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What quirks do you have?

One of my quirks, (I have a few), is the need to clean up electronic notifications. I clean up the alerts, and rid myself of push notifications as quickly as I see them. I like it clean, and it makes me happy. I believe this should be a happy face...

Stacey48 8 May 3

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I HATE OWLS! ...................Just kidding. ☺


When I told towels the label must always be on the inside and not visible. I rotate plates and glasses so I don't always use the same ones. But maybe this goes beyond quirks to OCD

Those are not quirks. I rotate my towels, and always put the clean ones on the bottom of the pile. Labels showing so that guests can see they are not cheap towels from Motel 6.

@MikeEC you mean I'm normal?!

@MikeEC, @Maiasaura I totally understand. Just like I must group the clothes in my closet by color

@Maiasaura Just leave the one on the mattress alone.

@MrLizard oh I think I may like your grouping idea better than mine

@Wangobango3 they might not wear out but if. you keep using the same ones they will get scratches and marks and won't match the others.

@AmelieMatisse I do all of those things including organizing my closet, not just by color, but by clothing type sub-organized by color.

@AmelieMatisse, sound perfectly fine to me! I rotate clothing, including underwear, so that I am wearing them out in somewhat equal time. towels always go with the label inside the fold. Even have my juice glass every morning from the bottom of the stack, clean ones go on the top! Use different coats on most days, wear my jeans from left to right, clean go to the right! Now you might feel like an under achiever! LOL

@Barnie2years I do feel like an under achiever. I'll have to up my OCD game


My gmail Inbox has 4,000 unread messages ?

@LaMariposa - I thought I was bad at ... checking .... 3,713.

19,091 unread emails


That is more like my e-mail inboxes. I was beginning to wonder if I was messed up or something

My gmail box has over 1,700, I just don't give a shit anymore

Thank goodness the full mailboxes of other people don't stress me out.


So, it your phone doesn’t look like this? :/


At my time in life, there are no quirks, only lovable character traits!


Liked and commented, now you have 2 more noftifications to clean up

Proto Level 6 May 3, 2018

@Stacey48 i have a full battery and nothing to do...


I have an anvil in my living room?

...I've stacked rocks on my front porch..

@Varn Hey, rocks rock! I used to have them everywhere!

I had an uncle in Nevada who decorated a sagebrush in his living room for Christmas. But since that's obliquely quirky by association, let me think. The only thing that comes to mind at the moment is lining up all the silverware every time I go out to eat. If the ends of the utensils aren't pointing the same way and the same distance apart, it's not time to eat. 😛 😛

@Holysocks I want an anvil ..too 😉

@Varn Be careful what you wish for...


A quirk I have is that I don't like to plan out my day. When I leave work for lunch I don't know where I'm going until I get there. I like the chaos of not knowing how things are going to go.


I eat a lot of Cheez-Its, probably too many.

@Stacey48 We WANTS it, the Precious!

@Stacey48 that's hilarious

I found I'm gluten intolerant - I MISS CHEEZ-ITS!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhh


I have two states, one is calm and even tempered the other is a ranting, off the rails, unreasonable bitch no one wants to mess with. Luckily the more reasonable one is dominant


When I watch tv I have a preference for putting the volume to an even number on the display.

get help

My son does this on all devices. When he's in the car and sitting in the back seat I change it just to mess with him. Even if he's not looking, he can hear the difference between 12 and 13 on the volume control!

I know someone who has to do multiples of five. I do evens like you.


I know I am quirky- but can't think of a single quirk at this moment.


I have a few. Sour cream is single serving. I cannot eat it even 24 hours after it’s been opened. I hate when something beeps at me. It’s the electronic equivalent of snapping at me. Music or podcast selection must be ready to go before I ever put the car in gear.


I love to cook. I also hate the mess and detritus that it causes. I frantically ‘clean as I go’, with the aim being that the only stuff left to clean or tidy away by the time I’ve plated up is the tableware! Managed it only twice - I’m a failure! Woe, woe, and thrice woe!!!


When I eat gumdrops I eat by color choice. Just did it tonite..

I do this with M&Ms, except I eat them two at a time. Two browns, two greens, etc. Then, at the end, I have to eat the mismatches.

I eat darkcolor then light

@sassygirl3869 and vita - screw that shit girls, I just grab a handful and start poppin' 'em in. yum!!


Whenever I get popcorn in a movie theater, I must take seven napkins.

What if you accidentally took eight? I assume that would be better than only taking six ... since you could always ball up the extra one and pitch it at someone's head.


I have a whole bunch of them. Up, charm, top, strange.... oh wait... you said quirks.


You forgot the Quirk that tends bar on DS9.

@Stacey48 that madam, is the joke.


No quirk...just design features.

Seriously though, I have so many I my need to take the weekend off to make a list.


Cabinet doors need to be closed when you're done in them.
Toilet paper unrolls from the top.
2 cars can fit comfortably in the drive side by side, not just one in the middle.
If I suddenly stop the car and grab the cane from the back, don't try to stop me.


I collect skeletons, skulls, dragons, gargoyles, bawdy or cheesecake type items and have them all over the house. I was married to a woman with really bad OCD and it completely drove me bonkers. Probably my biggest quirk is fooling myself into thinking I am normal.


I cut the tags out of my clothes, if I can’t find tagless.
I also will crave a food...for a few days, weeks, even months. Then suddenly: don’t want it near me. Days, weeks, even months!
I’m also stubborn as a rock; most say it’s beyond a quirk?.


I was / am a stutterer. I have it under control 99.999% of the time. If I get real excited it shows up. I slow down and I control it. I actually enjoy public speaking.


Not that many land line phone cords left so I can "recoil" the kinks out of the twisted coils....I call this my umbilical fetish from my in utero weeks inside ma



I sort of obsessive about the food I eat. I try not to subject others it but I have one freind just HAS to make me something gluten free. I don't eat much rice either and the go to substitute for wheat is rice. So I eat a little bit and have 'leftovers'.


I chomp ice.

Deb57 Level 8 May 5, 2018

When people in recovery say they are profectionist.

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