15 2

Now that American citizens have had six months to feel the effect of their governments policies regarding incitement of the Ukrainian conflict directly affecting their purses & lifestyles attitudes and beliefs are starting change perhaps even show intelligence¹?

According to a Reuters/Ipsos survey
mentioned in an RT article Americans increasingly doubt Ukraine support – poll []

How has 6 months of experiencing the mess created by your governments changed your opinions?

For a copy of the IPSOS report \ press release if you are unable to access the RT report because of your governments puerile sanctions & censorship of RT contact:

Chris Jackson

Senior Vice President, US
Public Affairs
+1 202 420-2025
Annaleise Lohr
Director, US
Public Affairs

Otherwise obtain your copy through the RT link contained in the article report.

  • 5 votes
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FrayedBear 9 Aug 25

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I know nothing about the Ukraine/Russian war except what the news media and "talking heads" put out and it is ALL propaganda.


Biased questions elicit biased answers. Russia was and is wrong to invade anybody. The US is wrong to invade anybody. As long as we try an have the baddest military we will always be poor.

BillF Level 7 Aug 25, 2022

Worst thing one can do to a human being is murder and homeless. About 9 times out of ten during a war it is in a uniform. BRICS is trading with Russian, Brazil and South America are turning away from West. Nearing half of the world's population are at a stand off, so there is many unknowns at play most of the public is not aware of at all at play.

The US and NATO criminal rap sheet is worse. Just from one area since 2001. Millions of people living in the war zones have also been displaced by war. The U.S. post-9/11 wars have forcibly displaced at least 38 million people in and from Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, the Philippines, Libya, and Syria. US has half of the world's War budget and 25% of prisoners in cages from only 4% of the world's population. The one that 👉 their fingers most, then has everyone esle censored, Are for sure, the true terrorist.

Ummm we are not poor.

@Alienbeing We are the only country out of the G7 who don't have universal healthcare. We have working poor and lunch room debt. How do you not count that as being poor!

@BillF I said (and so did you) "we" That means as a country WE aren't poor. Are some people poor, sure, name a country that has no poor people.

Having or not having Universal Health care is not a rich/poor issue, it referes to a method of delivering healthcare.

I have no clue what "lunch room debt" is supposed to mean.

@Alienbeing Lunch room debt means some kids can't pay and so don't get to eat! If you consider health care to be something other than a necessity then I'm sorry, we don't have enough in common to talk.

@BillF Many things are necessary, the trick is how are they paid for.

For you info I have said many time that I think Medicare for all would work nicely.

Your prejudicial assumptios are on display.

@Alienbeing you are if you behave & think like stupid¹ people.

@FrayedBear Your reply makes no sense...... again.

@Alienbeing Your prejudicial assumptions are on display if you behave & think like stupid¹ people.
Snytiger6 has just introduced me to - The origins of the fairness doctrine that lay in the Radio Act (1927), which limited radio broadcasting to licensed broadcasters but mandated that the licensees serve the public interest. Read my response to him on this discussion post.

@FrayedBear First you misspelled "assumptios". How is that possible? You say you are a spelling wiz, and that you carefully proof read all your postings. Perhaps the errors happen shortly after you take your numerous medications.

Second, and last, @snytiger6 is a much nicer person than I am. I also suspect he has not yet realized that you are a hopeless apologist for old Soviet practices. To be perfectly clear, I STILL don't care what you think. I just like to correct all the false statements you make.

@Alienbeing thank you for pointing out the now corrected error.
I rarely make statements. An exception being when they are needed to point out your stupidity¹.

@FrayedBear Virtually everything you ever posted was a mistake!


First of all. RT is a known site/organization for spreading Russian propaganda. You shouldn't believe what they are putting out.

Second, your poll answers are "loaded" (biased) to guide a person to answer a certain way. This is often a ploy used to try to influence a persons opinion by far right groups such as the Heritage Foundation in order to gain support for their ideals. It is manipulative. This technique is also sometimes called a "push-poll" and is used to make a poll come out a certain way that is predeternined by the people who design the poll to make it appear like more people agree with them than actually would if the poll were not biased.

Third. The Russians invaded Ukraine, and there has been documentation of mass murder and rapes by Russians soldiers. Outside of Russian propaganda and far right wing groups which are making stuff up, there has been virtually no actual documentation of Ukraine committing Russian genocide. Although, if there was, I'd say they may have had it coming for their unprovoked invasion and war crimes they have committed.

