So good people of the universe, how do you all handle the assumption from Christians that you believe in Jesus? I meet alot of people in my profession that assume I believe in Jesus and I find it a struggle to politely tell them that I don't without the feeling of them condeming my soul to hell.
Yeah, when I go to a chinese restaurant, sometimes the waiters would start speaking in Mandarin to me, and I have to explain 1) I don't speak Mandarin; and 2) I barely speak Korean.
They politely nod and leave me alone, but I know that they judge me. Silently. In Mandarin.
When I tell them I'm agnostic, I usually get the reaction that reminds me of an old Star Trek episode. An accusing finger slowly points towards me and then I hear the words, "You're not of the body!" This alerts other Christians who slowly encircle me, reminding me of Invasion Of The Body Snatchers. Desperately I make my escape and outrun them, reaching the sanctuary of my home. Bolting the door behind me, I can only hope that the ' No Soliciting ' sign will keep them at bay. Sorry. Did I wander off topic?
I remember the episode and I agree it is just like that.
Thank you, chucklesIII
Depends on the day. Sometimes I tell them I worship my lord and master Satan. Then I tell them I’m just joking I don’t believe in God or Satan.
I think it must be more relieving for them to be speaking to an Athiest rather than a satan worshipper.
I just let it be known. So. Many say, I'll pray for you, I know you don't believe in that sort of thing. And instead of my answer, don't bother. I just say thank you. I have no feelings one way or the other. Not to believe is very refreshing to me. Makes me feel free to do as I want knowing this is it baby. Make it a great life.
I ignore it unless pressed, then I tell them that I'm an atheist. It seems to disappoint them that I'm not a screaming monster as an atheist but someone they thought was a good person. The dichotomy is something that they find difficult to deal with.
I think that's the best way to insert the thin end of the wedge.
I like how you worded “someone they thought was a good person.” It is surprising how many religious people correlate being religious with being a good person. Anyone that gets to know me and then finds out I’m an atheist is usually surprised that I am one.
Only had one vistor wanting to talk about religion recently ( months ago), told him I was atheist. He said okay and just a little bit he came back asking if I would be willing to talk about my beliefs, and I asked "why"?.. he said he had never met anyone claiming to be atheist, (this is a very small town). So I said sure and we sat on the tailgate of my pick-up and had a talk. His first question was why was I an atheist, and I told him because in don't believe in gods. He said so you think you're right, and millions of others are wrong. I said "yeah". Later he left with a "thank you" , I enjoyed the talk. Think I planted some seeds.
I have no problem telling them my beliefs when they impose theirs on me all the time.
Very situational; depends on how militant they are and how respectfully they conduct themselves.
Militant = Sarcasm "That's adorable!"
Respectful = Compassionate dialog about how I just couldn't talk myself into believing anymore, but I'm glad It's working out for you.
I live in the south where religion runs rampant, so that's something I get a lot. It always annoys me when someone assumes that of me or tells me "Good bless you". But I try and ignore it as I think they generally just mean well. And I'm really not very confrontational either, so I can let most things slide. However, if I feel there is a real need to defend myself I have no problem doing so. However, I try to always do so politely and respectfully to throw people off since they think atheists are just savage cave dwelling beasts with no manners.
It depends how I'm feeling that day, sometimes I just can't be bothered to answer the plethora of questions when religious people find out I'm a nonbeliever.
It can be scary. I just say I don't believe and then wait for the fallout. I have several stickers on my car from Freedom from Religion Foundation. One says: when religion rued the world, it was called the dark ages. From a biker guy, I have been told I will burn in hell! Sometimes people come up to me and say: I love your stickers! So, there are hidden supporters too.
About them stickers I had one that stated "Dog is my co-pilot" (the play on God is my co-pilot stickers). My kids scraped it off as they are believers....I put up another one and they scraped it off as well...So much for freedom of speech!
I don't think there is any point in disputing the idea that a guy named Jesus lived and gave some pretty good talks. When it comes all the claims of supernatural acts, that's where I demand independently-verifiable evidence. Put up or shut up. What? You don't have any? Well that is revealing...
Actually, Christians can't prove that Christ existed.
True dat.
Actually, it is highly UNlikely that Jesus of Nazareth ever existed. For example, we know that Nazareth didn't exist until the late 3rd century.
I say it's stupid to assume that everyone is the same religion as you. I don't know how to answer politely, because it is stupid. I guess. I'm direct, and I get more respect when I'm direct. Sometimes I just say, I'm an Atheist, I do not believe in God at all.