314 19

Do you support Trump?

I completely believe that the US government needs to be completely revamped and revised before we can actually do any good for this country. But - taking that out of the equation, for now, I'd really love to hear people's (honest, respectful and mature) reasons why they do or do not support Trump. (or is unsure). Please, no disrespect or rudeness. He is our president and deserves at least the respect that position affords him (that does not mean we agree with him, but we shouldn't be slinging insults and such)

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smilnjan 6 Oct 6

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314 comments (201 - 225)

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He is not fit.


While I respect the office this evil narcissist has tainted it. As Joe Biden said I hope this is the American exception. Hopefully he will facilitate the end of the Republican Party as a viable organization.


We know he’s a liar as he has lied about things that can easily be checked. We have an immoral president and it gives our country a poor image.


Trump is a inherent response to the evils of neo-liberalism.But while in himself a bad thing, does suggest the possibility of Far-Left candidates to have support in the US which can only be a good thing.


I do not support any United States president as they are all product of imperialism and capitalism.


No he is a piece of shit and he won't get any respect from me. He gave no respect to Obama for 8 years he gets none.


We as a Nation should move away from the old ways of English thinking. We should be allowed to evolve into a society that can govern itself.

Amen to that... or I mean yes to that. Lol




Hell yes I support him. I voted for him to completely turn the government on its ear and change the way this country is run. Less government regulation is ALWAYS better. Run it like a business, it's not a freakin' charity clearinghouse. NO more immigrants, NO more money leaving this country to support other countries... NO leeway for criminals.

You, dear sir, need to be farther educated in how the world works.

You have noted several points that you find positive. But what about the long list of less then "what I would consider ""Tolerable"" attributes such as his excessive lying? This behaviour should not be supported.

trump's so called business had no one with any say except himself. He was the dictator. He wanted to be the dictator of this country. He lied and cheated then. He lies and cheats now. I have difficulty believing that someone intelligent enough to be agnostic could say what you have just written.

Please go read the US constitution. Our government is run on a three branch system in which neither branch holds dominant power over the others. Our government is not a business, nor should it ever be run like one.

The sole purpose of a business is to turn a profit. The purpose of a government is to ensure the smooth and efficient operation of a society in a manner which creates a level playing field for all inhabitants.

When the line between government and private interests blurs, a society quickly devolves in to plutocracy.

Nice to have a conservative with a little sense in the group!


I knew about Trump in the 80's when he was a brash, narcesstic real estate developer. Now he's a brash, narcesstic President way out of his league.


Well... he's really not as tough as he acts. Hes already stated money allows privilege. He stated he could touch a female and they would not react. That they would allow this behavior. We got guys in the news for just asking if they could hook up. Some of them are finally getting noticed for rape. Thats good. Its hard to make a statement on my opinion. I will say those who own the gold, makes the rules. Money can buy a lot of things. Fear can cause people to vote a differant person in. Other then the one they really wanted elected. You ever noticed that the big guy in the school yard rules. Its hard to convince 6 smaller guys to take him on. Then theres pay back. You can't win. My boss told me one day... Bob, you don't know big business. He's right. He owned all the maintenance in our plant plus contractors too. So... you only got my opinion.

You're describing what is known as a fake alpha male.
Fake alpha males are self-centered, loud, brash and borish, and their empires sit on foundations of sand. Donald Trump is a fake alpha male. Kim Jung Un is a fake alpha male.
When the empires of people like this fall, the crash is immediate and spectacular because they've built little or no support system to hold back the tide.

Most real alpha males don't even bother with people like this. They build empires quietly and surround themselves with a large group of friends and acquaintences who will be loyal or at the very least non-commital when hard times hit.

Let's say both Donald Trump and Nick Hanaur (a real alpha male) get hit with a major catastroply tomorrow. Which one do you suppose will have the sharks circling? Which one of these men do you think will be likely to survive and thrive?

Trump has already used up what little good will he inherited from his father. He's been bailed out of bankruptcy numerous times by people who aren't going to be there for him anymore. Now he's having to rely on the kind of people who expect immediate renumeration with high interest, and when it doesn't come the consequences for him will be dire.

The plutocrats who are yanking his chain will be able to do some damage with him in the Oval Office, but what then? What happens in 2018 if Republicans lose the majority in both the house and senate and he's a lame duck president?

