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I keep seeing people posting about the allegations of sexual assault against Bill Clinton and how Democrats turn their head when it's one of their own. (This is coming from people who either believe Dr. Christine Blasey Ford is lying or, they believe she was assaulted but think she is mistaken about who did it or, they just feel that sexual assault doesn't really disqualify Brett Kavanaugh from sitting on the Supreme Court.)

Actually, I believe the allegations of sexual assault by these women against Bill Clinton. So, please don't assume you know my thoughts on the matter. I would love to see someone actually go forward with a case against him and have him convicted. But, that's not happening. Until it does, there will be no retribution. I mean, think about it. Bill Cosby was considered "America's Dad" for years until these allegations came forward. And I would never have thought ill of the man until they did. Now, I hope he rots in whatever cell they put him in. I hope Harvey Weinstein is convicted too. I think that Al Franken did the right thing by stepping down. And if charges were brought against him, I would have supported the person bringing them too. So, stop trying to make this about party lines. When you do, you're just being an asshole for the sake of your party support.

Having said that, to the best of my knowledge, the first allegation against Bill Clinton was by Paula Jones and she didn't go public with it until 1994. That was a year after he was already in office. If she had gone public with these allegations before the election, you may very well have seen a different result at the polls during the primary or in the election (if he still made it as the choice in the primary).

These allegations against Brett Kavanaugh are being brought up before he gets the position. They need to be taken seriously. Yet, you're completely willing to disregard them as either false or irrelevant.

The claims against Bill Clinton were relevant. They were relevant enough to bring articles of impeachment against him. There were four total articles brought to the house. Two were considered strong enough to advance. Obstruction of justice and perjury. None of the Democrats in congress voted guilty. (Which I believe shows the stupidity of party support regardless of reality.) But, not all of the Republicans voted guilty either. so, he was acquitted on both accounts.

So, until someone brings charges against Bill Clinton for sexual assault, please shut the fuck up about him. It has no bearing on anything current. And if the women who were assaulted by Clinton don't move forward with charges, you're just throwing out distractions against what is currently going on because you don't want to face it and you don't want to admit that it's important. And that's a shame. You can't feel that sexual assault is a valid issue. You can only use it as a political tool. And, you care nothing for the victims.

Duke 8 Sep 30

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32 comments (26 - 32)

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Mr Clinton couldn't keep his penis into his pants , and the ladies did not claimed anything " against my will ". I don't care where the president gets his excitement , that's between him and his wife . I can call him an idiot , but not a rapist .
I have no doubt in my mind than none president while on power at least , went through their marriages without cheating . Well , that's for their wives to worry . And for me to make my mind what type of weakness and what type of character they own . Mr Kennedy was doing anything that had two legs and breathing , including an actor who made a career based on looks and sex instead of actual acting . Ok . Not a rapist . If a murderer thou ......, I will had need a trial to help me w that .
The assholes we are dealing with in these days are different kind of animals . Unfaithful or cheap vagina or paid vagina is not the issue . Rape is .

@jorj I wouldn't talk. You flirt all kinds of lines from what I'm reading! ?

@jorj really? Fun and games? ?

@SukiSue thank u ma'am ♥️

@jorj I don't have to be careful sir . I give exactly two rats ass about my political correctness . It is what it is , u can say it w five words or w one , I don't give a damn .

We certainly don't know but I'm willing to wager that Jimmy Carter never cheated. Except in his heart perhaps.

@jorj @Pralina1 Manners and respect, however, are not.


He was impeached because he lied about getting a blowjob. That was also consensual.

He has a number of other allegations. All it takes is for the people he supposedly assaulted to come forward and make a case. A lot did, he denied (as do most) and it is now history.

So... Here you go... Your own words... "So, until someone brings charges against Bill Clinton for sexual assault, please shut the fuck up about him."

I don't condone what he did. He strikes me more as a charmer who used his power to harass women. To put pressure on them. Allegations of rape were brought forward but the case never went anywhere.

Clinton was inappropriate work place behavior! Not criminal!

@Freedompath It was still harassment and wrong no matter how you look at it. But I would vote for Bill again in a heart beat!

@RiverRick harassed but not criminal! A agree completely inappropriate!


he wasn't impeached for sexual assault. he was impeached for lying to congress when asked about a consensual affair that wasn't anyone's business but his, monica's and hillary's. trump's minions are afraid he will fall into a perjury trap. clinton actually did -- because he was asked about something that was never asked of (among other eligibles) jfk, ike and fdr. everyone knew that this was off-limits... until it wasn't. paula jones is another matter but he was not impeached over that.


