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Friends I find myself confuzzled....

I was talking to a gal on OKC and she turned me down based off the fact that I'm a Sagittarius....

Keep in mind I don't expect every woman was placed on the planet for my satisfaction and I know if I were God's gift to women I'd probably be the gift equivalent of picking out a gift from a drug store toy aisle...It actually doesn't hurt my feelings to be turned down.

That being said do folks really base their possible match with a person based off of zodiac signs anymore? I thought that was just a 70's thing or something crazy people too lazy to take the time to get to know a person would do...

Not to mention it seems to me if you consider one of the astrological signs was kicked out when we adopted the 12 month calender you should probably take the 12 remaining signs and their potential in a match with a grain of salt.

josh23452 7 Oct 4

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I haven't even been asked that in at least 30 years.

That was dated in the 80's.

People still do astrology?


Typical Sagittarius...


This is what you should have said


That is great!


I think that if a woman turns you down based on your astrological sign, you should be grateful. I would hate to actually spend time with someone in person and then find out they're batshit crazy.

JimG Level 8 Oct 5, 2018

Oh trust me I am sir...I felt neither insulted or attacked..But who can pass up a chance to dig into a crazy person's head?

Oh ho ho, but they are all with out a shadow of a doubt batshit crazy...

@Eric_in_bham i think you need to learn some new adjectives. How about batshit reality-challenged? Or batshit mentally ill?

@Punkrockgirl77 fact that a dumb comment from a random dude got you triggered goes a long way toward proving my point 😉

@Punkrockgirl77 well pretty much most people are, including women. It really stems from lies tbh

@Punkrockgirl77 what makes what you think worth more ?

@Punkrockgirl77 since you seem know all the people in the world, and must have dated many women, you have so much experience in matters of psychology and the causes of all the different forms of crazy, oh omniscient queen of authoritative knowledge, I better just take your opinion above all and just bare your many insults toward me and my thoughts and the validity of them. Miss you keep unequivocally proving the validity of my position by your behavior in a simple opinionated forum, but you must be correct since you feel so very offended by me not sharing your same life experiences, which btw makes you a prime example of why my opinion is formed thusly.

@Punkrockgirl77 I never claimed to know anything I simply stated my opinion based on my own experience, sometimes they change but I still think what I think given what I've witnessed, I'm allowed to disagree with you without you calling me ignorant, it's not like I'm putting up propaganda about women being crazy, but as I've said it cements my opinion when you attack me over something that's subjective to personal experience.

@Punkrockgirl77 it's not an assumption lol it's a theory, as I have yet to witness a woman whose behavior doesn't fly in the face of logic.and that's not saying that men don't also behave bizarrely, I just haven't known 100 percent of them to.


If you would have read your horoscope that day, you'd have known what to expect.

The stars show signs of a nut job


I'd say that you dodged a bullet.

Oh I saw the sucker fly by friend....More just amused at the suggestion and followed up lack of logic....When I mentioned Ophiucus and how basing astrology off the 12 month calender made no sense since the Greeks at the time went by a 13 month calender...The response was "only a sag would mention Ophiucus"...No people who read would.


Perhaps you can just look at it as having dodged a bullet.
If she believes in the zodiac, she's clearly not rational, or logically-minded.


Astrology is bunk. However, having said that, Sagittarius is, of course, the best sign, How shallow of her not to recognize that fact!

It used to be the best sign. The NEW best astrological sign is Ophiuchus!


Don't ask me, I'm an Aquarius. We don't believe in that astrology nonsense. Word.

Apparently we Sagittarius are the ones that don't believe it.


Astrology is just another hocus pocus religion, imo.


It does not surprise Sagittarians are party people. At some point, most women want a man who is more likely to make a good husband and father...someone like a Cancer who's home is his castle and would rather stay home. In other words, a tom cat is fun and popular at parties, but they make poor husbands. Now you know 🙂


People are dumb + women are crazy= you can imagine a Venn diagram to explain the people on okcupid or plenty of fish, add a third circle for societal ignorance by choice and you've got an effective summary of the dating landscape. The trifecta.

