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I have learned a long time ago that there really is no logic behind the notion of 'Love at first sight'...if anything, it is a physical-sensual feeling initiated by appearance and touch. Real heartfelt love is from the heart and mind, and takes time to develop. Of course, I am still waiting for someone to offer me a chance.

tedelliss 6 Jan 11
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Being an introvert, I'm typically a bit uncomfortable with strangers at first. It's a really big deal when I'm completely comfortable with a woman from the first instant we meet. It's always surprising - to both of us! It's not 'love at first site' but it sure is fun, unless one or both of us is married. In my nearly 5 decades as an adult it's only happened 4 or 5 times. I've been married to one of them for 40+ years.

MojoDave Level 9 Jan 13, 2019

I Remember looking at my late husband on our third date and saying to myself that I was going to marry this man. It did work out, I did marry him. We were married for 21 years until his death from cancer. Sometimes I think you just know.

Kojaksmom Level 8 Jan 12, 2019

i am sincerely sorry for your loss.

@tedelliss thank you


Love at first sight exists. Sometimes you just know. Mostly we don't which sucks. I agree that over time love becomes a very strong bond. But that initial feeling is just as "real" as the deep caring love that develops when you truly want what's best for your partner.

Infatuation and lust for me are when you want something for yourself and what your partner wants is secondary or doesn't matter at all. Love happens, fast or slow, when your partners needs and desires come first.

Nukdookum Level 8 Jan 12, 2019

Well, honey - you know what they say:
Women are like telephones...they like to be held, talked to, and touched often.
Push the wrong button - and you'll be disconnected! 😉

Lavergne Level 8 Jan 12, 2019

Well, I would love to experience that with a woman once more...ti just get too 'hung up' on the telephone . LOL


Understanding that we merely imitate what has been observe in these situations around us is important . When one comes upon this they can ask themselves : what does love really mean, what is it ? Because we are fragmented it is difficult to see as my young son spoke , that “love should be the same for everyone ,but through our rationalization we really believe we love one more than another”. He said: I love you Dad , and I love my son as well but because he depends on me ,I have responsibilities
to him that are different but I still love him, as I love you. He went on to talk about people outside of his biological family he loved as well. My experience has taught me that we will not resonate with everyone, and that is okay , being in harmony to me is respecting what others are and allowing that , without judgment or feeling as though we must fix them. With harmony respect comes and also the awareness that I can protect myself from others without feeling some kinda way about it. Anyway Love for me when it comes to a woman is about seeing in her qualities that are In alignment with my views towards humanity and not allowing a image that I have created of her to define who she is a image that she didn’t ask for, it will not let me see her as she is daily. Whew!!! I went on I know !!! But that’s my two
Cents ??

Nice! ?


Love has nothing to do with logic...😉


"Love at first sight" aka "my dream/ lust projected onto you". Give it 18 months at most.

FrayedBear Level 9 Jan 12, 2019

@craighoflin I believe that it has been proven that lust only lasts 1 day to 18 months maximum and I suspect that with the proliferation of attention deficit type disorders the lower end of the scale is becoming more common.

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