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What's in your coffee?

I prefer strong black coffee , others love coffee creamers, sugar or orher. So how do you prefer yours?

Sheannutt 9 May 21

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Ouch! Strong black coffee hurts my taste buds.


Strong enough to power a starship across the galaxy and as black as space herself.

Gohan Level 7 May 21, 2018

I take coffee with my coffee. ?

@Sheannutt lol!


I make stovetop espresso with a Moka pot. Add hot water (50/50) for an americano. So just hot water 🙂 !

Ohub Level 7 May 22, 2018

Oooh! That sound good!


Interesting question.
I've always taken "whatever is customary" in my coffee. Started at 15 in prep school..... black.
College: black, sometimes cream and or sugar.
Flight school..... back to black. (ARMY COFFEE!)
Vietnam: bourbon. (Liquid courage).
Civilian career: depended on the country I was working in.
Now: Coffee is part of the traveling adventure!
Did I mention that I like coffee??

Saudi Arabia: nutmeg in espresso.


Half and half ONLY. None of that sweetened stuff.


Me. I am in my coffee. Until I drink it I am someone else.


Nothing. I drink a lot of coffee - black, strong.


Organic heavy cream.

Only organic for me, creamer-wise. Thinking of switching to organic coffee too.


1 TBSP heavy cream or black


Usually a bit of cream to soften the blow to my stomach lining. Good espresso needs nothing at all.


Strong, with Italian Sweetcream Creamer.
Must be hot.
*Damn, sounds like a personal ad.


Black. I don't like it overly strong. I also prefer a light or medium roast. Dark roast tastes burnt to me.


With demara sugar and organic vanilla half/half


Strong, dash of milk, very sweet. No sweeteners, sugar only please.


Cinnamon sometimes

@ronin73 it doesnt dissolve, it just sinks to the bottom


Anything vanilla, syrup or creamer...dash of cinnamon...and a bit of sugar. I like iced coffee, too.


If you need to put stuff in your coffee you don’t really like coffee, you like stuff. It took training my pallet a bit... So much quicker to get in and out of the Circle K in the morning if you take it black, now it’s my preference. I put sugar in espresso and nothing in American coffee.

you got that right, I don't love coffee. Like the smell and like the little kick. thassit. mostly a tea-totaller

@crazycurlz. I love my ginseng tea 🙂

@ArdentAtheist cool. ginseng for the taste or the supposed health benefits?

@crazycurlz both, I get the good stuff from my Asian market.


Very strong, spoon standing up in the mug strong, from a french press, a touch of half and half cream and a bit of sugar to take the edge off and because I'm not sweet enough on my own. 🙂

@Sheannutt My daily regimen for decades was 2 packs and 2 pots. Now I just have a cup or two in the morning to kick start my day and no ciggies for over a decade now.


1% condensed milk. YUMMM!


Black hot coffee. Prefer gas station coffee to Starbucks. Lol.

@Sheannutt lol figured it was a Michigan liberal redneck thing.


My preference changes just about every day. While I love straight black coffee, I also indulge in the cinnamon almond milk macchiatos at Starbucks now and then. Lately I’ve been really into the cold foam cappacinos with soy milk at Starbucks though.


Coffee adn heat - nowt else


Two or three shots and lots of milk.... And a huge glug of vanilla syrup whenever I'm feeling sweet.


Just a good cup of Italian or French roast bold coffee. No sugar, no creamer, no paper cup.


Nothing but coffee--lots of it.

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