Fourth. IPSOS, is a market research company, not a news outlet. They get paid to sell ideas for their clients. They do not get paid to spread accurate information. Even though the company is French, if the Russian pay them to sell propaganda, that is exactly what they do as a company. It's only about profits for them.

You may be sceptical of IPSOS's origins & credentials. Their "About Us" statement however indicates that they understand that they are unlikely to get repeat business if they merely tell clients what they want to hear h a common practice in USA where it seems that little boys shouting out that "the emperor is stark bollock naked not wearing any clothes" are not only few and far between but actively persecuted when they do shout out. Just look at Chelsea Manning & Julian Assange who is still being persecuted & hounded to his death by a spiteful Uncle Sam.

In our world of rapid change, the need for reliable information to make confident decisions has never been greater.

At Ipsos we believe our clients need more than a data supplier, they need a partner who can produce accurate and relevant information and turn it into actionable truth.

This is why our passionately curious experts not only provide the most precise measurement, but shape it to provide True Understanding of Society, Markets and People.

To do this we use the best of science, technology and know-how
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@FrayedBear Their "About Us" is self marketing.

Basically, the reality is they are willing to tell clients just what they want to hear. If they don't then they wont' get, or will lose, the account. Plain and simple. If a client wants certain results, then I have no doubt that they would "load" their surveys to produce the results desired by the clients. You don't make money by losing or displeasing clients.

@snytiger6 lol you have just described the philosophy of American main stream media & explanation for them to not report without bias - "You don't make money by losing or displeasing clients."

@FrayedBear That is why we used to have "The Fairness Doctrine", which Ronald Reagan did away with. It required the airing of viewpoints that differed from the broadcast, which made sure stations tried to air accurate and unbiased news stories. There did not used to be a totally right or totally left wing format, because it was required to air both sides of an issue.

I think the end of the Fairness Doctrine was what started the U.S. to circle down the drain, as we as a country have only become more divided as news stories only bother to air one side, or tend to only air tabloid like stories, which are superficial and exploitive with no or very little useful information.

It also used to be that the news departments and advertising department were forbidden to talk to each other. Now-a-days, often the advertising department dictates which stories get covered and how they are covered, so they don't lose ad revenues.

So, yeah, that is how things are now in the U.S., but I remember when they were not like that at all. If we are going to stop the death spiral of the U.S. we need to go back to where we had journalistic standards and bring back the Fairness Doctrine.

@snytiger6 thanks FYI. I appreciated this from
"The origins of the fairness doctrine lay in the Radio Act (1927), which limited radio broadcasting to licensed broadcasters but mandated that the licensees serve the public interest. "

What public interest is there in having a stupid¹ citizenry divided through ignorance & biased information? Furthermore what benefit is there in having a stupid¹ world citizenry divided through ignorance & biased information?


Your eyes must be brown because you are truly full of shit. Only you would refer to rt as a source to falsely state that American attitude in general has soften regarding the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

No one I know, or even read of thinks we should do anything other then help Ukraine defeat Russians.
the responses from Americans below should tell you that your rt article is nothing other than typical Russian propaganda.

You are a true joke.

And yet again you identify your failure to question what you are presented with. At least the blind man @snytiger6 has rationally presented argument against the information that has come from a poll not some inventive script by RT writers & editors.
The pitiful joke Alien is yourself.
Even the dyslexic sandcastle builder from Canada shows more intelligent ability in presenting a case than you do with your supposed professional training & career.

@FrayedBear I again do exactly what I've always told you I do. If I see your reference is a known socialist propaganda site or writer frequently don't read the reference.

I don't make time to read bullshit.

Last your "poll" was not a poll, but rather a very poor job to disguise a statement.

I do so hope that you can extract your head from your anus & sufficiently clean the excrement from it long enough to allow you to read "There is little doubt that the murder of Daria Dugina was an act of terrorism perpetrated on behalf ..." and "USA - the world's most dangerous terrorist.".

@FrayedBear Even if correct, I really don't care about tha action.


You must be a russian operative posting this bullshit. Russia invaded Ukraine. Ukraine has the right to defend itself and democratic countries have the right to help Ukraine defend itself.

Disprove that USA governments have been plotting, promoting & provoking the situation in Ukraine for 20 years & more.
Furthermore that their action of supplying munitions & training particularly in the last 6 months has not been conducive to stopping the destruction of humans & property in the region. It is also now turning into a catalyst for starting conflict in other parts of the world.

@FrayedBear What moronic reply. "Disprove"?? In other words you want someone to prove a negative? The burden is on YOU to prove what YOU say. You can't because it is all bull.

