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Are there any books about intimacy / relationships that had an impact on you? If so, please share.

Kojaksmom 8 July 19
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Also suggest visiting the local library and pick their brains .

Bishop Level 2 Aug 1, 2018

The Ethical Slut. Yes, it's heavy on the sex/ kink side. Regardless, there is excellent advice about being a self advocate in any relationship you may find yourself.


I just started reading Deeper Dating by Ken Page. So far I really like it.

bleurowz Level 8 July 21, 2018

I'm currently reading "More Than Two". It's about polyamory but has good general relationship advice.

Fallingeaf Level 3 July 20, 2018

Xaviera Hollander "the Happy Hooker".

FrayedBear Level 9 July 20, 2018

I read that! A very very long time ago

@Kojaksmom Published I think in the 1970's. She used to write every month in Heffner's Playboy. Nowadays Cosmopolitan is more explicit and technical she just supposedly worked based on experience with customers. At the time however she had had some worthwhile advice in a still prurient society that thought missionery was something men of religion went out to Africa to do. ?


Languages of love...Venus and Mars...Bertrand Russell...cao xueqin


Fanny Hill: Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure


Marriage 1, 2, and 3 no manual.

Masters and Johnson
I'm OK You're OK.
Men are from Mars Women are from Venus.
A sociology text book.
Many articles and videos.

EdEarl Level 8 July 19, 2018

Really good romance novels with strong women warriors and myths of Aztec goddesses. So much info out there and sites like this are informative. I like learning new techniques and stories that challenge stereotypes

EvaV Level 7 July 19, 2018

The sword of truth series. Best. Love. Story. Ever!

MrChange Level 7 July 19, 2018

I had several books on communication, which is a must know for introverts. Unfortunately, after reading them several times I got rid of them. For some of us, communication does not come easy and those books really helped. Sorry, I don't have the titles.

JackPedigo Level 9 July 19, 2018

5 love languages. It is Xian but has some good stuff.

I tried that. My ex kept pointing fingers at me. I know that's what Christians do but it still hurt. Guess that's why she is my ex.


Actually, there were several, but I have to mention, first, the one I wrote based on my own life and the lives of a whole lot of long-marrieds who claimed to be very happy. LOVING IN FLOW by Susan K. Perry. Look it up. I would say more, but I'm exhausted at the moment.

Sooz Level 6 July 19, 2018
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