@linxminx if he can have a lunch break on our dime and a golf game, he can have a blow job. we may not like that, but it's still none of our business -- and he wasn't impeached for wasting taxpayer money.


@linxminx no, not a huge deal. we can disagree civilly. not every can, alas! but we don't entirely disagree. i am not trying to give clinton a pass on his indiscretion. i am trying to say that congress had no call -- and certainly no pure motivation -- to impeach him over it.


@linxminx he can also take a poop at tax payers time . I guess the issue here is sex a physiological need and can a married man restrain him self if such need w other women . As far as know , regular joe seldomnly able to . I can't imagine how Mr president would be any better . I am not happy about , but I am not sleeping w either the joe type either the president type so I don't give a rats behind . Not my issue .

@linxminx I understand this .

@Pralina1 that is close to how i see it. i guess i can also point out that the impeachment and the "investigation" that led up to it wasted enough taxpayer money to raise the question of whether or not it was worth doing over that issue. i mean, lyndon johnson used to make senators talk to him from outside the bathroom door so they could hear him pooping. that was kind of gross. impeachable? and did it make him a bad president? as far as i know, dubya never had a blow job in the oval office. is lying to the american public about illegally invading a foreign country that never attacked us and didn't have weapons of mass destruction an impeachable offense? is it worse than a blow job -- and more to the point, is it more our business than a blow job?


@genessa I am not concerned about my ‘tax payer dime,’ it shows a lack of discipline...when having affairs or sexual encounters in ANY workplace! But, it seems shocking to have this happen... in the PEOPLE’S house! We expect at least professionalism, there of all places!

@genessa Having a blow-job is not unethical, even if you are married. Lying about it is.

@Gareth granted, gareth... but then so is asking about it when it's not in and of itself unethical and doesn't affect his performance as president. he should not have been gone after for that and asked. had he not been asked, there would have been no occasion to lie, and i am not excusing the lying but come on, impeachable for that? seriously? high crimes? not!


@Freedompath on the grand scale of things, i think going after him for that when traditionally we give presidents THAT much leeway and try to focus on the job done, not the blowjob done, is more unethical than either the sex of the lying (in answer to a question that should not have been asked). did anyone ask george h w bush that? oh wait, we don't know if HIS affair(s) was/were in the oval office. does that really matter more than, say, his son's attacking a sovereign nation under false pretenses? that's lying too, and if dubya didn't get a blow job, he sure delivered a snow job. cherrypicking what to impeach about is political and has nothing to do with ethics (or the people's house).


I was responding to linxminx but replied to the thread owner in error.

@genessa I believe the difference in this specific ‘sex’ story is this is a attempted sexual assault! This is not some encounter that went over the line! Or some guy, who really put the pressure on some gal, for sex! This is intended violence...for sex or power! And I know the difference, because I have been there! When I say there is sexual assault and there are men, who will try and aggressively try to have sex... it is not the same! A sexual assault has something to do with ‘bringing down the woman!’ At least that has been my experience and a man of this mindset should not sit in judgement of others! Your other points, I agree with. There are so many issues that are more important than sex! But at the same time ‘sexual assault,’ may be a symptom of a much deeper problem!

@genessa I like that you put that ‘g’ at the bottom of your post...I might have to borrow your idea!

@Freedompath lol but your initial is f! if you put g, people will wonder! of course that isn't always a bad thing.


@Freedompath that is of course a major difference. sadly it's not even our only objection to kavanaugh but holy crap it's a big one!


@genessa ha ha...glad you pointed that out...there is so much ‘f’ going on, I might need to rethink my idea!

@genessa right...

@Freedompath as long as your second initial isn't u....

oh my that reminds me of a good moment from the odd couple (the play and probably the movie, not the tv show, although it may have shown up there). oscar madison is upset with the little notes felix unger leaves around the house, which felix has signed with his initials: "fu."



He was put through a trial for the Monica Lewinsky allegations.

And do you know who penned those sexually explicit questions?

Do you care to guess?

Tantrum boy screamer Brett.

Not to mention that Al Franken was thrown out for far less.

And he should run again.

He would get re-elected easily I bet.

I agree with you!


Right On the Money Duke.


Hear, hear! Bravo! Extremely well-written!


All.true. And then the larger issue of why women wait years to say anything.

Women do wait. When my ex and I were married we had an argument one day. I forget about what. In bed that night I rolled over at 3 AM and her voice came out of the darkness, "and another thing I don't understand . . . . . . . . "

This is a true story.

@DenoPenno I guess you know why she's an ex, then.

@Gareth Among other things she thought drama was communication.

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