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Valentine's Day is coming up. I prefer to call it singles awareness day, and has a floral designer I spend it being absolutely exhausted. What does Valentine's Day mean to you even if you're single? Do you have a special way that you celebrate? I'll start out, my favorite way of celebrating Valentine's Day is to buy myself candy on February 15th when it's all marked down 50%.

Kojaksmom 8 Feb 7
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Possibilities, in a word. Single but happily romantic. Best memory is a shared seduction.

Tooreen Level 7 Feb 13, 2019

To me, Valentines is a product of Hallmark cards and intensive marketing. Major objective is to sell crap you don't need, and give unrealistic expectation of what "should" be, so you end up disappointed and miserable, and fall into that candy trap. I'm spending V day as I normally spend every other Thursday, dinner with kids and grands. It just happened to fall on V day, and because it is Thursday it's a school night and regular routine will be followed.


It's a nice way to sell more cards, candy, and flowers.

bleurowz Level 8 Feb 7, 2019

My late partner and I celebrated valentines day every day. Now I just get to celebrate it with myself.

Me too, i try to make the best of it


My status has been single for a while, but I did observe when in a relationship or married, in some way. Right now, I'm with your policy of Feb. 15th as the real holiday.

SonofMax Level 7 Feb 7, 2019

During my marriage, we always celebrated Valentine's Day. I often bought my husband a tiny gift. He bought me something sweet such as yellow flowers or Heart Jewelry. Going out to eat was too much of a hassle on such a busy dining out day so I tried to cook something special. Cards were often homemade but sometimes commercial. Yes it's commercial but busy people often need a little help remembering to take time out to smell the roses so I definitely miss those special days.

Lorajay Level 9 Feb 7, 2019

I ignore it like l do Easter. All the pressure is on the guy to get it right. If you are not showing your love the rest of the year, l don't believe this one Helladay will make up for it.

Sticks48 Level 9 Feb 7, 2019

HELLADAY :-0 I hope I can remember that, I like it. Seems more accurate to me than Holy Day.


The spirit of the day is good. There is nothing wrong with showing your partner how you care and this is an occasion to do it in a special way. However, I dislike the highly commercialized nature of the event. I think it makes men, in particular, feel obligated and then rated on their ability to spend. This isn't necessarily reality, but my perception.

IAMGROOT Level 7 Feb 7, 2019

Sometimes just a little way of expressing your feelings is best. Like for instance, it might be really nice for a man to cook dinner and do the dishes after . Maybe run your significant other a nice hot bath. That's simple and it doesn't cost any money.

@Kojaksmom Those needn’t be annual events. ?


I think it's important to show appreciation every day, but with that being said this is a day to really show it. I've said the typical response such as it's a hallmark holiday, it's just any other day. But isnt it nice to receive something to let you know you are valued? A simple card, a favorite DVD, etc. It doesnt have to be a big deal but to be recognized is nice.

Jama765 Level 7 Feb 7, 2019

It is, and most men and women think so.

@Kojaksmom agree. I think we just use those typical responses as a defense mechanism.


For me it is a exhausting week in my lingerie store, but I am not complaining it is my last busy time until summertime.


Let me start by saying that I just recently met someone and I don't want to be shot down for not doing something for her. That being said, when I mentioned Valentine's day, she said, "fuck Valentine's day". Which is actually what I was happy to hear. Did she really mean it though? I really hate the holiday, I used to enjoy showing my ex how much she meant to me, wasn't the only time that I did, just a specific day that I could justify spending the years budget on her and didn't feel guilty about spending so much. Now, going backwards, it was 6 years ago on February 13th that my ex said that she wanted a divorce. I gave up on Valentine's day at that point and have only participated if I was seeing someone that still thought that it was a special day.

Never believe a woman when she says it's just a normal day. Make it special for her.

I don't say things like that - unless I actually mean it. So until you figure out if SHE actually means it or not - get a sweet card and maybe put a couple of little "coupons" in there - good for a foot massage, or a home cooked meal by you ......if nothing comes to mind along those lines, you can never go wrong with a gift card to her favorite place to eat or shop.

@Lavergne love the coupons!

She may be wanting to avoid the embarrassment of. it knowing where the relationship stands. @Lavergne gave good advice. Keep things small and meaningful. If you aren’t at the I Love You stage, don’t use Valentine’s to make a proclamation.


Sounds like a great strategy.

Remowill Level 7 Feb 7, 2019

I don't much think about it. If you are in the right relationship, every day should be Valentine's day. Otherwise, it is just a commercial contrivance.


I usually dread Valentine's Day and other gift giving occasions because of all the expectations and difficulties guessing what might be fair or balanced. I don't like it when someone spends too much on me, especially if I can't afford to spend that much on them. I dread the possibility of someone being disappointed in me not giving them enough or doing enough. Add to all that, I'm terrible at planning and time management.


I downloaded a smorgasboard of Anti-Valentine Day's memes to unleash on you guys. Now that I am in a relationship, I don't know what to do. There is just no winning.

UrsiMajor Level 8 Feb 7, 2019

I hope you share them, especially if they are funny. Maybe they will be a good reason to communicate with the person you are in a relationship with, so you are both on the same page and neither of you are disappointed by either doing too much or too little for the other?

@Markss76118 memes are hilarious - you guys are getting 'em. The relationship is really new, but we are figuring things out pretty fast.

Oh please do share


no celebration


As a rehabilitated chocoholic (is chocoholics anonymous even a thing?) I love the idea..just hate the thought of running out after binge-eating that much....

But do treat yourselves to something, singles...a dinner out. A flower bouquet - and even a box of chocolates..on the day! Go're worth it!


Haven't really thought about it lately... I'll wait to see what Frankie wants to do...


15Feb! comrade! 😀 when I don't have a gf, 14Feb is first wife's and my wedding anniversary...

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