314 19

Do you support Trump?

I completely believe that the US government needs to be completely revamped and revised before we can actually do any good for this country. But - taking that out of the equation, for now, I'd really love to hear people's (honest, respectful and mature) reasons why they do or do not support Trump. (or is unsure). Please, no disrespect or rudeness. He is our president and deserves at least the respect that position affords him (that does not mean we agree with him, but we shouldn't be slinging insults and such)

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smilnjan 6 Oct 6

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314 comments (101 - 125)

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Haha definitely fuck trump!!!


I feel like he doesn't respect the office that he holds and he acts as if the government, and all branches of the government, are his and his alone to do as he pleases with. There's supposed to be separate but equal branches for checks and balances of each other and he's trying to make them all do his bidding.

LizL Level 5 Jan 30, 2018

I find it ironic that you would ask that we not sling insults because he is the president, when it is a rare day that goes by that he isn't slinging his childish insults.


I do not support him as President. He has not shown himself to be presidential. He responds to anything against him with his twitter, which in my opinion is inappropriate. He does not seem to be trustworthy of the position. I find his narcissism and arrogance to be beneath the position of President of the United States.
Just my opinion.


I do not support him because he continually disregards basic human decency. I can not and will not support someone who cares so little about others, including himself and his family

Kodi Level 4 Jan 27, 2018

I don't think trump would qualify for concealed carry. But he has the nuke button? Wtf?


Love your poll. It is interesting that so many in this community do nor support this man.


I don't see how even a devoted Republican can support him at this point.


I agree on you idea that the current system needs an overhaul. But I do not agree that tRump deserves the respect afforded by the office. I don't believe he has the best interests of the country as part of his agenda. His administration is just like his financial empire. Crooked.


I disagree fully, this president was is not legit, he is not a leader,
When OUR president ridicules and mocks the left wing, the poor, the disadvantaged, it is time for us to awaken NOT pledge loyalty because he holds the oval office. This is democracy and with that we seek a leader of all people not just the rude and uneducated.
This president is NOT our president, he may be that of those who support authoritarianism but not the rest of us. I want the US to remain a democracy, which trump wants overturned.

EMC2 Level 8 Jan 9, 2018

I didn't vote for either of them and I have not one single regret about that.


Hell yes I support Trump! After 8 years of that idiot Obama we need a shakeup in Washington!


I will not, cannot or even think of supporting the current monster in the White House.


He is a national embarrassment.


That was weird, pressing a button that says "Vote" making a comment about a US President when I am not an American, and many people in America do not vote. It is compulsory here, not that it makes any difference to the result, no matter who you vote for, a politician always gets in. I am very far from a Trump supporter, he thinks along he same lines as our Government on may issues important to me, and my views are mostly different from those of my government. However, as it is here as well, the alternative did not seem a good choice either.


November 9, 2016 ... I woke up, turned on TV and saw the smirking face of #45. First thing I did was to stuff a twenty dollar bill into my Swear Jar. Every time I let off a cuss word, I drop a quarter into the Swear Jar. Every time I drop the F Bomb, I drop 50 cents into the Swear Jar. When the jar gets full, I give alms to the poor. The poor have gotten lots of alms from yours truly in the past year.

SKH78 Level 8 Dec 27, 2017

I was always told to find the best in people, so here goes: "Donald Trump exhales carbon dioxide, which is used by plants." Other than that, he stands for everything I dislike and mistrust about humanity...Wow, I'm really glad I thought of at least ONE good thing to say about him...


Donald Trump suffers from an extreme case of Narcistic Personality Disorder. He is extremely self centered, cannot stand criticism and has a very short attention span. He cares nothing for anything other than himself. As a business man, he has had numerous failures and is notorious for not paying his bills. In short, he is the worst kind of crook. His run for president was not about issues or principles but only about winning. To this end he aligned himself with the religious right conservatives. Although I may agree with some of the ideas he espoused in his campagn, I don't think he cares about any of them. To have a person as unstable and lacking in tact and diplomacy is such a position is just dangerous.

But he’s a damn sight better than that idiot Obama or Clinton would have been!

You have much more confidence it the insane than I do. At least with a sane thief you know what to expect.

I am entitled to my opinion. And it is my opinion that the man has serious mental problems. On the basis of my opinion, he scares the shit out of me. And for that reason I am doing something I have never done before; voting a straight democratic ticket.


I fully support Him in his role in "The Apprentice" and feel his program should be reinstated immediately and his image on every cover of Time magazine for the next year or so, We should naturally wish for Him to be reinstated in his illimitable role in the "The most highly rated program in the history of history".

If that would get him out of the White House I would be all for it.

Hahaha...yeah, I see what you did there, capitalizing 'Him'...Well played!


I think that the fact that a man of this type could become president is a clear indication that people will choose poorly to push for change. He isn't quite as bad as Hitler, but he runs a close second.

If he were as bad as Hitler you would be dead!


I DO NOT like the man. But, taking the whole he is the pilot, america is the plane and we are on the plane metaphor... I support him. I DO NOT like some things he has done, but I do not want him to be Impeached because of Mike Pence being such a Bible Humper! I truly believe Mike Pence is a bit more dangerous than Trump. But, if we ever do impeach him, I suggest we remove everyone from power that he has appointed. Honestly, I think our entire government needs to be replaced.


I do not support him for multiple reasons.

1.Strong arm tactics are impressive only if the person committing our country to war actually has an understanding of the WORK involved and how much everyone (including himself and his cronies) stand to lose.
2. Dismantling the systems which keep Americans safe will lower the bottom line for this country, certainly, but there is a human cost. Beyond the human cost, there are structures he doesn't seem to understand are intimately connected with his own interests which will fall apart. Those systems keep not only us, but him and his people safe.
3. He doesn't seem to understand how to run things beyond business strategies. Schools and government should not be run as a business. Pure capitalism is a feral entity, interested only in its own short term existence.

Beyond the above, I find him to be morally repugnant, as viewed from a distance. He has the money and power to make his immediate world run exactly to his liking, and has never developed the empathy necessary for diplomacy or leadership.


I could never support someone who publicly mocks the handicapped, brags about sexual assault, flagrantly and pathologically lies, and childishly and habitually belittles and insults other people. Trump lacks the qualities of a decent human being and that alone is reason enough not to support him. He is crude, a hypocrite, and a thin-skinned bully. He embodies so much of what is wrong with American society, American government, and American corporations.

And personally, my comments are being kind, since I decided not to include the long list of expletives and profanities that Trump deserves.


I realize the office of our President deserves respect, but I CANNOT respect trump! Not now, not ever...not as long as he behaves beneath the office of THE PRESIDENT of the United States! I will regard him as a human being and do not wish him 'ill will'...but do not ask or force me to respect someone for whom I can find...not one reason to do so! That would be insane!


While he is the embodiment of everything i abhor I don't believe he is all that different from the other ultra-wealthy phonies who are put into ruling positions by the true power brokers on the planet - or the Real Enemy as I iike to call them - they spout Godly intentions while screwing all of us. Just like I believe Obama was a bone to the poor and colored masses, 45 is the bone of equal value on the opposite side of the same joint!

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