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I guess I’m trying to find a common thread with people on here that’s not necessarily faith based. I identify as atheist, humanist and a free thinker but it certainly doesn’t define me. I actually pay it very little thought. Am I alone in this? Is this site mainly populated by those who want to debate theories relating to their iconoclastic beliefs? If so..I may be in the wrong place. Just as much as I avoid answering my door to mormons, I really am not motivated to have debates around beliefs with people who I have no other background on, that’s why I became an atheist in the first place.

Julesjah 4 Oct 21

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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I am not entirely certain that I really grasped the essence of your question, but it certainly gave me a good idea.

That’s ok, I am sure that I come across as ambiguous on the odd occasssion. Glad to have prompted you forward ?

@Julesjah perhaps you prompted me sideward rather than forward ... but that's still ok.


I pay it no thought at all much more interested in actual relationships- I don't think your'e in the wrong place we have a good laugh on here and I haven't yet any proseletysers more people who are trying to find answers for the void after stopping believing I am lucky I think to never ever having had a god - If you do see something you don't like just move on - as I said plenty of laughs here and a lot of thoughtfulness for others.


There are many topics discuss here. Not just debating. I have not fully explored everything on here, but I have seen tons of discussions on many topics. If there is nothing you see posted that you want to discuss, do like you did and post a question or discussion topic. Personally I have many things I like to discuss, and many things I enjoy doing.


If you look closely, there are a few defining characteristics of the membership here. First, everyone is incredibly attractive, just physically appealing using any criteria you want. Then, there is the far above-average intelligence. Finally, we are atheists and agnostics. Correlation among the factors? Someone should research that. As for the people who like to argue, who cares? ?

He, he, did you forget about the people we are holding in the ‘backroom?’

@Freedompath A back room? I'd love to learn about that.

@zeuser’s the ugly people! The ones that are way below ‘par,’ on everything! When they fess-up to being ‘incredibly attractive’ with ‘far above-average intelligence,’ we will take them into the ‘fold!’ Then we will do the same thing with the next batch...until we make this world a better place!

@Freedompath That's the spirit!

@Freedompath shshshsh shshshsh
use the secret hand shake first...


Some people just like to argue. A person who who goes on and on about atheism is just as annoying as someone who keeps trying to persuade another to their religion. Like you, I don't define myself by my non-belief. I do however sometimes like to share my experiences with religion or religious people. As a way of support and understanding. But I don't like arguing at all. There are many kind people here, and also some nitpicking and obstante ones. I hope you find a place you feel comfortable.


I just avoid the militants and try not to get sucked into arguments. I have nothing to prove nor anyone to convince of my beliefs (or lack of).
It seems that most of the vocal ones like to argue, not debate. If you don't fall in line with their thinking they are quick to ostracize you and point out your perceived flaws. So ignore them.
Just have fun and enjoy yourself.


hey and welcome i believe there are currently over 500 groups some will be religious orientated for people having just left or struggling with issues around faith loss etc but many are just a wide array of other topics hope you find some to your liking


Welcome to the asylum. Enjoy your stay.
You are not required to debate anyone, about anything, if you don't want to.
There are plenty of other topics of discussion on this site. Check out the groups. Maybe you'll find something that interests you.

I was kinda hoping that would be the case. The only reason I mentioned it is because most people who have contacted me feel the need express their beliefs. 1. I would have thought that they were fairly obvious due the nature of this platform. 2. I would never lead a converstion based on theological or ethereal beliefs...what ever happened “hey, how you doin? Anything you want chat about, I’m here etc?
I’m in no way upset or put out by any of this, I work in human services and am interested in why people feel the need engage this way and why these interations occur. I genuinely curious that’s all.

@Julesjah it took me a bit to adapt here. I joined some groups not religion-based, blocked a few hot headed right-wing supposed agnostics and am now thoroughly enjoying my time here.

Depending upon my mood I just view and post about “fluff.” Occasionally if I’m feeling deep or philosophical I’ll post or comment on more cerebral things.

For me this is entertainment. For others it’s more about theoretics


You are free to join groups that hold your interest. There are many and they are varied. Most of them are not about religion and there is no reason to speak of religion within them.


Rather than telling us what does NOT define you, tell us who you really are (what does define you, and what you hoped to find on this site. You seem to be pushing away, rather than looking for common ground.

Thanks for your thoughts. It was a general question that was asked out of general interest. I have posted on my interests with very limited response. I assure you I’m not pushing away, just trying to learn the why’s and how’s of this platform. I’m inquisitive and by nature ask questions. I’m no shrinking violet. ?

@Julesjah that is the ‘nature,’ here! I too, notice some things that I post get more responses than others. Just human nature...sometimes ‘when it rains it pours!’


No debate. I'm atheist. Done.


I enjoy sharing my perspectives on most anything people wish to talk about. It doesn't mean I lay awake at night rehearsing them.