@Alienbeing Yes that's why I didn't even bother answering his bullshit.


Russia started the war. Russia is targeting civilians. You need to step away from the pipe.

Disprove that USA governments have been plotting, promoting & provoking the situation in Ukraine for 20 years & more.
Furthermore that their action of supplying munitions & training particularly in the last 6 months has not been conducive to stopping the destruction of humans & property in the region. It is also now turning into a catalyst for starting conflict in other parts of the world.

@FrayedBear What evidence do you have for your claims about the US?

@xenoview He has no evidence. All he will do is cite Russian propaganda sites. @FrayedBear has been proven wrong so often I am amazed he has the nerve to even stay here.

@Alienbeing what part of "For a copy of the IPSOS report \ press release if you are unable to access the RT report because of your governments puerile sanctions & censorship of RT contact:

Chris Jackson

Senior Vice President, US
Public Affairs
+1 202 420-2025
Annaleise Lohr
Director, US
Public Affairs " which is a US based organisation do you claim is Russian?

@FrayedBear You misspelled "organization".

@Alienbeing As has been pointed out many times I do not use your bastardisation of English.

Someone pointed out to me the stupidity of your spelling by ssking the question "why does Alienbeing not spell wise with a "z"? I replied because he has been conditioned to hate Russia & Putin blaming them for their military vehicles siteseeing in Ukraine & emblazoned with the letter "z"!

@FrayedBear "Someone" meaning another radical socialist such as yourself?

Your country misspells many words, so you must be at peace with the absurdness of your spellings.


Russian punches Ukraine, then points at them ... "They started it!"

Might have worked when you were eight, but we're adults now.

Disprove that USA governments have been plotting, promoting & provoking the situation in Ukraine for 20 years & more.
Furthermore that their action of supplying munitions & training particularly in the last 6 months has not been conducive to stopping the destruction of humans & property in the region. It is also now turning into a catalyst for starting conflict in other parts of the world.

@FrayedBear Disprove the widely accepted notion that you are a Russian dupe.

Training someone to defend themselves against an aggressor is not "provocation".
Ukraine didn't cross the border - Russia did.

Now, prove that Russia isn't committing war crimes by bombing innocent civilians, kidnapping citizens and dragging them into Russia, and looting homes and pillaging shops since most of the Russians are poor and stupid.


Hey there, why don't YOU practice what you preach and be the guy who stops provoking bad will, and is conducive to a quieter, more peaceful Hmm?

Or is "provoking" only a Ukrainian thing?


I didn't vote and I'm not going to be swayed into a belief that the Ukraine started the Russian genocide. I am not batshit crazy.

I agree with you.

@RussRAB Disprove that USA governments have been plotting, promoting & provoking the situation in Ukraine for 20 years & more.
Furthermore that their action of supplying munitions & training particularly in the last 6 months has not been conducive to stopping the destruction of humans & property in the region. It is also now turning into a catalyst for starting conflict in other parts of the world.

@FrayedBear - What argument can I make that you won't dismiss as US propaganda?

@RussRAB There again you could just admit that USA has been doing as I state.

@FrayedBear - Why would I when I don't believe it?

@RussRAB So America has been holding out the hand of fraternité, egalité & bonhommie to Russia, Venezuela, Cuba, China, Timor, Chile & a host of other countries with left leaning governments? Don't make me laugh. You're deluded.

@FrayedBear - See? Right on cue, you got what you wanted from the start. I didn't even need to be present. I simply served as the recipient of your projected need for an opponent to attack.

@FrayedBear Vlad must really love you. Work for peace together.

Damn, this is the third time you wrote this.
Are you sure you aren't a russian bot?

@AtheistInNC wrote what?


I generally don't give a fuck. Whatever the US actually did or you think they did is not a provocation for or justification for starting a war with another country.

Considering US government's are responsible . . . Disprove that USA governments have been plotting, promoting & provoking the situation in Ukraine for 20 years & more.
Furthermore that their action of supplying munitions & training particularly in the last 6 months has not been conducive to stopping the destruction of humans & property in the region. It is also now turning into a catalyst for starting conflict in other parts of the world.

@FrayedBear Don't care. Plotting and planning is not invading. It's like how you can say whatever shit you want to someone to get them to swing first. If you can't control your temper, you're the one that gets in trouble and the person who was taunting you was just defending himself.

