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I just made level 7. It feels like i left our solar system, and am now heading for the stars...gonna be a long flight, i hope they feed us.

AliceDaneal 7 Nov 18

Enjoy being online again!

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Good for you. ? Make sure you don't let the 6 and under crowd know what the secret handshake is. Heh.


On your profile under Details, is a new link to the right of Level. Click on your underlined number of points and you get the Level page. This shows how many points you need to get to the next level, and perks at each level.

To get from Level 7 to 8, you must go from 10,000 to 50,000 points.

When you reach Level 8, you get a free T-shirt and ballpoint pen. In unisex sizes, you can choose black or purple.

It's a long, hard slog. Felt like forever....

So that's why I've been on level 7 for so long. . .


They’d probably offer pretzels or cookies. Anything more you have to pay. It’s a long way to level 8 and I’m about to run out of fuel.

Oh no!

@AliceDaneal I’ve got to just over 40000 points. Still a ways to go.

Have 5 points on me. Drop in the bucket, I know, but it’s the best I can do...

@Bobbyzen I'm fine. It's not a race. It just gets tiring sometimes but I'm not here for points or levels anyway. I've got plenty of clothes it's not "get an Agnostic T-shirt or go naked".

@graceylou Don’t say the word “naked” to me unless you’re ready head over to the “Talk Dirty to Me” group. It sets my imagination on fire ?




Join the club of the 7’s on the long road to 8. We’ll get there... eventually!


Congrats!!! I am almost an 8! Working for that t-shirt...ha ha ha...


Sorry, NO SOUP FOR YOU!!!!!


Congrats! I hope you had fun getting there! This seems to be someplace to go, when nothing else fits...even without the points! Lol


Visual feast here! "Food Glorious Food"



Now,begins the slow process to level 8. I'm at 7.3,creeping towards 8,will I see it before 2020? Who knows? But it depends on activity,responding to posts or creating ones.


Your points increase each time someone "likes" or comments on your posts. You gain points as you sleep.

"You" is one of the 18 most persuasive words in the English language, according to a study by Yale University. So, include "you" in your headline. Here are some of my most successful posts, by number of comments:

Are you lonely?

Do you feel like an outsider?

When did you start drinking coffee, and why?

@LiterateHiker Being lonely,is a fear we all have at some point in our lives,I was for many years dateless,my miserable wages held me back,so dating was few and far between,only when I got a better job,was I able to afford a wife.,so 27 years(26 good ones) flew by,now back to being alone again.......


Sorry, they don't.






Congrats Alice!


Just little bags of nuts.


I don't anticipate ever getting past level 7


You do get an opportunity to collect a free T-shirt when you pass into level 8... I also got a pen, but no food.


Welcome aboard! A flight attendant will be with you shortly.


I have been on 5.8 forever. Just 300 more for 6 yahoo.


Congratulations Alice, I just made 7 the other day myself.




Congrats on reaching level 7. It's a tremendous accomplishment to reach that level. I was so happy when I reach it last month. Hoping to reach level 8 by the end of the decade and currently at 7.1 . Maybe we will reach level 8 at the same time. Come on t shirt and pen.


Congratulations ??? keep us posted on your journey!!!


Didn't you hear ? It's BYOB

moxy Level 4 Nov 18, 2018



Grats! 🙂

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