This is a platform constructed specifically to discuss topics of interest to freethinkers and our interactions with a predominantly theist society are bound to be one of them.

The good news for you is that you can stick to other topics if you want.


You are not alone. I am an athiest by consequence of my philosophy. My athiesm does not define me.


I'm an atheist, but religion (or the absence of) is far from being my greatest worry. I'm far more worried about climate change, poverty and oppression than any kind of religious or spiritual considerations.

I agree, I think it’s much more important to expend energy towards efforts that have an effect on our environment and the animals we need to sustain our ecology than worrying about belief systems. I do understand though that is my opinion and not always shared by others. It’s goid to hear that you have, what I consider to be, your priorities straight ?

Have you ever considered the fact that politics and religion go hand in hand ?

@Charlie_tM I definitely think that religion is a pillar of tyranny. But I also think that nations and religions only a role in the big picture. The real deal world wide is social class warfare, the rich against the poor.

@QuidamOutrepont What in your mind creates this social class Divide then ? Would you say slavery was also down to a struggle between rich and poor ?


I wonder if you have noticed ‘some,’ people who have questions and are posting that, wanting to find some answers! If you care to debate them, I guess that is up to you, but most people just respond to post, that bring up something to them at that particular moment! You can put here your own ideas, questions or opinions, unless, you attack someone, you are free to express yourself here! At least that is what I have been doing here! My best!


There's not one theme, b/c this place is a site where MOST people are atheist or agnostic, but varied in that belief an all others. I don't see it being solely theology based faith discussions. There are lots of different topic on here...just being presented by someone that is probably an atheist or agnostic.

My comments were based solely on how people were introducing themselves to me in an unsolicited way. Their beliefs were very upfront in their communication. I was very surprised and curious as to weather that kind of response was required to communicate with others on this platform. I have had numerous people contact me to explain that this is not always the case and that this was common for new members to be approached like this. I’ve made plans to circumvent further discourse of this nature ?

@Julesjah Ahhh...I get it. For me, no, I don't wear atheism on my sleeve. I acted like that somewhat as a christian and don't want to be that obnoxious ass again. This is a site where those beliefs will be more prevalent and influence discourse obviously, but I haven't seen tunnel vision or militancy about it per se. IMO, I am more than just an atheist....or at least I try to remember that I am.


You are not alone. I am a pragmatic agnostic: don't know - don't care. But I think the site is useful for those who are still figuring out where they stand on these existential issues. You may find some interesting topics/people between the cracks.


I joined recently. I have been looking around & find this is much like other 'specialized' groups. There is a trait, or cluster of attributes, defining the site. Here it is a general disbelief/distaste for religion. Another group I belong to, have mutational characteristics that define the group as a whole. Another.. political views. after that, anything seems to go.
Like some one else said here, - have a specific interest? light up the site with it...


I noticed that. I attribute that to the agnostic part of the website. There are still those that are wrestling with the concept. They are still trying to get past it. I usually just scroll past. I have no problem getting past it!

Della Level 6 Oct 21, 2018

Definitely not a debater. Newer user here, but so far I haven't seen as much of the keyboard abuse that I witness on Facebook between 'debating' parties.


If you spend 5 minutes perusing, you will notice that Anything goes. Why would you wish to define us, or yourself, with narrow parameters?


I grew up in Wisconsin and never saw religion. Not as a thing that had anything to do with my life. Certainly not something that I had to be wary of or respect people's opinions in. I just ignored it and it me in college, travelling around the world, living in D.C. even grad school in VA. I never sought out or avoided people based on religion or not. Then I moved to Memphis, and the political climate changed here (for me) and nationally (for everyone). And i still don't want to deal with religion at all, and hanging out with athiests was never a thing for me, but now I feel I have to. I feel we need to be a group to combat creeping religion in government. I am self-servingly and politically an atheist and on this site to date/ befriend atheists to have a few people I can relate to politically and on my Sunday morning sleep ins. I want it all to go away, but religion is getting in my face and I'm not going to suffer it quietly. So come joke with us. Keep in contact. Ignore the religion bashing (although religion has become so entwined with government it is scary) and know there are people like you who want to just have it all go away.

Holli Level 6 Oct 21, 2018

Very nicely put,i too
have that game plan(survival)!!!


Your not alone. I don't use this platform as much because I just really hate religon and want nothing to do with it. I am in the memes group for laughs but thats about it. Good luck in your search

*you' in "you're not alone"

you're = you are
your = possessive -- your house, your education, your beliefs, etc.

@SkotlandSkye must be ‘error,’ free?

@SkotlandSkye I could care less. So piss off


There are many activist here and many here just for the community. Join in discussions that interest you! There is something here for all. I am very active since my son got in trouble at school for stating that he is an atheist. But you don't have to be, Just be yourself!


Make a post or respond to one that's not about faith. Also many interesting groups to join for other interests you may share.

MsAl Level 8 Oct 21, 2018

You are headed in the right direction....

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