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What's your favorite way to celebrate your birthday? πŸ™‚

My birthday is in exactly two weeks... normally I do something or go somewhere but this year I can't figure out. I've gone to Disneyland, Canada and PDX recently for my birthday, trying to stay close to home. I thought of Vegas but I'd be alone... it's on labor day this year so everyone will be out and about... idk, I'm coming up short on ideas and its rounding the corner quickly! (I have a small to moderate budget, no last minute trips to Rome, lol!)

pepperjones 8 Aug 20

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I joined a LARP group a few years back . Each year we hold a couple of events at my home . Since the lady who runs the LARP and I are just a week apart , we may plan an event around that time , but don't tell the others we're celebrating our birthdays . We have a great time , with a lot of like minded friends .


I will be 81 in 2 months and I do not celebrate growing older and getting closer to that last day of my demise. I do celebrate each and everyday that I am still here to enjoy this wonderful experience called life.


I don't like my birthday, which happens to be today. Don't know why, but I stopped caring about my birthday as a small child. I think because it's supposed to be a day about me, and I hate being the focus or center of attention.


Happy Birthday @Pepper!

I have a milestone birthday coming up next month - but to celebrate I actually took a month off in June and went travelling in Iceland and Scotland (ticking off many bucket list items along the way). It was just more convenient to do it then.

On my actual birthday I'm getting about 40 close friends and family together at a restaurant for a party - I'm looking forward to it!

For a normal birthday I usually just have some friends over, cook up a feast, and open several good bottles of wine πŸ™‚

@pepperjones I had a fabulous time thanks!


I didn't celebrate my birthday for 30 years. But this last year, I spent a weekend with my bestie, got massages, and just screwed around and laughed our asses off. It was fantastic!


I deactivate my Facebook page a couple days before my birthday until a full day after so I don’t have to thank people who really had no idea until Zuckerburg told them. Half the people who remember without FB share the same birthday. Then I drink too much and don’t remember what day it is. Have you been to SE Alaska yet?

I changed my birthday for that reason.


My favorite birthday thing is going to Hooters and the strip club. Going there with money being no object.


When I was born the heavens and the earth shook and shuddered! At least that's what I was told. Haha I usually hang out with some close friends, get together with a lady, and try to make babies so they can celebrate their birthdays someday also ??


Traditionally I go camping/canoe portage to Temagami, far removed from society for a week. Total bliss, away from email and all human contact. Truly the only way to get away.


I usually try to hide from people, and sit alone with a good bottle of whiskey and drink until I forget what day it is


My son in law usually fixes my favorite dinner. ( He is a gourmet cook), and I open presents. We usually play Cards Against Humanity, which is hilarious. Sometimes we go to dinner and to a movie. Sometimes friends come over for dinner and card games. We don't do anything that is a big deal, but just have fun. One biggie was on my 70th birthday, my daughter and I took a trip to the Equine Affaire in Mass. And stayed in NH. She got a bunch of my friend from there for a surprise birthday dinner. It was a wonderful weekend.


I'll tell you how not to have it. Don't have it on a holiday! LOL
My 40th bday was on super bowl Sunday. No one. NO ONE was available. I spent it by myself at home with a candle in a cupcake. I was single without kids so i didn't even have that ?


Um, what are you, 6? After about 10, birthday celebrations are irrelevant unless its a milestone like 16 for a drivers license, 21 to drink alcohol, 50 for your AARP card,....yeah, thats about it.
Take a trip because you want to, don't tie it to a Chuck E. Cheese obsession.

Dude. That's cool if you don't want to celebrate your birthdays, but it's a personal choice. @Pepperjones is so exuberant of life that she finds something to celebrate in every day, so I want to hear about her bigger-than-everyday plans for her birthday.

@pepperjones ❀ And we would all love to celebrate with you, for sure! Maybe some (birth) day ...

@pepperjones That's a deal - I look forward to it!


I pretty much celebrate for most of the month.


I usually don't celebrate my birthday.


I will be celebrating my birthday, next month, in Barcelona, Spain after a week in Amsterdam. After Barcelona, I will be in London for a week.

@pepperjones thanks, I liked your question.


My birthday just passed. I spent the day playing bridge.


Spoil yourself. Do a spa day and get pampered for the whole day!

@pepperjones I don't know... I don't really get it either, but a lot of people like to pampered I guess... LOL
Sometimes I think just going wild and making sure you have a "babysitter" to make sure you get home ok is the way to go. LOL
Or maybe a hike... πŸ˜›

You don't have to bother with the facial and mani-pedi stuff. Consider a massage and maybe one of those float tanks. Super relaxing. Plus, you might get a happy ending!


Hey fellow Virgo (my birthday is Sept 10)! I like to celebrate in a quiet gathering with close friends and family. That's always been the nicest for me.


My favorite is to do something that I have never done before.


Last year I tried to have a house party. Only about 3 people out of the 10 I invited showed up but I still had a blast =)


Going fishing, and a nice dinner out.

@pepperjones I hold some great fish fries -- fish either deep fried, blackened, or sauteed in butter with a marinade and bread crumbs, my own hushpuppy recipe including beer and tomatoes, and cole slaw.


Do nothing...I get older everyday and I was past annual demarcation points back in my late teens
...unless my mom was making cake...then I wanted cake


When I was a child my birthday was my favorite holiday. Other holidays are shared, but in our household the 'birthday girl' got her way in everything reasonable. It started with the family bringing in gifts and singing 'happy birthday', I got to dictate dinner and there was always cake. Even though it's close to Christmas, my parents kept them totally separate -- none of the Happy Birthday/Merry Christmas stuff. I've continued to celebrate. Often I invite people over and cook a special meal -- and have cake.
This year I turn 70 so I'm having an extravagant party with my favorite people at a restaurant. I'm paying for everything. It's my gift to them for being special in my life.


Nothing. I don't celebrate my birthday. Last one, I worked. For my 40th, I didn't have a celebration, go to dinner, or anything like that. But I had a fundraiser. Instead of gifts or dinner or lunch, I asked my friends and family to donate to an animal shelter/rescue, either one of the ones listed on my fundraiser page or their favourite shelter/rescue. I guess my favourite thing to do on my birthday is to do something nice for someone else.

Besides, my birthday is in the dead of winter so I don't like planning anything and not be able to go due to weather conditions. No one wants to go out when it's -31C.

@pepperjones Go for it. Grab some friends from here and have a spontaneous party in Vegas. My favourite place to go though, New Orleans.

I guess I don't like to be in the spotlight, unless I'm performing on stage. I don't like having attention on me. I always feel guilty. On my 50th birthday, I plan to go to Bali and volunteer for the street dog rescue. To me, that is doing something for myself too because I've always wanted to do that.

@pepperjones I want to go back to New Orleans soon hopefully. You’re welcome to join there too. We should get a bunch of Agnostic ladies and head down there!!!


The solstice was on my birthday last year so I drove to Missouri to see it this year the zip lines

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