arms, but it does not specify what kind of arms, so restrictions can theoretically be applied and still be compliant to the Second Amendment.

Sen. Gray is just another typical conservative Republican hypocrite. He believes that the abortion of an unborn child that is unwanted or the mother is unable to care for and is not yet sentient is far more important to preserve than the mass killing of children who are already sentient beings with years of parental/child bonding.

Just to be clear, I am not anti-Second Amendment. I am anti-stupidity. Common sense and compassion must prevail.

WillF Level 4 May 27, 2022

Doesn’t the lack of specificity in the 2nd Amendment then also allow for the purchase of grenades, rocket launchers or SAM missiles by a “people’s militia”?

@NostraDumbass Yes. That is why I said common sense and compassion must prevail.

@WillF "The recent shooting in a Texas school plainly showed that the current laws in place have done nothing to deter violent thugs, yet those on the far left are already babbling on about needing more of the same laws that have repeatedly failed to keep people safe."

That is an excerpt from a conversation I had recently with a guy from the Pro Guns group. He went on to explain that the real problems that need to be addressed are mental health and the establishment of "Gun Free" zones, which are an open invitation to attack "soft targets" that simply need to be hardened in order to prevent such tragedies.

Yeah, so that's the gun lovers version of "common sense and compassion". By insisting on stricter laws, people such as you and I are really the problem, because we're aiding and abetting the "bad guys" by giving them an unfair advantage over the "good guys" since the crazies will simply ignore those additional laws anyway. Have you no shame, common sense, or compassion? Yeah, me neither apparently.

Totally unacceptable! It amazes me that the far right will wail against big government and higher taxes, yet the only solution they seem to have is to only spend more money on mental health and imprisoning the children in schools with more locked doors. What happens if fire erupts in the school? Are we supposed to let the kids stay locked in and burn to death? What hypocrisy!


How insane are these people!

He needs to be called out for what he is: an aggressive simpleton.

No, not insane as such, desperately seeking a suitable scape-goat so they and the obsessions for firearms cannot be held responsible like it should be.
After all as the saying that does the rounds in the more civilised and cultured Western Countries of the world goes, " An American without at least 1 gun is almost completely impotent."
Well now, I see that a certain @NostraDumbass found my above comments humorous, perhaps he would expand and expound upon why he found them so, that is IF, imo, he is MAN enbough.

Insane, stupid, whatever you want to call it….👀


Rick Gray must be an idiot. Did he mean the shooter's parents or all atheists?


Rick Gray is dangerously mentally defective.

As are, imo, 90% of the Members and Supporters of the N.R.A.


Perhaps someone can ask him to name an atheist. Any atheist, but preferably one that contributed to that or any other shooting.

Yeah, let's see your evidence Rick!

@Flyingsaucesir Rick will refuse to produce such evidence. He is a poisonous lying toad.

Imo, the first thing to spew from his lips would be name of a political opponent.


Arizona State Senator Rick Gray is obviously an ignorant SOB.


Odd how the all-powerful, universal god can be banished by atheists.

An 18-yr. old boy even

@twill That is if the 18 year old is actually an atheist. I think most, if not all, mass shooters are raised religious.


Yet another whackjob telling people their imaginary friend could have prevented tragedy IF ONLY HE WERE ALLOWED IN THE ROOM!!!

Stupid fucker.

He’s allowed in churches, synagogues and mosques. If people never, ever got shot in these places that would actually be evidence in favour of theism. However….

@NostraDumbass Please don't expect Rick Gray to use his non-existent brain as it was given to him by his non-existent god.


By the same logic, doesn’t teaching people that they are broken and sinful cause them to behave sinfully? Especially when they can cash in their get-out-of-Hell-free card (Jesus) at their convenience, thus avoiding consequences for their anti-social behaviour.

Add to that the concept of Original Sin.


Religion is the main cause of abject stupidity!

I think it’s the other way around. The less educated a person is the more likely they are to be religious. So religion capitalizes on ignorance as opposed to causing it.

@NostraDumbass I would agree, so much research has at least correlated religiosity inversely with level of education. Also, the states in the US with the levels of average or mean levels of education are also the ones with the highest levels of religiosity. In other words, most people seem to seek and/or end up with a lot more of one than the other...


What an ignorant, deceitful ass!


Sorry, I can't help laughing at such stupid assumption.

We laugh, but remember there are millions just like him.

@MizJ I agree. We know how religion can corrupt the mind, 9/11 taught us that. 😢

@MizJ, unfortunately, it's true. These people have always to find an escape goat.

If I didn't think a lot of people will take what he said seriously, I'd be laughing too.

@snytiger6, nevertheless, I couldn't help laughing. I can clearly see your point. Human beings...


god was away on business. screw Rick Gray...dumb toad

Leetx Level 7 May 27, 2022
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