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How is everyone dating in the age of the Coronavirus? Are any of you out there actively seeking a new partner?

Kojaksmom 8 Dec 13
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I met my girlfriend in late 2019 just before covid. It was only meant to be FWB, but we clicked. We broke up for a week [or 2] in 2020, but we missed each other [and the sex is amazing], so we got back together. We've been together ever since and have only gotten closer.

Since we were not serious to begin with I did seek out other women. It was easy at first, but then it became difficult due to the pandemic. Most didn't want to go out, but were still looking for some reason.


Looking for a partner online, but it is super hard. All the people who care about real love are not online much...but I don't drink or do religion, so I can't meet anyone at a bar or a church.

CandaceB Level 4 Nov 8, 2021

Online apps so far. It has been an absolute struggle. You spend an hour clearly communicating your interest and who you are. Then you get nothing but hyper-religious people who didn't bother to read. Or people who did read but don't really care because they just want nudes and/or a hook-up. Or, and this is terrifying, the 19-year-olds who are into older ladies, even after you explain that you are 40 and have a child in their age group 🤦♀️

Krista4505 Level 4 Dec 30, 2020

Just during summer when virus counts were low and no lockdowns. Now we're in a citywide soon to be provincial wide lockdown and I tell guys I'm not meeting not worth the risk.


So I am (41m) newly back in the dating pool. My wife of 16 years has come out as gay. Our marriage was unhappy for along time and it makes sense if she stopped liking men why we struggled. We are still good friends, I miss my wife but I am happy she is finally happy.

That aside I am trying these dating apps and am very frustrated. Either fake profiles and bots or paywalls before any real chance to make contact.

I have been asking friends to look at my profile and fix things that I did wrong. But I still seem to be getting no interest.

Does anyone know of any of these things work? Just found out on one site all my messages won't be delivered until they like my profile. Trying not to be negative but this is a horrible time to have to rejoin the dating pool.


I'm still actively engaging every woman who will still talk to me on the dating sites. I even had one who wanted to meet me a few weeks ago. Well, at least it was an interesting afternoon. The rejections don't bother me nearly as much as they used to.

BitFlipper Level 8 Dec 13, 2020

I've been seeing a man well, this is our 3rd Christmas celebration. Oddly enough he is a retired minister, lol. I don't laugh at his fairytails and he doesn't try and convince me of anything. He says he's always gotten along better with atheists than fundamentalists. Neither of us ever wants to be married again, he lives 2 hours away. We talk several times a day and he comes to visit once a week or so. We take a small chance with the plague because he does go out shopping and the gym. Always masked and social distancing. I'm a homebody anyway and now my shopping is done by somebody else. Only out to Dr app or the like. I do miss a dinner out and a movie date 🤷♀️

Booklover Level 7 Dec 13, 2020

Dating? Does sitting alone with some jazz and a glass of rum count? Or maybe a bottle of single barrel bourbon if I'm feeling romantic.


Actually have not even tried to this year ,Have a couple of interests I am going to stick with ,but both long distance unfortuneatly

RoyMillar Level 9 Dec 13, 2020

Nope, and likely won't ever again.


Same as before covid. Which means I don't date.

freeofgod Level 8 Dec 13, 2020

Me neither

@Kojaksmom I am also a blue dot in a red state. If there are any available men around here they are almost certain to be Orange supporters, republicans, and christians.

@freeofgod same experience.


Just wading through all the scammers, frauds, trolls, and wannabes!!!


Not well

bobwjr Level 10 Dec 13, 2020

Join the club

@Kojaksmom You will have far less trouble



I know I’ve heard that word somewhere.

skado Level 9 Dec 13, 2020

I have seen the light! Yes, a partner but not a life partner. Dinner partner, travel partner, hobby partner, passion partner, business partner etc. But don't nobody can't live with me. I love the freedom. I am doing great in the pandemic. I have been working from home, have the flexibility to finish work at any hour, go out, do errands, have work and home laptops side by side, be on Agnostic 24 hours a day, shine with my tech savvy and best of all not have to see dumb people face to face. I am hoping start to work from any location in the world. Finally the idea of dressing up, picking a bag and going to a shiny building to sell a block of time to someone has fallen apart.

If you really think through, there is so much you have have from this world on your terms just with your brain power, thinking differently and some courage. Times have changed. We really don't need to have a partner to be complete. The prerequisites are good health and sound finances.

Good things are happening - real estate - commercial is falling and downtowns as we knew them are collapsing, city residential real estate is getting cheaper coz people prefer to move to suburbs and avoid crows, avoid commute and mad rush. And Trump is gone. All those things are accelerated that I was hoping to see in my lifetime.

Thank goodness. If it is not God, I wonder who is doing it all for me?

St-Sinner Level 9 Dec 13, 2020

Sounds a bit like my plan


Welcome to the club. So you have seen the light (of wisdom) too?

@St-Sinner when it comes to relationships yes. I've come to realize there is nothing but I can't handle by myself.


So you agree that you do not need a partner to be happy and complete?

@St-Sinner yes, it's taken me too long but im there now.


Completely gave up dating , long before the pandemic ever began . Way too much effort , for way too little return . I hate being lied to or intentionally mislead . I have no desire to be around someone , who needs to reduce me to his level , so he can feel good about himself . There is absolutely nothing attractive about a man who intentionally starts idiotic arguments , just so he can have a fake excuse , to beat me up . I've always been self supporting , so can't be , "bought ." Don't like having my possessions destroyed , because he repeatedly has , "accidents ," around things I bought for myself . I feel more attention/affection from my pets , than from the previous men in my life . Well , all but one , a rare gem I never expect to match again . I like living in a quiet home . Hiring professionals is a lot cheaper than being married and still having to hire professionals , because he isn't willing to handle any chores . I don't have to deal with his bad habits - smoking , drinking , illegal drugs , theft , gambling , or his Mom / other family members . Just like religion , the important thing is to recognize , when you have a good life , and to not bring unwanted problems and discord into it , by looking for a non-existent , perfect other being , to try to make it heaven .

Cast1es Level 9 Dec 13, 2020

I’ve had some Zoom dates and one in-person date—no luck with any of them.

UUNJ Level 8 Dec 13, 2020

I'm also in a LDR with metalhead222, we video chat every night. When all of this is over I'll more than likely go visit him hopefully stay for a while, I miss him!

I thought the two of you were living together already!

@freeofgod We were but my Mom got cancer so I came back to take care of her during her chemotherapy.

@MichelleGar1 I'm sorry to hear about your mom. Take care of yourself.

@freeofgod Thank you! 🤗

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