@ChestRockfield A famous Australian judge once incorrectly stated that a persons right to swing their fist ended 1mm from the victim's skin. This is utterly wrong because threat has already occurred & violent follow up commenced as far as the victim is concerned. That is also bullying which is also illegal.

@FrayedBear To swing one's fist is not illegal, at least not in normal countries. People swing their fists all the time. They may do it when they dance or run, during sports or cheering for their team. There's about a million ways people swing their fists. They may do it and accidentally come close to 1mm away from someone's skin, and that still wouldn't be illegal. If they were verbally threatening to them, that would be illegal. So simply having weapons, training troops, or any other type of preparation is not equivalent to assault (like the threats that are illegal). We have a shit ton of nukes. Russia has even more. So they're 10x more guilty of "having munitions" or "training" than Ukraine is. (Do you really not see how dumb that argument is?)

Also, bullying is not illegal in the US at least.

This is the 4th time.

Yup, you are a bot.

That Austrailian judge was misquoting John B. Finch (and first said around 1882)

@ChestRockfield Typical dickhead - reread what I wrote - it is quite specific. No mention of dancing, running or cheering and even in your barbaric country if you accidentally hit & kill someone whilst running, dancing or cheering I suspect that you will be charged with manslaughter.
By the way do you still have suicide & incitement to suicide on the books?

@FrayedBear You didn't say anything about actually hitting and definitely not killing. Of course those can land you in jail, but that situation is not analogous to anything we're talking about here. YOU said swing and come within a mm of skin. And YOU didn't qualify it as a violent threat. The fact of the matter is a violent threat is exactly as unlawful as a violent threat where you swing and miss by 1mm (at least in the US).

Yes, suicide is still illegal in most states, but I have no idea what the fuck that has to do with anything. Please stay on topic until you prove your first point. But either way we don't need to talk about suicide, I'll agree now that people should be allowed to kill themselves.

@AtheistInNC 4th time what?


Ukrainian genocide of the Russians???

WTF are you smoking???

Compare the populations of the two countries. Compare the size of their militaries. Compare the size of their economies. Look at where the war is being fought and whose civilians are being killed.

Anybody who believes the Ukrainians are committing genocide is batshit crazy!

In a 2015 The Guardian called Ukraine "the most corrupt nation in Europe". When US by far is the most major war invading of countries in world modern history. Wouldn't you think they would make the best bed partners in international crime?

@Castlepaloma, that doesn't come close to justifying a charge of genocide. Putin is the one responsible for this war. He started it. He could end it immediately by withdrawing his forces. The "poll" here is nothing but Russian propaganda. Anyone who believes otherwise is being played for a fool.


Personlly, I don't like killing of any kind , unless your going to eat it. After US have invaded 182 major wars, and mostly killing women and children. Then NATO breaks Russian/US agreements on the borders of the eastern block. How would US like it, if Russian adapted Canada and Mexico with Russian nuclear missile right on the US door step?

Plus Russia has pocketed $24 billion from selling energy to China and India in just three months following its invasion of Ukraine, showing how higher global prices are limiting efforts by the US and Europe to punish President Vladimir

@Castlepaloma, the US had no authority to speak for all of NATO, and it was only the US that said we would not expand NATO.

Every country that has joined NATO has done so as a result of their decision to do so. As sovereign nations neither the US nor Russia has a right to dictate their affairs of state.

The reason almost all of them joined? They saw it as their best hope of not ending up back under Russian influence. In short, the expansion of NATO was caused by Putin’s aggression in Chechnya, Georgia, etc.

The war in Ukraine was started on Putin’s orders. He could order it ended at any time. It’s Putin’s war.


Since the eastern block wall. there was an agreement with Ukraine/Russia US and Nato of certain countries Nato or US would not set up military bases. Like always US breaks their treaties, just ask the Indains. Now it's push for New World Order and the BrazilRussiaIndiaChinaSouthAfrica BRICS won't have it.


@Castlepaloma, the US has no bases in Ukraine. Putin’s invasion was completely unjustified and I’m getting tired of your lame excuses.

Disprove that USA governments have been plotting, promoting & provoking the situation in Ukraine for 20 years & more.
Furthermore that their action of supplying munitions & training particularly in the last 6 months has not been conducive to stopping the destruction of humans & property in the region. It is also now turning into a catalyst for starting conflict in other parts of the world.

@FrayedBear, since you are the one making the claim that " USA governments have been plotting, promoting & provoking the situation in Ukraine for 20 years & more," the burden of proof is on you.

