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What lies at the heart of loneliness ? Do you feel like you have more of a desire to be loved or do you feel more of a desire to show that you love someone else.

Kojaksmom 8 May 9
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I think this is two different things.


Love all your insight ful answer and i agree with them

RoyMillar Level 9 May 10, 2019

I would say both. I loving doing the little things everyday to show someone how much I love them, but we need to get something back as well.


One doesn't out weigh the other for me.

Sticks48 Level 9 May 10, 2019


JackPedigo Level 9 May 10, 2019

I think @Justjoni nailed it. It's not so much about loving or being loved as it is connecting. For me the two have to go together, because if you have someone in your life but you're not connecting with each other you can still feel lonely, and that has happened with me. Sometimes I think that's why some people go from relationship to relationship, thinking that that's going to cure their loneliness, when really I think it starts from within -- if you don't have a connection with yourself, then you can't connect with someone else on a meaningful level. Other people may help you find that, but you have to be open to doing the work.

bleurowz Level 8 May 10, 2019

For me, it’s lack of connection more than lack of love, and connection is a two-way deal. I crave mutuality of interest in each other. That flow of energy that comes with a solid connection is pure gold to me.

Justjoni Level 8 May 10, 2019

Absolutely agree. You can have someone in your life, but still feel lonely if there's a lack of connection.

@bleurowz Exactly!

I agree, although it's a 2-way street, it's more important to me to be giving. That opens the door to receiving. My love language is physical touch. A touch on the shoulder, a hand slipped quietly into mine, a kiss on the back of the neck. That physical intimacy is what I miss most.


Our idea of love is shallow but whatever works for everyone.

St-Sinner Level 9 May 10, 2019

Loneliness is the desire to be loved. We show love to our families, our friends, and sometimes even to strangers. Whenever I do something for someone else I'm showing them how much I love them. I feel alone when nobody shows me love. Sometimes my friends do things which make me feel loved. Sometimes compete strangers do random acts of kindness and I feel that maybe the world is going to be ok. I try every day to be kind to people so that they know I love them. It's when I don't feel loved that loneliness comes to haunt me.

Nukdookum Level 8 May 10, 2019

I think both. Maybe a little more of "to be loved." However, I love showing affection for a significant other.

Cabsmom Level 8 May 10, 2019

Both. Someone to share with. An equal partner.

Dew25 Level 7 May 10, 2019

Dont know? Can it be equal?

hippydog Level 8 May 10, 2019

That was my thought as well


I am an attention whore so the former for me. But i will say that it makes me more romantic and i am happy to be that way.

Nardi Level 7 May 10, 2019

For me is is the desire to exchange life experiences with someone in an intimate manner. I love to share and it brings me joy to share life with someone.


Want a partner

bobwjr Level 10 May 9, 2019

Feels different depending on whether I am with or without a significant other.

Davekp Level 8 May 9, 2019

the latter

I kind of think so too. I miss being needed / wanted by someone. I miss reaching out to them when they need someone.

@Kojaksmom Yes indeed!

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