As for me, I'm betting that the end of net neutrality will be the straw that breaks the camels back for Trump. He's teetering on the precipice as it is, and while people can brush off a lot, when it comes to something which effects their daily lives, it's a whole different can of worms.


He's not prepared or qualified for the job. We need someone much smarter in this position.

did you consider the COmmunity Organizer qualified? If so, how?

Just a community organizer? Definitely not. But I would certainly consider someone who has also served as Dean of Harvard Law as well as a sitting US senator more than qualified.


Okay, let's not kid ourselves, is anyone shocked by the poll results on this website in regards to this issue?

I am actually a bit surprised. Every Trump supporter I know is a devout theist. To me this makes sense as their minds have been altered to accept Faith (belief without evidence) as truth (things that are demonstrable) so it is reasonable to assume those that questioned assertions (fact checked) would see through Trump's lies and recognize him for what he is. At the time of this comment, only 94% of this group's responses reflect not supporting Trump.


Canadian here- ehh. I have no vote really. Appalled by Trump but I see 13 votes in support. We all have opinions....


He is a boil on the buttocks of America.


He needs to be IMPEACHED!!


He is a piece of trash.


While I consider the prez to be a bull in a china shop almost daily, I do believe that his business and negotiating smarts serve him well....Despite not getting major legislation passed, he has created enough enthusiasm to propel much optimism in the business world with evidence of attendant gains in the economy.. Most of all, when I think of a particularly dumb thing he has done, over and over, I think of Hillary and rerun my strong opinion in my mind and am convinced that next to Hillry, as bad as he is in some ways, he is like Abe Lincoln. That is to emphasize how BAD I believe Hillary is, rather than how good Trump is.

Kind regards,

Old Bob

Trump is a mediocre businessman at best. If it wasn't for the 22 billion he inherited from his dad, he'd be a door greeter at Wal-Mart right now.

Trump has pissed away over half of his inheritence on his "so called" business dealings. Even I could take 22 billion and turn it in to a nice profit by investing it in high yield bonds and living a comfortable but unexorbitant existence on the interest.


All the hate for Trump by sheeple.All the intelligence Agencies 17 is it can't find anything on trump after 12 months must tell you something he ether a good person or a very clever person.Your personal hate for president trump is hurting your own country.The man has lived up to all that he promised he has been obstructed by everyone and anyone,but hes still there not giving up and walking away as most people would,because he is a strong man and leader imagine how strong the usa would be today if everyone worked with him.Instead you go out and wreck your own cities undermine your own constitution and make your self's look like little children while the whole world lol at you.Clintons past deeds are coming to light not made up bs like they tried with trump but documented evidence.She is a lunatic and so many of you wanted her as the president thats very telling about you me thinks as a people

Wow...don't you feel slightly out of place on a board full of intelligent people who are laughing at YOU? Go away Troll..plenty of other places you can go off the rails.

And what of the daily cry baby, poor little me posts on Twitter? Obama took childish abuse from conservatives on a continuous basis for eight years and chose the high road every single time. That's how a man acts.

Great reply! Nice to have someone with a little sense in the group!


I am from iraq and i support trump even he will steal iraqi oil's in a future

Omn90 Level 1 Nov 16, 2017

You might like the thought of a strong man a little too much.


Trump was a well known fraud and criminal, and a pervert for decades before he ran for President, his followers knew that before they voted for him, just for those reasons.


Trump is an abomination and an embarrassment to our country. He will go to prison for a long time.


without a doubt hands down 1 million % NO. I have lost trust in my government. He can't even put folks in key spots that have hope.


Your kidding right? He deserves our support? You want to know why people either support him or dont? Wow, where do i start? I'll bet your on a dozen or more dating sites. The kind of person who likes to hear her own voice when she talks...about nothing. He has multiple women come out crying sexual harrasment. Puts down our military , including vets when he didn't have the balls to serve because of bone spurs but supposedly was captain of the football team. Fraud charges filed by multiple people. Under investigation for collusion with a foreign govt. The list goes on and on. Read, and educate yourself.


Drumph is a nut job and should be hanged for treason !! I will never call that whack job my president !!!

The Cheeto monster

The Cheeto Monster must be impeached... Bernie Sanders should be president

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