Furthermore that their action of supplying munitions & training particularly in the last 6 months just happens to coincide with their need for those things to defend their country and their people from Putins bald face aggression.

What has not been conducive to stopping the destruction of humans & property in the region is the fact that Putin ordered the invasion and has refused to call it off.

You need to pull your head out of RT's ass.

@FrayedBear YOU made the claim, the buden of proof is on YOU.


US has been programed to hate Russian for a century. And their jealousy, they have more Nuclear weapons.


My neighbours dog bit me the other day but it was my fault. I provoked it by petting the cat on the other side of the street.

What has that got to do with the post?

That is not a normal nature of a dog. You were either petting the cat with a stick or you were in the dogs territory.

Apparently those two can't grasp metaphors.

@ChestRockfield if you had mentioned, as suggested by Castlepaloma that you were beating the cat with the stick of genocide & the dog was a Caucasian Shepherd, Caucasian Ovcharkas or Caucasian Mountain Dog. It may have clicked.
Sadly you didn't & it wasn't clear.


Metaphors have some funny logic or natural law to make sense.

Lifetime artist have been known for great metaphors.

@Castlepaloma Maybe not but it is the nature of the fascist dictator Putin.

@FrayedBear You are confused. It wasn't my metaphor...

@ChestRockfield I replied to your support of Moravian. As he commenced the thread his name does not appear in the box. He just gets notified of it. As with this reply. However I ask both of you : Disprove that USA governments have been plotting, promoting & provoking the situation in Ukraine for 20 years & more.
Furthermore that their action of supplying munitions & training particularly in the last 6 months has not been conducive to stopping the destruction of humans & property in the region. It is also now turning into a catalyst for starting conflict in other parts of the world.

@FrayedBear As stated above, I don't need to disprove that because I don't care whether or not it's true.


Do you still beat your wife?

Which one?

Cat got your tongue?

@FrayedBear The one who gave birth to you 😂


Is the reason you use rt as a news source because they are the only pro Russian source available?

Tejas Level 8 Aug 25, 2022

If I trusted an American news site to truthfully & inclusively present news from many sources I would be posting from them. It is interesting that RT claim this is a Reuters- IPSOS poll. I have Reuters on my phone & do sometimes share their posts. In this instance Reuters did not supply me with this information.

Please disprove that USA governments have been plotting, promoting & provoking the situation in Ukraine for 20 years & more.
Furthermore that their action of supplying munitions & training particularly in the last 6 months has not been conducive to stopping the destruction of humans & property in the region. It is also now turning into a catalyst for starting conflict in other parts of the world.

@FrayedBear Please get a better line, your "disprove" posts are stupid.


Ukraine President maybe treated like the Iraq President. Get themselves hung instead of collecting an American pension.

'hung'? Pictures are hung. Are you implying that the Ukranian president is a picture? I certainly think he is a picture of resilience and national pride.


American Nato is famous for creating Frankensteins like Saddam all over the world. Saddam served the US for 20 years and the War with Iran.. Instead of him getting a US war pension or benefit. They destroyed this monsters they created by hanging him, even though he is President. NATO is already having problems with Ukraine President.


@Castlepaloma You missed the "finer English" point entirely. It was your use of the word "hung".

Hung is a slang word for hang. Heard it used in a few old western movies.

@Castlepaloma []

Wouldn't get hung up on, majoring in small stuff.

@Castlepaloma The Iraq invasion was to give Dubya a war like his pappy.

@Castlepaloma It is simple English. We all learnt it at school.

@Petter not everyone has had the benefit of your genes, education & many years experience editing newspapers.
Incidentally can you "Disprove that USA governments have been plotting, promoting & provoking the situation in Ukraine for 20 years & more.
Furthermore that their action of supplying munitions & training particularly in the last 6 months has not been conducive to stopping the destruction of humans & property in the region?"
It is also now turning into a catalyst for starting conflict in other parts of the world.

@FrayedBear I'm sugggesting that we supply Ukraine with nuclear weapons. Let's get this over with.

@Alienbeing I'm sure that you do. You're stupid.


Write a book on how to win a nuclear war.

Except nobody will be around to read it.

@FrayedBear, @castlepaloma Both of you are SO gullible that you fell for the nuke line hook, line and sinker.


I was joking too.
If lawyers had nuclear missile capability to destroy.the entire world. They would only use them to provoke fear in order to gain greater power for themselves. Even lawyers are not stupid enough to blow themselves up and their family. I always say to lawyers, keep it simple, stupid.

@Castlepaloma Sure you were.

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