314 19

Do you support Trump?

I completely believe that the US government needs to be completely revamped and revised before we can actually do any good for this country. But - taking that out of the equation, for now, I'd really love to hear people's (honest, respectful and mature) reasons why they do or do not support Trump. (or is unsure). Please, no disrespect or rudeness. He is our president and deserves at least the respect that position affords him (that does not mean we agree with him, but we shouldn't be slinging insults and such)

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smilnjan 6 Oct 6

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314 comments (176 - 200)

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I find it impossible to support a man with so many obvious flaws.


I am an Anti-Trumper. He has no respect for anyone other that himself, and his opinions and tweets show him to be a racist, sexist, naxi sympathizer. I am more fearful of Pence and Bannon, and what Trumps political appointees and judges are doing to our government right now.


He is just a figurehead. An actor. Something to love or loath. A talking point to distract from what is really going on in the background by the corporations. Presidents may change but the long term plans of big business don't. So far most of what he tries to get done gets blocked or tied up in court which is making him even more ineffective. None of that is coincidental. He talks and tweets a LOT but the substance is embarrassingly lacking


Trump is just a guy who probably stood for president initially as a joke, and then got serious about it when people started responding. Throughout his campaign, he never mentioned any facts or figures. Only vague promises like "Healthcare will be much cheaper. So cheap it'll make your head spin." He mentioned the "head spinning" part for almost everything. No facts, no figures, nothing.


I have an advanced degree in psych, but I don't think that is required to perceive this narrow-minded, self-serving, shallow-thinking person. He apparently has not read the constitution. He has trouble locating nations (Nambia?) on a map. It's far too obvious that the color of a person's skin or their religious beliefs outweigh their merits or contributions. This person is not qualified nor does he possess the skills to hold any high office.


I absolutely do not support that sociopathic Cheetaro, and I do not understand anyone who does. Anyone who likes Trump has either got to be 1) stupid or 2) a bigot. And if you’re either, I don’t want to have anything to do with you.


I do not subscribe to white nationalism or Evangelical insanity.


He was unable to condemn Nazis. He bragged about sexually assaulting women. He openly mocked a disabled reporter. He lies more than 4x's a day. He said Obama wasn't american for YEARS and then gave a non-retraction. He advocated jail for a political opponent. He was disrespectful to 2 gold-star families. He is advocating for a pedophile over a lawyer who prosecuted the Klan. He wanted to take away health insurance from over 20 million americans. He is still trying to take away health insurance and money from anti-poverty programs to fund huge tax breaks for the already rich while middle-class taxes will stay about the same or possibly even go up. We'll find out about the extent of his collusion with Russia but he openly advocated for a foreign power to steal information from his political opponent (treason much?). And this is only a partial list of his evils. Never been a fan of Republicans but you could at least communicate with them in the past. Not any more. It's like trying to talk to a religious zealot who has gone bats&*t crazy! Oh, and if he starts acting respectful then and only then will he deserve respect.


It's clear that the political establishment (both parties) has done a crappy job of running the U.S. for decades (more like a century, actually). I support Trump's idea that some things need to be drastically changed.. because one definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. Our foray down the path of socialism and communism is bound to fail- look at the Soviet Union for a prime example of the failure of collectivism.

Trump is a type-A personality, and rather abrasive. But he is a political outsider, and as such, he is not "beholden" to the same political and lobbying interests as the entrenched policitians we have now. So I have hope that the swamp can be drained, and that a more open, honest, less corrupt government can be installed in the future.

Well said! Nice to have a Trump supporter on the website.


The only support I give to Cheeto Pendejo is for his impeachment.

d_day Level 7 Nov 24, 2017

I can certainly see why someone who is wealthy would support him, but any poor person who supports Dumpster or the republicans is voting against their own economic self interest. There is 30 years worth of evidence which shows this to be a logical, reasonable conclusion to make, just as atheism is a logical, reasonable conclusion to make about the existence of a god.


Under qualified in all requirements neccessary to be the POTUS. Lacks all working knowledge of how our three branches of government function, does not possess the communication skills required to inspire other leaders to lead, and worst of all he lacks the ability to connect with others in a manner which is beneficial to both parties. A bad recipe for a leader if there ever was one.


There is a con-man in the White House. He is owned by the Russian’s, who pay him in golden showers! ????


He disrespects women, he disrespects immigrants, he disrespects the poor and the middle class, he disrespects minorities. NO, he has NOT earned my respect. I have nothing but loathing and disdain for him.


For me, I never thought he would be any sort of competent leader. I am not surprised at what this administration is doing. I don't support it. I also don't support this bullshit "resistance" either. But that's me.


