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Women of all ages. How important is penis size to you in relationships. I think it’s a very intimidating thing for guys. Thoughts???

Lee-Timber 5 Apr 8
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I am sure this extends from life in the boys locker room. There are growers & showers. A woman's vag with time adjusts to her long term partner. The G spot is an interior extension of her clitoris. Whether or not the appropriate areas are stimulated has a lot to do with the mind & not necessarily the physical parts. Many women do not achieve orgasm by penetration so size does not matter to them. It is the porn industry that makes a point of focusing on size as it is easier to film. Such a non issue for most of us.

Mooolah Level 8 May 20, 2018

I refuse to comment or debate... ladies, enjoy the conversation.


Not much. I feel like women have the same insecurities....regarding our breast size. The older you get the more you realize whats REALLY important and IMHO size is NOT it.

jjenakabc Level 3 Apr 13, 2018

Size can be intimidating at both ends of the spectrum...


Not important at all IMO. I dated a guy who had a micropenis(really) didn't affect our sex life at all though he had major hang ups about it. Too big csn be problematic.


While I generally like an average sized to longer cock that is thick....the smallest one I ever had was curved so it hit my g-spot. Flipping amazing. Honestly, I generally don’t cum from actual sex so size generally doesn’t matter as much as oral and hands/fingers.

Pardon me for do you cum then?

@Lop-Eared-Mule from oral or fingers. It’s my understanding that most women do not cum easily from penetration but from clitoral stimulation.

Advice for men: don’t just climb on and get your rocks off. Women want to orgasm too! Use your fingers or tongue to stimulate her. Try to get a couple orgasms out of her before sex.


I like both length and girth but lack of either one is not a deal breaker. Like others have said, the way you perform is much more important than the tools involved. In fact, that's true for relationships in general...

Ginagm71 Level 5 Apr 8, 2018

The vagina does not have nerve endings all the way to the surface. So length is not as important as thickness. We females rely heavily on our clits for sexual satisfaction. It is often overlooked that the clitorus is the only human body part that serves no other function other than sexual satisfaction.

Kojaksmom Level 8 Apr 8, 2018

indeed and that is the part that is most important in sexual intercourse. Especially for the man.


My experience is that it isn't the size it is how you use it. My second ex that I was with for over 25 years was well hung. Had no rhythm, no imagination, and inhibitions that Freud would have loved to explore. I used to think it was a horrible waste of potential. I've had far, far better experiences with men less well endowed.


The women I have been with said it doesn't matter. The important thing is how I use it.

lbusche Level 7 Apr 8, 2018
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