Women are neither more, nor less, crazy than men, but in a feminine, intriguing way. Don't you think? ?


dunno it can be scary accurate

Lol I reckon it's like folk who see Jesus in their oat meal....Its easy to find the similarities if you look for em.



Possibly just a way to nicely move in another direction.

Possibly but i'd gotten a message from her indicating interest so figured I'd say hello...Thankfully she let me know she was cookoo for cocoa puffs before anything happened between us.


Have you considered that this could have just been a strategy to soothen your pain? Last year some guy told me the same story and it made me think. By using some element that is really outside your influence the woman gives you the nice, dignified exit option: "There is essentially nothing wrong with you! I am not rejecting you because of your bad body odour, your drinking and smoking habits. My rejecting of you has nothing to do with ... you were just born on the wrong date!"

Honestly I would of much preferred just a "hey I'm not interested" however the only reason I reached out to begin with was I'd gotten a notification that she had done the OK cupid equivalent of swiping right.


Hey I'm a Sagittarius! That explains my not dating!

@Kattywampus69 then maybe you should check this out []

@Kattywampus69 you centaurs got it made. I'm still waiting for the fetish for boring old guys with no money

@Kattywampus69 first of all, is there a horse face community in Britain? Second, the matriarch of horse face, Carly Simon, should be an inspiration. Third, the grace and beauty of the horse has been admired for thousands of years.

@Kattywampus69 I just looked. There's 15 seasons! I haven't even finished oitnb!

@weelittleone the royal family of great britain and the commonwealth are whoreshipped (sic) as the echelons of the horsey people ?

Apparently we are a special breed.


Simple. She's not for you.


I don't spend much time with people that follow astrology, but I have met a few. I try to avoid them when I meet them.


Humans are capable of believing, and doing, ANYTHING imaginable.


True dat! But is it possible that she just used that as an excuse? Maybe she is trolling for a billionaire and she was not impressed with the size of your yacht.

I leave myself open to all possibilities my friend..


Years ago, James Randi the magician, went to a collage and talked about astrology. He told the class that he had arranged for their horoscopes to be generated for them. After he gave everyone a copy of their special horoscope he asked them if it agreed with how they were portrayed. They generally agreed that the horoscope described them very well. HE GAVE THEM ALL THE SAME HOROSCOPE. Enough said.


Holy shit, dude! Talk about winning the lottery!

Think of all the ambiguous gray dating relationships that you have ever been in that went nowhere and took forever to get there. The flaky/wishy-washy/nutty/milquetoast person on the other end just couldn't communicate clearly that this wasn't working for them; wasting both of your lives. I know I frequently experienced that when I was in the dating pool anyway.

Whether she was honest or not; this gal made it clear to you early-on, in no uncertain terms, that you two would not be moving forward. If she was honest, than the reason is because she is bat-shit crazy and you didn't have to wait until you were emotionally invested to find this out. If she lied, than that is a win as well because the reason is that she is an awful person. Either way, as said elsewhere in this thread, you quickly dodged a bullet and other lost souls seeking companionship should be so lucky!


Don't Kavanaugh that girl, my friend.

godef Level 7 Oct 4, 2018

Its kinda weird you feel the need to suggest that but ok.


I think some people say that, because they are not interested. Of course that is cheesy as a fake phone number. I never been handed a fake number, but I friend who a number of times.

I'd of considered that but she indicated interest by doing the OKC version of swiping right. Otherwise I wouldn't of contacted her.

@josh23452 o ic


Nothing like some good woo woo. Here is a great clip on this subject, by Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson.


i guess so! look, i met a guy who believed that everything in the universe is a conspiracy, primary among them on his list the moon landing. he had a nice home with a nice wife and kids, and he was kindly, if rather quiet, and as far as i am concerned totally insane, on that one little basis. i don't think his wife, who was my friend at the time, believed what he did. she laughed it off. i am not sure i could laugh such things off and your experience strikes me as par for the course, but par for the course is "people are strange."


Damn right

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