Trump is I bold faced liar, how could anyone support a man who tells lies on a daily basis. Donald Trump is not the problem so much as his radical Trump Supporters that believe his lies and refuse to accept the truth as it stares them in the face.Hitler had Trumps ability to confuse and lead people like sacrificial lambs, so did the so called Rev Jim Jones, Trump Supporters and the Republican Party will lead this country into oblivion.


When you apply to ANY job in the world, they value Experience more than every other accomplishment. Why should that apply to the highest political office? I felt that way when Obama ran in 2008, Obama's legislative inexperience prevented him from accomplishing a lot more when he had a Super Majority in congress for the first two years.

Legislative inexperience? President Obama is a constitutional law professor (or was before the election). It wasn't is inexperience - it was the gop congressional idiots who opposed him at every turn. Our country would be a lot better off WITHOUT the obstructionist gop ever holding an elected office again!


i have to remind myself that trump did not win the popular vote so that means the most of us did not vote for him either. maybe we can get rid of our electoral vote to revamp our country to start off with.


He doesn't support our veterans, women, people of lower class, minorities, by giving support to him you are saying that what he stands for is ok. No I stand by my country. I'm ashamed to say that he represents the interests of this great country.


Nice to know that when you free yourself of the prison of religion, you also can see our Tweeter & Thief for what he is.


I am from Iraq.
l like trump.
I think he is great politician.
because he will save America from socialism.
and he will fight ISIS Seriously.

What a load of BS.

trump is a blowhard who would just as soon kill anyone he deems to be "different" especially if they are from the middle east. if you like him, you can have him. we would all rather see him hung!

Why are you so against socialism? Do you not know how very many socialistic programs there are here in the USA? Try the police, fire and sanitation departments, public schools, libraries, public parks, Medicare, Medicaid, SNAP (food stamps) road, dams and bridges, and SO many more. Our taxes pay for these vital entities. Would you rather privatize them all? Good luck if you need a police officer or fireman and can't afford to pay for them!

ok ,miss janfin
I am classical liberal so
I like trump because he is against (sharia law)
obama supported the jihadist groups in sirya that is why you see the middle east in total mess .
I hate socialism because it destroyed our economy and our iraqi society.

Save us from socialism... only to destroy us with fascism. Two sides of the same hell minted coin. Pick your poison.

Oh no!!!! You need to listen to James Brown Living in America...

Great reply! You one of the few in this group who has any sense!


I support him in some things and do not support him in other things


I don't see what supporting or not supporting the idiot has to do with being atheist or agnostic.

That's like going into one of your Trump sites and saying "Is poop food?" While most of the Trump supporters would agree that it was...being fed it constantly by their wouldn't have anything to do with the subject at hand.

I bet you're just one of those confederate nazi types hunting all the social media sites in hopes you can find one or two other people...obviously not in the state you live in, that agree with your beliefs. Remember, Trump won with only 8% of the total population voting for him. You're a bigger minority than the black people are. A white....minority.

And most of the country is backwards and bible beating. That isn’t an ideal that we want to achieve.

Also, Harleyman is misunderstanding the poll numbers. Typical for a low-IQ redneck. He's taking poll numbers showing what Trump got OUT OF THOSE THAT VOTED. I'm talking about the number of votes Trump got OUT OF THE ENTIRE POPULATION. Two different polls. You may be 100% correct that 46.1% of the National vote went to Trump, but that doesn't say how many people we participants in the national vote. 2016 was the lowest voter turnout in the United States EVER. Only like 14% of the entire population voted. The bulk of the Left threw in the towel when Bernie was cheated out of his win and wouldn't support the DNC. Trump's support on the republican side was so low that he had big name republicans like the Bush family and the Cheney family voting for Hillary instead of him. Only 14% of the nation voted, and out of that, Trump got 8%. But believe what you want to believe, redneck. You got a one-term chance at being happy you're a racist. congrats on that.


I live in the UK so it doesn't matter what I think, it won't get rid of him.
I do not support trump, and I do not welcome him in my country.

My mother was from England and my English grandfather and uncles fought against the Nazis. Yes, we Americans came in the end - thank goodness, but please remember we didn't do it alone.

@Harleyman Roosevelt in no way compares to Trump. Inviting Trump would be like inviting Hitler to their country. I may be one of those bleeding heart liberals but my parents are not, THey have voted REpublican all their lives and are ages 94 and 81. They voted for Trump and have no problem expressing regret and wish he were impeached

I don't think any civilized countries do either.


NEVER and cannot wait until he is GONE FOREVER!

ParkS Level 4 Nov 19, 2017
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